SCOTUS today held that the crazy Westboro Baptist Church military funeral protestors signs and protests are protected speech under the 1st Amendment. I tend to agree and see a bit of ironic symmetry - no matter how hurtful the speech the servicemen and servicewomen have died to protect the right to engage in that speech.
well, joke is on the crazy WBC asshats. They have to live their poor, hellbound lives in horrible, hair pulling, wall climbing insanity, and then die lonely and alone like the batsh_t crazy @ssh0les they are. poor poor bastards.
I just saw a video of a 7 year old girl who had Huntington's Disease who was being taunted by their neighbors.... Lemme find the link...
I agree with this. The whole point of free speech isn't to protect what's popular and liked, it's to protect people saying things that everyone would really prefer was silenced.
What's that quote... something like "I'll fight you tooth and nail for what you say, but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it."
I'm just really shocked the WBC hasn't incited more obvious backlash against the religious politikos in this nation.
As it should have been upheld, as reprehensible as the group may be.
One more reason why god makes the world a better place
3/2/11 12:10 p.m.
I find them amusing. Blind ignorance on that level is impressive to say the least. They protest soldiers funerals and all kinda stupid E36 M3, not realizing that without those soldiers, the freedoms they enjoy as given to them by the government and upheld by those VERY SAME SOLDIERS, would not be possible in their world. Plus, they're fun to throw rocks at. BIG rocks.
Partially read the majority and lone minority opinions, as available. I agree with the decision. This will, no doubt, get misquoted and misreferenced, etc....but, based on the circumstances of the case presented before the court, they did the right thing.
Look, I'm good with the consitution protecting them, but just like your average grade school bully; The more we pay attention to them the bolder they get. So lets stop paying attention to them. They obviously started protesting soliders funerals because their other protests weren't getting noticed anymore.
Listen to the Atheist saying turn the other cheek..
mndsm wrote:
the freedoms they enjoy as given to them.. by those VERY SAME SOLDIERS, would not be possible
Okay, this is something I've always held issue with, and I think this board is mature enough to give me an answer without berating me into the stone age.
Can someone explain to me exactly how current soldiers "protect your freedoms"?
Last I checked, the modern military has done no such thing for American Citizens since at best WWII.
Maybe I'm brainwashed from living in the PRC, but it just seems like this accepted fact that "soldiers protect your freedom!", and I just don't get how that is. The threat to my freedoms come from my government and my neighbors, and I don't see soldiers taking up arms against Congress (for things like the Patriot Act) or Home Owners Associations.
Ignorant wrote:
Listen to the Atheist saying turn the other cheek..
By the actions prescribed in the Bible, most Atheists are better Christians than most Christians 
3/2/11 12:36 p.m.
ReverendDexter wrote:
mndsm wrote:
the freedoms they enjoy as given to them.. by those VERY SAME SOLDIERS, would not be possible
Okay, this is something I've always held issue with, and I think this board is mature enough to give me an answer without berating me into the stone age.
Can someone explain to me exactly how current soldiers "protect your freedoms"?
Last I checked, the modern military has done no such thing for American Citizens since at best WWII.
Maybe I'm brainwashed from living in the PRC, but it just seems like this accepted fact that "soldiers protect your freedom!", and I just don't get how that is. The threat to my freedoms come from my government and my neighbors, and I don't see soldiers taking up arms against Congress (for things like the Patriot Act) or Home Owners Associations.
Truthfully? You're absolutely right. Generally speaking, I find the idea of us continually imposing our wills on other countries reprehensible. BUT- A- the soldiers have nothing to do with that. They're doing what they're told. I do believe however, that quite frankly, the US would be screwed without the military... because if we didn't, and there wasn't the threat of that on our soil, we'd probably be a PRIME target for someone in the mood to invade somewheres.
Let's not confuse the Westboro Cult with an actual Christian group, okay? Those people have nothing to do with Baptists, much less Christianity.
As for the hate, it's best to ignore them.
3/2/11 12:54 p.m.
ReverendDexter wrote:
Ignorant wrote:
Listen to the Atheist saying turn the other cheek..
By the actions prescribed in the Bible, most Atheists are better Christians than most Christians
If Christianity was about doing stuff (actions prescribed), I might be able to agree with you (partially).
It's not.
Perhaps might be more accurate to say, "Some Atheists are better at doing some of the prescribed Biblical actions than some Christians".
But, then again, the same could be said about Jews, Muslims, or Hindus.
3/2/11 12:56 p.m.
Can't stand Westboro, but agree with the ruling.
Cone_Junky wrote:
One more reason why god makes the world a better place
That's not God. That's lunatics.
I don't care if it was technically a correct ruling. It it wrong and should be stopped.
Why can't they stop them by charging them with something else, like disturbing the peace or something like that?
3/2/11 1:06 p.m.
I dinno, they're pretty good at excercising technicalities.....
bravenrace wrote:
Cone_Junky wrote:
One more reason why god makes the world a better place
That's not God. That's lunatics.
Lunatics powered by the "word of god".

And the veteran/ biker groups will counter protest the WBC and make them look like complete fools.
Cone_Junky wrote:
Lunatics powered by the "word of god".
Where do you get that from?
3/2/11 1:13 p.m.
In reply to Cone_Junky:
They have the same Constitutional rights as the lunatics powered by no god.......
The WBC is a despicable bunch, but my only disappointment with the SCOTUS decision is that there is a dissenter to the majority. And Alito is generally considered as a "conservative" judge.
UUUuuuuuugggggg. Hate to say it, but the ass holes should be allowed to be ass holes.
I don't think we get to say they're not Christians. They are what they are and somehow they base it in some perversion of messages they wring out of the Bible. I like their actions a lot less, but I don't know that their logic is a lot more twisted than many other Christians who use the Bible to justify all kinds of not very Christ-like behavior.
You know, looking for the silver lining- it's good to live in a country that understands that crap like this can't allow us to compromise our rights. As much as we whine about it, we do have unparalleled freedoms.
I don't think anybody has an issue with letting them say it. It is WHERE they say it. I can't go into the WhiteHouse, stand in front of the prez, and be all "Blacks are immoral people, you are going to burn in hell!"
Didn't one state set up a law stating all protests had to be XXX far away from a funeral? That seems perfectly legal solution to this.
bravenrace wrote:
Cone_Junky wrote:
Lunatics powered by the "word of god".
Where do you get that from?
That would be based on everything they say, do, and print on a sign.