Something tells me that The Gulf is none too happy with us.
18+" of rain in Pensacola in a DAY! barely a week into hurricane season. This, my friends is a frightening preview of the next few months.
The Gulf is ANGRY! and at last, healthy again.
Karma's a bitch.
Send some to Chicago. Usually our lawns dry up and go dormant late July. This year? Late May. My lawn is looking like hay and I have 3 long months to go?
In reply to Pete240Z:
We definitely need it here in Illinois. My yard about matches the dogs pee spots 
We had one hell of a heat snap over the past 10 days or so and my lawn was looking like that too. Now, it's cold and wet. Real wet.
Pete240Z wrote:
Send some to Chicago. Usually our lawns dry up and go dormant late July. This year? Late May. My lawn is looking like hay and I have 3 long months to go?
Hell, Make sure to drop some off in Georgia along the way.
Pete240Z wrote:
Send some to Chicago. Usually our lawns dry up and go dormant late July. This year? Late May. My lawn is looking like hay and I have 3 long months to go?
damn, I could only wish .... yeah I HATE cutting grass .... I'll go away now 
6/9/12 7:37 p.m.
Things are just drying out here. We had a lot of rain. The river in my backyard is almost back down to normal - it was barely contained in its banks for the past couple weeks.
6/9/12 8:01 p.m.
Ain't seen rain here since last Fall. Could use a few drops.
Canadian weather service predicted a hot dry summer for the praries, so its been raining pretty much every weekend since the snow went...
Glad to know y'all's weather service is about as reliable as ours...
You can keep it. PA (south central PA, anyway) had it's yearly rainfall record shattered by almost 20" last year. Tons of flooding.
maddabe wrote:
Something tells me that The Gulf is none too happy with us.
18+" of rain in Pensacola in a DAY! barely a week into hurricane season. This, my friends is a frightening preview of the next few months.
The Gulf is ANGRY! and at last, healthy again.
Karma's a bitch.
and I was dumb enough to drive into P'cola and hang out at the bike shop haha
A few days to a week before Pensacola got it's drenching, the weather on the Jacksonville news said that the state was down 12-15 inches of rain from a "normal" year. We made it up in one weekend and it's still coming. It rained in the "Jacksonville area" pretty much 6 out of the last 7 days and it is looking like next week will be a repeat of last week.
Guess this is why it's called "The Sunshine State"?
6/10/12 10:36 a.m.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Glad to know y'all's weather service is about as reliable as ours...
yeah... weatherman .... the only job I know of where you can be right 10% of the time still get a raise
6/10/12 10:40 a.m.
Beautiful sunny day here, but most of the week has been pissy.