I received quite the get well package from the staff of GRM last week, Thank you! and trust me an additional thank you is coming! and now I realize that I have to manage, as slow as the process will be, to get the 323 ready by the $2016 challenge. It couldn't have arrived at a time when I needed a pick me up more. Treatment has been suspended as I'm now officially on the waiting list for a liver, initially I was told that I was going to need to be somewhere between 10 and 16 weeks removed from treatment to be a viable candidate for a transplant, but bloodwork and necessity got me onto the list 3 weeks out. Needless to say the next few weeks and months are critical. Anyone know someone young, healthy, who doesn't drink, is O- and wants a motorcycle? Work, and I had a dream job for anyone on here, told me that they were eliminating my position, a short-sighted view that greatly decreases the potential value of the program, I understand if they weren't willing to wait for me to be physically able to fulfill the duties of the position, but that doesn't mean that I couldn't have found a worthy successor to mentor and bring value to the role. Before I received the awesome care package this was going to be a "life after motorsports post" as I'm no longer employed in the field (thank god my insurance is through swmboed) and it's not likely that I'll ever be cleared or feel comfortable or capable to get on stage or on track again. But then my spirits were brighten and a challenge put down, I have a car that with some help and time, I can get in order. And I'd be able to chase cones with it, and there's nothing wrong with enjoying the technical challenge of taking on cones whether on pavement or a field. I needed that reminder. I have managed to drive again as well over the past 2 weeks, so the work decision is quite ironic as I would've been in the office 20-30 hours a week now. Oh well, it's their loss. It was time to find a commute that involved back roads opposed to 95 anyways, it'll be easier to convince swmbo that I should take the ND to work instead of her if that were the case.
10/12/15 9:14 a.m.
Awesome! I'd give you my liver, but I'm still using it, and it's slightly worn anyway. Sucks about the job, but you can find another.
In reply to bgkast:
only thing that really sucks about the job is that I LOVED what I did, it had been killing me to not be able to head into work. It was merely a bonus to get paid, even if severely underpaid, for doing so. I have an idea of how to execute the position for other motorsports sanctioning bodies on a contract basis with a greater imprint once I'm on my feet again. I also have enough sponsorship contacts that will hopefully allow for something to shake free on that side once I'm ready and able to.
10/12/15 9:26 a.m.
Woohoo! Sorry to hear about the job, but there is a silver lining. Now get to work on the Mazda. Send up a flare if you need any help, we'll pitch in however we can.
BTW, I've seen bg abuse his liver, you don't want it, or mine for that matter HA! 
Sucks about the job man but yay that you've been able to drive lately!! Keep up the fight!
My liver is also well used and A pos so less than helpful.
Mine is tender and juicy.. but the wrong blood type. Sorry, can't help there!
What I can do is wish you all the best and hope you get the replacement quickly and safely
I'm using mine, it has too many Rhesus Pieces in it anyway 
Glad you got the package--that was a team effort. We have nice people here, so happy they were able to brighten what sounds like a crappy week. Also glad it worked to blackmail you to come to the Challenge next year!
I'll keep an eye out for a liver, but I usually cook any I get ahold of. Liver with slow-caramelized onions is just too delicious...
Job-wise? Its their loss. Now get to work on the Challenge car.
10/12/15 5:33 p.m.
Are you a candidate for a partial liver from a living donor or do you need someone to be totally committed to it?
In reply to Woody:
Total commitment :( no partial directive donation, my niece who has donated bone marrow to me in the past was upset that was isn't able to assist this time. I had to tell her that it's a very good thing that she's not able to.
10/12/15 8:53 p.m.
there is a guy that blows down our street at 6am going about 100 on a crotch rocket EVERY MORNING mon-fri. i can wait for him and throw a stick at his wheel. bam, no more squid waking me up, you get a new liver, everybody's happy. will need medical instruction book on liver removal by cordless sawzall in under 2 minutes though.
(above comments are satire. i think.)
10/12/15 8:59 p.m.
patgizz wrote:
there is a guy that blows down our street at 6am going about 100 on a crotch rocket EVERY MORNING mon-fri. i can wait for him and throw a stick at his wheel. bam, no more squid waking me up, you get a new liver, everybody's happy. will need medical instruction book on liver removal by cordless sawzall in under 2 minutes though.
(above comments are satire. i think.)
Faster if you just section the torso and let the docs deal.with it. So I've been told
10/13/15 1:15 a.m.
patgizz wrote:
there is a guy that blows down our street at 6am going about 100 on a crotch rocket EVERY MORNING mon-fri. i can wait for him and throw a stick at his wheel. bam, no more squid waking me up, you get a new liver, everybody's happy. will need medical instruction book on liver removal by cordless sawzall in under 2 minutes though.
(above comments are satire. i think.)
How are the trees on your block? I have a couple hundred feet of chain.
10/13/15 7:35 a.m.
strong. we have one called the car eating tree. so far it's killed some sort of mazda, an 05 escape, and a neon driven by a drunk kid who then tried to steal my wife's car as grand theft auto was scarier than facing his parents from a jail cell.
cap'n, if i have anything that can help your cause parts wise keep us updated with your needs when you're up and wrenching, and i'll bring it next time we come to odenton to visit Gimp.
Wall-e wrote:
patgizz wrote:
there is a guy that blows down our street at 6am going about 100 on a crotch rocket EVERY MORNING mon-fri. i can wait for him and throw a stick at his wheel. bam, no more squid waking me up, you get a new liver, everybody's happy. will need medical instruction book on liver removal by cordless sawzall in under 2 minutes though.
(above comments are satire. i think.)
How are the trees on your block? I have a couple hundred feet of chain.
Use piano wire. Sectioning already taken care of that way.