My girlfriend's daily is a high-mileage but impeccably-maintained Avalon her parents handed down to her when they bought...a new Avalon. Thrilling, I know.
It's got a minor oil leak from the valve cover gasket, and I think it's just the front, so maybe I'll get lucky. If not, it looks like I'll have to remove the intake manifold, throttle body, etc. Or maybe I have to take all that stuff off to get to the front, too. I dunno yet, hence the point of this post.
The indie shop down the street from us quoted $350, which doesn't seem too bad, but it's just high enough that I'm thinking of tackling this myself. Fun part is, she can't be off the road for more than maybe a three-day weekend, so I'll have to have my ducks in a row before I tear into it.
Any wisdom from experience to share about this job?