As I get older, I'm reminded every day that 99% of people in this world give absolutely zero thought about how what they do affects anyone but themselves. I think that the majority of the time, they're just completely berkeleying unaware. They literally don't give it a single thought.
I feel lucky that I can name the people who I can trust to do THE VERY SIMPLEST of things they say they're going to on one hand...and even luckier that 3/5 of those people are blood relatives.
If you're one of the other 99%, take a look at the list of excuses you give for not being able to do really simple E36 M3 like fulfill your financial obligations, show up at a specified place at a specified time, etc. You'll probably recognize a pattern.
If the #1 excuse is "Well, my girlfriend...." maybe it's time to grow a pair of testicles, kick that b*tch to the curb, and surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed.
If it's "Oh, I forgot." There's this amazing tool called a pencil. It's been around for thousands of years. Sorry you're late to the game, but better late than never. If you've got a smart phone, you can set reminders, and it even has a clock that's never wrong!
If it's "Sorry, I was busy," motherberkeleyer, come stay with me for a week, and I'll show you what berkeleying "busy" looks like.
If you find yourself constantly talking about how you have no money, you're either mismanaging your money, your time, or more than likely, both. Read a berkeleying Tony Robbins or Dave Ramsey book or some E36 M3.
If you are perplexed by the fact that the rent didn't magically pay itself the day that it was due, in spite of the fact that Venus, Jupiter, and the Moon were all aligned, you asked the invisible wizards in the sky, and even spent $100 on lottery tickets just in case, guess what: It didn't happen because you didn't berkeleying MAKE it happen.
Lastly, if you've got no problem being a berkeleying flake who surrounds yourself with constant berkeleying drama because you mismanage your time and money, and don't give 2 E36 M3s about anyone but yourself, realize that your inability to function as adult makes the responsible people around you look like berkeleying flakes too. Or just do the rest of us a favor and stick a berkeleying bullet in your head.
End rant. Sorry. I don't know how much more of this E36 M3 I can handle. I'm thinking of selling my business, all hobby related E36 M3, telling 99% of my "friends" and family to eat a bag of d*cks, and taking up Golf. This way, the only person who can constantly disappoint me is myself.