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JoeyM SuperDork
5/1/12 10:39 a.m.

[EDIT: This is resolved. I've found a good, inexpensive source for blood products. My thanks goes out to the GRM family for their efforts to assist me. You guys never cease to amaze.]

I've seen some odd information requests here before. (e.g. wearymicrobe's question about CNC machines.) This will top that.

I messed up, and didn't place an order in a timely manner. Our labs need animal blood (50 ml of horse and 50 ml of sheep) by Monday of next week. The "manufacturer" (e.g. farm) that supplies remel/fisher/carolina only does blood letting on Tuesdays, and it is VERY unlikely that they will process an order this late.

Does anybody know someone in the business of supplying blood to labs (affiliated with academic institutions) who can speed the process up? What about a blood letting on a non-standard day?

If you have info that could help me get the blood by monday, shoot me a PM. What I'm hoping is that somebody here can give me contact info....

fromeast2west Reader
5/1/12 10:43 a.m.

Depending on how much paperwork you need to back up the source/quality of the blood, you might be able to contact your local large animal vet, or even better, the closest school with an ag/vet program.

JoeyM SuperDork
5/1/12 10:43 a.m.

Forgot to add that I'm looking for defibrinated/citrated product so it won't clot in the 'fridge. We don't have shakers to keep intact blood liquid.

nickel_dime Dork
5/1/12 10:43 a.m.

Yep your right, that's weird. Sorry can't help.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
5/1/12 10:50 a.m.

Try here: http://disc.yourwebapps.com/Indices/26844.html

JoeyM SuperDork
5/1/12 10:55 a.m.


Interesting idea. I don't doubt that wannabe-vampires buy real animal blood. I do doubt that I can deal with them without getting ripped off. (Outsider, not part of their community, hence someone they feel free to take advantage of.)

Conquest351 Dork
5/1/12 10:59 a.m.

I've got 5 horses, but no sheep. Dunno how this helps, but I like talking about the horses. Me likey horsies...

aircooled UberDork
5/1/12 11:13 a.m.

Wow, you may have actually found a question the GRM "cloud" cannot answer...

...we will see.

BTW - Putting "I Need Blood Now" in the title might have gotten you more responses (GRM's in the "blood" business may skip the thread no knowing it's in their wheel house)

madpanda Reader
5/1/12 12:03 p.m.
aircooled wrote: Wow, you may have actually found a question the GRM "cloud" cannot answer...

pshh - We can do anything!

I've worked with a vet before that might be able to help you. I'll send you a PM.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker UltimaDork
5/1/12 12:21 p.m.

You take a syringe into a farmer's field and get some blood. There are plenty of sheep and horses around. If you need it separated... a dremel can do 30krpms. Attach it to a cut-off wheel with some safety wire 1 vial at a time and let 'er rip.

Duke UberDork
5/1/12 12:34 p.m.

Contact your local college/university's Animal Sciences or Ag department. They might be able to help you out.

Enggboy New Reader
5/1/12 12:51 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: You take a syringe into a farmer's field and get some blood. There are plenty of sheep and horses around. If you need it separated... a dremel can do 30krpms. Attach it to a cut-off wheel with some safety wire 1 vial at a time and let 'er rip.

It would be better to do two at a time, on opposite sides, that way you balance the forces. It would also be twice as fast...

JoeyM SuperDork
5/1/12 12:54 p.m.
aircooled wrote: Wow, you may have actually found a question the GRM "cloud" cannot answer... ...we will see. BTW - Putting "I Need Blood Now" in the title might have gotten you more responses (GRM's in the "blood" business may skip the thread no knowing it's in their wheel house)

Thanks, good point. I just went back and changed that so the title includes "blood"

FWIW, I've gotten one promising lead (via PM) so the GRM hive mind has not failed even with this bizarre question.

mazdeuce Reader
5/1/12 1:28 p.m.

I know that my parents (both small animal vets) had jars with an anti clotting compound in them for blood transfusions. As dogs are all universal donors we always had a big dog at home to help with blood supply when needed. Usually the blood would be taken and put in the jars and it wouldn't clot for the required amount of time between when it was taken out and when it was put back in. I'm not sure if large animal vets use these same jars so the guys who have access to the sheep and horses might not have the equipment and those with the equipment might not have access to the animals. My mom would also regularly donate blood to the local college the same way, non clotting. I'd try to find a vet that does both large and small animal medicine and see if it would work. Theres a lot less cross talk between the two disciplines than there used to be, so you might need to convince a few different people to talk to each other. Good luck.

DoctorBlade Dork
5/1/12 1:43 p.m.

Now if you needed Stomach goo for Cows I know where to get that from.

gimpstang New Reader
5/1/12 4:57 p.m.
fromeast2west wrote: Depending on how much paperwork you need to back up the source/quality of the blood, you might be able to contact your local large animal vet, or even better, the closest school with an ag/vet program.

This, but ask them to use Heparinized tubes so it won't clot.

Lesley UberDork
5/1/12 4:58 p.m.

Hmm, well I have a horse, and a leftover prescription for coumadin. GRM to the rescue.

mazdeuce Reader
5/1/12 6:52 p.m.
gimpstang wrote:
fromeast2west wrote: Depending on how much paperwork you need to back up the source/quality of the blood, you might be able to contact your local large animal vet, or even better, the closest school with an ag/vet program.
This, but ask them to use Heparinized tubes so it won't clot.

That's it! Heparinized! It's weird how many times I stood in my Mom's office holding a bottle, watching it slowly fill with blood, reading the label, but there is no way I could remember the term.
I had an odd childhood.

wearymicrobe HalfDork
5/1/12 6:56 p.m.

No lie, I am serious, all I have in the fridge is Human, Mouse, Rat, Rabbit, Lama.

Also you totally win for weirdest question.

What in the world do you need horse blood for, nobody uses that stuff.

Lesley UberDork
5/1/12 8:10 p.m.

Horses do.

JoeyM SuperDork
5/1/12 8:22 p.m.
wearymicrobe wrote: No lie, I am serious, all I have in the fridge is Human, Mouse, Rat, Rabbit, Lama. Also you totally win for weirdest question. What in the world do you need horse blood for, nobody uses that stuff.

Weary, you've got a PM headed your way

Grtechguy PowerDork
5/1/12 8:25 p.m.

The members of this board never cease to amaze me.

wearymicrobe HalfDork
5/1/12 8:27 p.m.
JoeyM wrote:
wearymicrobe wrote: No lie, I am serious, all I have in the fridge is Human, Mouse, Rat, Rabbit, Lama. Also you totally win for weirdest question. What in the world do you need horse blood for, nobody uses that stuff.
Weary, you've got a PM headed your way

All I can do it put you in touch with a source here in California.

All my blood is spoken for.

Speaking of blood, chances are there is going to be a run on BSA supplies. Another cow found with spontaneous prion formation.

JoeyM SuperDork
5/1/12 8:53 p.m.

Thanks, PM sent. I'm not too worried about bovine...we just have sera, and probably enough to last a while....don't need it until the end of the semester, anyway

definitely let me know of anybody in CA who can ship on short enough notice for us to use it by the a.m. of the 9th

wearymicrobe HalfDork
5/1/12 8:58 p.m.
JoeyM wrote: Thanks, PM sent. I'm not too worried about bovine...we just have sera, and probably enough to last a while....don't need it until the end of the semester, anyway definitely let me know of anybody in CA who can ship on short enough notice for us to use it by the a.m. of the 9th

I will ask tomorrow and report back.

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