Smelly vomit and lots of it. Anyone have a few spare washer/dryer combos they can spare? Ugh.
Just put them in their kennels until they quit puking, then take them outside and hose them off.
Works every time
I actually hosed off much of the bedding when it happened last time, but this time it is well below freezing outside - that won't work.
This has been a tough winter. I had a cold that lasted over two weeks. Now the wife has it. Severla friends have had it and it's the worst I recall for many years.
Dump chunks in the toilet and shower the sheets down to get the rest off. Then toss everything in the washer.
Sucks man. Look on the bright side....well, theyre throwing up all over, so I guess there is no bright side. Good luck man.
RossD wrote: Dump chunks in the toilet and shower the sheets down to get the rest off. Then toss everything in the washer.
I did exactly that, and the last load went in at 4, running nonstop until then. Alarm went off at 5:30
It hurts when the kids are hurting, that's for sure. Keep 'em hydrated, take 'em to the doc if the situation warrants it, and know that this too shall pass.
That just went through our house. Thankfully it was only about 24 hours for each of us. The kid up chucked about all night long. Not fun.
Mom is a nurse at an elementary school. She got a text from the nurse at another school in her district (less than a mile away) that said "get ready, it is here". The text was Tuesday. Yesterday she had her first kid not feeling well. Today she had at least 3 pukers.
My nephew was in the hospital last weekend due to dehydration and we had a kid from our city who was under 1 year old die at the local hospital last week from H1N1.
Yeah, the stomach bug this year is a nasty one. I heard it is a strain normally seen in aussie land, so we do not have the general herd immunity that helps to limit it. So it is spreading like crazy and it is rough. It also seems to be all over the map on how it affect you. It has hit all 3 kids and the wife. She got a double whammy of the flu and the plague. I'm praying it passes by me.
Hoping everyone gets better soon. Keep em as well watered as you can. Pedialite/gatorade is your friend.
Tuna, I hope the family gets well soon. We had it 3 weeks back. Same day we moved. That was all kinds of awful.
My new house has one of those laundry sinks (old one didn't) and it is the first thing that came to mind for cleaning up puke.
We're done. Work on the Tunatruck continues tonight. Everyone slept a whole night. Nobody threw up in over 24 hours. Every pillow, pillowcase, sheet, blanket, towel, carpet and floor has been washed in the past 72 hours. We're almost out of laundry detergent.
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