11/7/16 8:42 a.m.
Quit vaping that is.
I had smoked 2 packs a day for about 5 years, then I got into vaping to "save" money but it turned into a hobby, always buying the newest stuff and buying the newest flavors. Now the time has come to quit after 3 years. going cold turkey starting about 15 minutes ago, bought some chewing gum to try and curve the cravings. Now all I need to do is find another hobby to keep myself busy with!
Anyone have any inexpensive hobbies that involve hands on tinkering/building/anything?
Wish me luck guys!
Do you happen to have a mill or lathe? It's not cheap but you can spend an inordinate amount of time turning perfectly good hunks of metal into chips. Every once in a while you will even come across a legitimate use for them. Like making a cool pipe to smoke weed out of 
Dolphin flogging?
Keeps your hands busy at least 
good luck man! As for inexpensive tinkering hobbies....nope, haven't found those yet. Maybe catch up on household projects? Lord knows that's not cheap, but I always have a list of stuff I need to be doing for the house but have been putting off.
Maybe find one where you can make a little side money repairing some small items? mowers, cell phones, watches, whatever suits your skill set?
Legos. Don't laugh, I sat down with my sons and started building stuff. It was awesome. It really draws you in and keeps your hands and mind occupied for a long time.
11/7/16 9:08 a.m.
Good luck. I'm glad I never got into smoking - most of my friends did. I have enough vices.
For me, it's time to lose some weight. 49 and over 300lbs - not good.
11/7/16 9:26 a.m.
Don't have suggestions, but Lego sounds like a good idea. I do, however, want to congratulate you on your decision and wish you all the luck in and strength in the world.
11/7/16 9:29 a.m.
Thanks everyone! I think I'm going to break out some of my older R/C cars and get them going again, because I need another expensive hobby like I need a hole in my head.
I think my biggest issue is actually going to be eating, when I was bored I would vape, or eat. now its going to be eat only
11/7/16 9:33 a.m.
Lego is a great suggestion, but it is on par with R/C cars when you get into the bigger kits. I bought my HPI Wheely King for $200:

Meanwhile Lego sells this for $200 (or did before being discontinued):

I can't say which is better, as I have Legos and R/C cars. Both can be had for cheap or pricey, and give hours of fun.
In reply to NGTD:
Not bad if you're 7 foot 6. ;-).
Good luck. And remember it's a lifetime
change, so don't get down on yourself if you miss a day of exercise here or there.
11/7/16 10:07 a.m.
In reply to tjbell:
Macro photography. Couple lenses, a dslr, some reversing adapters, and you will be set for hours of tedious fun!
LEGO and inexpensive have never gone together.
In reply to tjbell:
Congrats on quitting! I quit vaping almost 2 months ago and quit cigs about 250 days ago. I try to always keep a big glass or bottle of water with me, if I find myself attempting to snack away the cravings I drink the whole bottle to I feel really full. Plus it makes me spend a whole lot of time in the bathroom so can't smoke in there! LOL.
After about 2 weeks the cravings really do start to subside, and even when I see other people smoking (or vaping) it doesn't make me want one. Second hand smoke does smell really good though, but I am not typical in that regard. 
Good luck and stick with it! 

11/7/16 10:15 a.m.
I learned yesterday that there is a tiny 3d printer on Kickstarter for $80. I know a 3d printer owner, and he's always bragging about some new design. Looks interesting.
Electronics kits/Arduino/Raspberry Pi. I've been doing this as of late.
Ham radio looks to have gotten cheaper.
Mobile development? Swift playground is fun.
Craigslist has a cars and trucks for sale section that can provide mindless entertainment. I think a one or two other GRM folks do this.
11/7/16 10:21 a.m.
I make tube amps for both guitars and hi-fi stereos. I also play with my Raspberry Pi, and do wood working. It's surprising what you can make with a few simple hand tools.
Soldering up little electronic gizmos. Cheaper than Lego, detailed, and rewarding. Welding as a hobby is also great, albeit more expensive.
11/7/16 10:46 a.m.
AngryCorvair wrote:
In reply to NGTD:
Not bad if you're 7 foot 6. ;-).
Good luck. And remember it's a lifetime
change, so don't get down on yourself if you miss a day of exercise here or there.
Well I'm not 
I'm 6'4" and built like an NFL lineman, but I need to lose at least 50 lbs.
Thanks for the encouragement and good advice.
Good luck! How about an inexpensive guitar?
G_Body_Man wrote:
Soldering up little electronic gizmos. Cheaper than Lego, detailed, and rewarding. Welding as a hobby is also great, albeit more expensive.
In tech school electronics class we had what was called bread boards. They were the base to build circuit boards, but you didn't solder them, they just pushed together and pulled apart. Great teaching tool because try something, easy to fix of it wasn't right, then year it apart and start something new. Those were fun also.
Congrats on the decision to quit. It's not easy and sometimes you slip up. I quit 4 years ago now hopefully for good this time. It was my 3rd time to quit. But I'll tell once I got over the first bit this time, the cravings were all gone. I now don't have any desire at all. Just remember the reason you are looking to do this during the whole process and you will get to where you want in the end.
Beat it like it owes you money
Good Luck!
Build a musical instrument? Lots of cheap banjo or ukelele kits out there. Then you can learn to play it when you're done!