6/24/11 9:19 p.m.
That's a rare commodity in the dating world.
Sane is good. Sane but off-kilter is better.
6/24/11 9:31 p.m.
Oh yeah? That's comforting 
tuna55 wrote:
That website of yours... are those conversations typical or are they just the funny ones? If they are average, I have doubts about the future of mankind.
Sadly, that's about 3/4ths of the conversations I have. The rest are "Nice profile, let's have coffee!" I've made a lot of great new friends through OKCupid, but haven't "clicked" with anyone that way.
JoeyM wrote:
I prefer "sane"....The next time I'm dating, that is a feature I will prioritize
Newsflash: All women are crazy. Just...some of us are also sensible and channel our crazy better than others. This is why I have three project cars, and nothing newer than a '91 atm. ;)
One persons definition of sane is another persons nightmare
Hey, both my wife and I have kept our OKC profiles. Hell, that's how we met. We keep them for the interesting stuff like what Miss Raves has shown us here. We don't save most of our conversations, though.
JoeyM wrote:
I prefer "sane"....The next time I'm dating, that is a feature I will prioritize
C'mon sanity is overrated! Based upon many of the posts on this forum many of us don't meet the classical definition of sane.
Yet some interpretations of insane are universal. The last girlfriend was quite attractive, and uh... fun to be around, but now I won't touch her with a ten foot pole. To come out unscathed from that relationship makes me feel like I recovered from a high speed tankslapper, so I'm going to just take it easy for a while.
As far as the topic goes, attractiveness is a lot more complex than body shape. Size two, size twelve... It's the sum of the parts, and how they are put together. The brain is one of these parts.
In reply to cwh:
My sister went thru this. Put my family thru hell. (ever see a padlock on the fridge?). I was on my own by then so I didnt live thru the drama. She survived but is still to thin. So skinny grils scare the crap out of me. My wife (30 years in July) is not skinny nor fat, just right. Im so glad I dont have to boldly go where no man has gone before ( internet dating). At my age I guess we all (me ) have too much baggage. My wife and I dont have much in common. She will attend races and watch races on tv. She doesnt have a problem with project cars. She thinks Im a big kid?
Me, I'm thoroughly sick of drama. I do NOT want any more. I waited far too long for the ex to pull her crap together, life is far too short to waste any more of my time like that. I'm willing to accept all kinds of imperfections both physical and personality wise but no more crazy, thankyaverramuch.
6/25/11 9:06 a.m.
I'm fat, my wife is thin. I like cars, she couldn't care less as long as it is well maintained and clean. When we met my salary was twice hers. When we retired hers was twice mine.
Sounds like a recipe for disaster but we will have been married 43 years in August.
So I would say a lot of the things mentioned in this thread are not really important.
Hal wrote:
I would say a lot of the things mentioned in this thread are not really important.
Best internet quote of the year! 
A lot of things mentioned in most threads aren't important, but they are really fun!
But back to the maxi-kini. Some styles and clothes are designed for one body type or another and are best viewed when worn by those people. Spandex and bikinis were not designed with the larger, lumpier set in mind.
It's better for all involved it everyone would wear the clothes that are age, gender and body style appropriate. But you know that's not going to happen - that's what Walmarts are for!!! You get a chance to see it all with prime examples of how not to dress.
Walmart is not a place for the fasionistas, it's a place full of bad examples. Moms should be parked outside with their kids showing them what is not acceptable in public.
6/25/11 10:02 a.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Hal wrote:
I would say a lot of the things mentioned in this thread are not really important.
Best internet quote of the year!
Worthy of "say what" because it encapsulates this forum rather nicely.
And now some things cannot be unseen. Thanks.
BTW, where and how the heck did you find my pic???? 
My god. Ranger50, are you my identical twin?
Chrissakes Ranger50 and JB, are we triplets? 
You guys are all beautiful to me
Mostly on the inside 
6/25/11 12:20 p.m.
Sounds like a cliché, but the older (and hopefully wiser) I get, the more important that is. I'll take charisma over beauty any day.
I had charisma but the doc gave me some pills...