White gravy goes on biscuits, and shouldn't really be white, because it was made in the same pan that just fried up some sausage patties.
What are we talking about again?
White gravy goes on biscuits, and shouldn't really be white, because it was made in the same pan that just fried up some sausage patties.
What are we talking about again?
I'm not a big fan of annexation, homologation, incorportation, or anything of the sort.
Canada is its own country with its own government, pride, flag, and honor.
I don't think that any border should be dissolved until it is basically useless. If we (US and Canada) both evolve to a point where we are essentially the same thing, then we can talk about it. But this whole idea of merging countries when they aren't basically identical is BS and unnecessary.
Right now, merging with Canada would be like convincing a girl to sleep with you and then dealing with the bullsh!t of the bastard child you created. I think it should be more like best friends who find themselves already completely compatible before they bump uglies.
Let me say it this way... until the US gets on board with how Canada does 84% of its stuff, Canada shouldn't lower themselves to our level.
My .02 is that we (USA) got stuck at 50 states and you know how little most 'mericans like change.... Well how about we start combining some tiny states (Vermont and New Hampshire spring to mind) get rid of political redundency and then we have room to invite new states to join.
Canada would be great! Great Britain would need to be taught to drive on the right but they could do it eventually. Annexing Mexico would let us build a much shorter wall further down the penninsula to keep undesirable elements out...
The rest of the world keeps accusing the USA of imperialism, I say we just embrace it and start to expand.
Don't you Americans know that Canada is way too cold and full of European-style hippies? It's all true I say! You don't want any part of that!
Vinegar on CHIPS is British. Gravy on CHIPS is available at every CHIP shop but I don’t know if that originated in the UK or if it was re-imported from Canada (I doubt it). That lumpy greasy E36 M3 that is served over ‘biscuits’ is not gravy. Biscuits are not those weird doey lumps served underneath what is misguidedly called gravy. Biscuits are misnamed as cookies over here.
Got that?
Other than a health system that actually works pretty well, don’t be so keen to merge with the UK either. I’m considered very very liberal by the standards over here, but when I go back to the UK I’m some sort of libertarian freak. Personal freedom, control OF government, personal responsibility are lost over there. Guns, knives, driving are vilified and customer service is an oxymoron.
Canada needs to free up on selling alcohol and learn to display distance and speed in meaningful units and ‘eh’ should be banned from the language.
Over here we need to get god the berkeley out of politics for real, not just imaginarily so. Get a single payer health care system, get government the hell out of marriage, the bedroom, women’s bodies etc. Puerto Rico, Guam, The US Virgin islands etc. need to be made States. The CIA needs to take out Castro II and make Cuba a state too. The word ‘herb’ will get the H added back. Zeeeeee will be replaced with Zed. Aluminium and Colour will be spelled correctly. The use of a word that actually means ‘Without a lack of regard’ at any point in a person’s life will immediately mean that person is no longer allowed to hold any job above minimum wage (Which will actually be a living wage) for the rest of their lives. Five minutes after the Board of Directors and senior management of Monsanto have been shot at dawn the death penalty will be banned for ever.
Once we’ve done all the above we can re-unite all the countries into the ‘The United States of previously held British territories’. French and Spanish should be banned on all forms and phone systems. We can keep the concept of three branches of government but rename the President as ‘Prime Minister’, the Congress will be renamed the ‘House of Commons’ and the Senate the ‘House of Lords’. All ‘states’ (formally known ‘States’, ‘Provinces’ and ‘Counties’) will hold seats purely on a pro-rated per capita basis. Gerrymandering will be banned and impartial computer programs will be used to determine all districts for elections. Then we can all live happily ever after.
So as to not show favoritism the seat of government will be located on an artificial island in the Atlantic with several hundred megatons of big bad nukes underneath that will be exploded the minuet the overall government gets a less than 25% approval rating. Voting will be daily via a big red button in every house in the Nation. No escape boats allowed.
IS there anyone I haven’t managed to offend yet? IF so let me know and I’ll update this to be more inclusive.
I'm with you, other than the anti metric rant. And you need to stop calling them "Chips". You are the only ones who do, so give it up already. Ok, and quit using the extraneous "u" in your words. Its the reason the Americans have taken over the world- British subjects waste valuable time every day typing extra U's for no reason.
Sorry America...
We can't let this happen.
You wouldn't be able to handle how awesome you would become if we let you be the eleventh province.
Come back when your country hits puberty and we can talk about it.
Mitchell wrote: White gravy goes on biscuits, and shouldn't really be white, because it was made in the same pan that just fried up some sausage patties. What are we talking about again?
This and it is even better made when made from the remains of frying quail. It is best kind of gravy. Y'all can keep that lame northern E36 M3 you call gravy.
Have you ever noticed how gravy, fried chicken and iced tea get steadily worse when you go north? What kinda savage doesn't have sugar in their tea?
Nope, Canadians also call them chips, if they're served with fish. And don't the British already use the metric system for fuel?
mistanfo wrote: And don't the British already use the metric system for fuel?
It doesn't mean it's right! I'm happy with metric for most things.
Oh, and I forgot, when the current UK and Canada revert to gallons for fuel, the current US also has to recognize REAL gallons, not these pissy little US Gallons (Stop calling them English, they aren't!) The up side is ever vehicle on the road will suddenly get 25% better fuel econ so California can stop bitching up a storm!
In reply to Adrian_Thompson:
I still support a trade of Canada for California......the catch is that Canada must keep the californian population.
Just think, you guys will have sun, warmth, earthquakes, ecoterrorists, etc.....it'd be perfect for both of us.
93EXCivic wrote:Mitchell wrote: White gravy goes on biscuits, and shouldn't really be white, because it was made in the same pan that just fried up some sausage patties. What are we talking about again?This and it is even better made when made from the remains of frying quail. It is best kind of gravy. Y'all can keep that lame northern E36 M3 you call gravy.Have you ever noticed how gravy, fried chicken and iced tea get steadily worse when you go north? What kinda savage doesn't have sugar in their tea?
The kind of savage that know how to brew it so it isn't a bitter mess that needs sugar. Luzianne bags, and slow brew, either in the sun for 4 hours, or in the fridge overnight.
mistanfo wrote: Nope, Canadians also call them chips, if they're served with fish.
Well, its "called" fish and chips. But nobody refers to the fries by themselves just as "chips". So the meal itself has a name, but the individual components of it aren't called chips. I have never in my life heard anybody go "can I have one of your chips?" when I've been eating fish and chips, and let me tell you, as a person who basically lives life on the road, I have had my fair sampling all across Canada :p
HiTempguy wrote:mistanfo wrote: Nope, Canadians also call them chips, if they're served with fish.Well, its "called" fish and chips. But nobody refers to the fries by themselves just as "chips". So the meal itself has a name, but the individual components of it aren't called chips. I have never in my life heard anybody go "can I have one of your chips?" when I've been eating fish and chips, and let me tell you, as a person who basically lives life on the road, I have had my fair sampling all across Canada :p
I have both here and in the UK, people call Chips chips and not just when served with fish. But then again I spend a lot of time with other ex-Pats. It only gets really confusing when someone opens a bag of crisps and there are untrained locals around, then they get really confused
HiTempguy wrote:mistanfo wrote: Nope, Canadians also call them chips, if they're served with fish.Well, its "called" fish and chips. But nobody refers to the fries by themselves just as "chips". So the meal itself has a name, but the individual components of it aren't called chips. I have never in my life heard anybody go "can I have one of your chips?" when I've been eating fish and chips, and let me tell you, as a person who basically lives life on the road, I have had my fair sampling all across Canada :p
This may be a generational difference. I grew up in the 50s and 60s, and we called them chips. As the tidal wave of American media washed over us, and American fast food joints proliferated, the term fries became more and more common. Canadian English is largely disappearing as the ubiquity of American media persists.
As you get farther from the border, you can guarantee quizzical looks from Americans if you ask for vinegar with your chips.
GameboyRMH wrote: Don't you Americans know that Canada is way too cold and full of European-style hippies? It's all true I say! You don't want any part of that!![]()
This. Seen way too many of those 'eh?' nutcases down here jumping in the ocean on 50 degree (F) days. You put milk in BAGS, fer Chrissakes. The gravy on fries thing has been covered ad infinitum already.
Y'all are nuts. Keep that crap up there, ya heah?
I got no issues with the food or the health care plans. I will say, however, that if the US were to take over Canada, the first thing we should do is put a stop to that ridiculous punting on third down. It was bad enough you had two teams called the Roughriders in the same league.
But JG---- if the CFL didn't exist, where would our undersized, less-talented football players play?
Although this would open the door for a Rob Ford / Rod Blagojevich ticket for president! Now that would be a campaign worth watching!
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