7/30/19 11:12 a.m.
In reply to mr2s2000elise :
It's like everything else, just do it, don't think too hard about it, and don't act like a jackass without having a video camera running.
Far more dangerous driving to work every day with hundreds of idiots in 2 ton battering rams watching their phones.
WonkoTheSane said:
Thanks for reminding me that I've been needing to pick up a pole saw attachment for my Echo. I keep forgetting until I have time to prune the trees.. Ordered!
Yay for remote chainsaw injury instead of the local type I'm used to!
Double-down and get the saw-blade conversion kit. I sliced up a bunch of privet like buttah this weekend.
There are lots of ways to get hurt. I do have a healthy respect for chainsaws, but if you wear the proper protective gear and don't do anything stupid, you're going to be fine.
Try to avoid "danger stacking."
A ladder is dangerous.
A chainsaw is dangerous.
A chainsaw up a ladder is more dangerous.
A chainsaw up a ladder flying a kite during an electrical storm is off the charts! 
thanks for the vote of confidence guys
I am using my "manual" one, for another hour, before heading to the store for the big boy toys
Another "Please Don't":
Please do not lean your 24ft. extension ladder up against a limb to be cut unless you have quite a few feet of ladder above the branch. Neighbor did this, weight of the limb gone, branch flips up, ladder leans on air, neighbor drops 20 feet to the deck.
He slept sitting propped up on the couch for three weeks, nothing broken just oomphed!
I used the sawsall to cut some branches that were hanging over the fence , worst thing was all the peaches hitting me in the head !
I should have cut these months ago before they had 100 pounds of peaches on them !
Can you wait for the taller branches until the leaves fall off which will make it easier to get the ladder placed better.
Using ladder + electric pole saw I solved all and trimmed all trees
thanks for the help
914Driver said:
Another "Please Don't":
Please do not lean your 24ft. extension ladder up against a limb to be cut unless you have quite a few feet of ladder above the branch. Neighbor did this, weight of the limb gone, branch flips up, ladder leans on air, neighbor drops 20 feet to the deck.
I did almost the exact same thing except I cut the limb most of the way with the chain saw and finished it with a hand saw. Limb did exactly what your neighbors did. Fortunately I had my left arm wrapped around another limb and was hanging from the tree like a monkey.
10/28/19 9:00 p.m.
If you're at HF getting a pole saw, pick up one of their $168 Baker's scaffolds as well. I think they go up to 6' and it's a large plywood platform instead of a tippy ladder. SafER. Not safe, but a little better.
I have also done pine trees by going up the tree. Really not safe by the books, but in my trees it was pretty foolproof. I did some white pines and a blue spruce so they had plenty of beefy branches that made it as easy to climb as a ladder. A very sticky, poky ladder. Once up where I wanted to be, I strapped my harness around the trunk and cut top down. The trees were probably 40' tall and I only took out the bottom 15' or so of branches so I was never really high up.
Even though I have a 22 feet ladder I didn't put it against the tree
some I climbed on roof and cut from there
rest I left the ladder in a V (upside down) shape, and whatever I could reach with my 12 feet pole saw
it is hard to balance the pole saw with the weight at the end. And your hand gets pretty tired.
I am happy with the result .
Weve had a HF Lynx battery polesaw and have used the crap out of it for about 2 years without issue. Extends to probably 15' and chews through small limbs no problem. Even use it to cut thick brush trunks like buckthorn or autumn olive, easier than bending over with a chainsaw.
Get it with a coupon and its a lot cheaper than Kobalt equivalent. 2.5ah battery vs. Kobalt 2.0ah, but Kobalt saw is 80v instead of 40v.
Its probably worth it to get brand name here though for warranty (HF warranty is 90 days) and battery compatibility.