Trooper of the year
Steed pulled him over for speeding with his wife in the car.
"She said she clocked me at 73. I said as fastest I was going was about 62," Choate said.
Choate was arrested and charged with DUI, but the charge was reduced to having an open container of alcohol in the car after a blood test showed he was not drunk. Choate says he was forced to pay $3,000 in fines to get his car back.
Choate was also upset that his wife was forced to find her own way home after his arrest.
"They dropped her off at a Burger King," he said. "She didn't have any money, she didn't have her cellphone with her. She had to borrow a quarter from a lady to make a phone call."
Steed and her attorney have not responded to requests for comment. Utah Highway Patrol says it cannot comment on pending litigation.
She is under investigation by the FBI.
BTW, he was DUI nor were a number of other drivers who have filed suit against the Trooper of the Year.
Did you copy and paste from a very bad journalist or were you drinking. Kind of hard to follow, but I think I got the gist.
Carguy123 said:
BTW, he was DUI nor were a number of other drivers who have filed suit against the Trooper of the Year.
ABC news version
Basically, she's been arresting for DUI whomever she wants for years now. In typical fashion, the Utah Troopers are saying she hasn't done anything wrong, blah blah blah. We had a similar case here in Central MS a few years back: Local Cop made Cop of the Year one year, was sued and fired the next for DUI's he couldn't prove in court. His fall? He gave a DUI to the wrong woman. She had friends.
Meh... I'll read one of the actual articles after the Rangers fixed... Off to the ranger...
it's pretty scarey. Glad to see the Dash Cams worked for the public's protection this time around.
carguy123 wrote:
"They dropped her off at a Burger King........."She didn't have any money..........She had to borrow a quarter from a lady to make a phone call."
Come on, where are pay phones? That are a quarter?
we still have a few around here ... 'course this is the south 
Attorney Michael STUDEBAKER, who is one of the lawyers leading the class-action lawsuit, says he has been contacted by at least 40 people claiming Steed wrongfully arrested them on DUI or drug charges.
His real name? lol
Isn't Utah Mormon country? Alcohol use is frowned on isnt it there?. Its my understanding that not just the cops out there think they are god and will act accordingly.
1/5/13 11:10 p.m.
That depends...
If they are Mormon cops, then they ARE god, so acting accordingly is just practice for when they have their own planet, right?
I work in not-law enforcement.
Our first employee of the year just got fired.
It's lonely at the top.