Duke said:
A whole bunch of really long Zappa solos. Dear Bob, that man could play the guitar.
The shut up and play your guitar albums?
One constant in my life for almost the last 50 years has been the music of Frank Zappa. I don't like all of it, but the stuff I do like, I like a lot, and I never seem to get tired of it like most other music. He didn't consider himself to be a great guitarist, and technically he was a little rough around the edges, but all his solos were improvised and he would occasionally come up with a real gem. I always found the idea of what he called conceptual continuity really interesting. When you listen to a song like Rat Tomago for years then find out later that it was an improvised solo in the middle of the torture never stops, that's pure Zappa, and I love that E36 M3.
If you don't know this you'll probably really like it.
3/21/20 11:11 a.m.
Dark and Gothic on Spotify
Just spent like an hour searching around because I thought I'd lost this track from my computers and/or memory:
And here's a good recent find:
3/21/20 10:20 p.m.
Loreena McKennett
Most people haven't heard of her. She's from Toronto. Annie and I have been a fan of hers for around 15-20 years. We saw her at the Providence Performance Arts Center about ten years ago, and it was probably the best concert I've ever experienced. She was great, and her back-up band was phenomenal. (I'd never seen or heard a hurdy-gurdy before that. So that contributed to the experience as well).
Stanley Clarke, School Days
The whole album, mmm.
Said it before, said again kuar 89.1 , best Saturday night on the radio, next 3 hours is irreplaceable. Flap for King!
3/29/20 12:47 p.m.
In reply to Peabody here :
Zappas stuff was hit or miss but Grand Wazoo, the album right after it and Joes Garage were good albums..
NIN Ghosts V at the moment. Trent Reznor released Ghosts V and VI recently for free.
Meatloaf - Bats out of Hell - multiple
3/29/20 9:41 p.m.
Led Zeppelin II Whole Lotta Love
1968 may have been the greatest year for music breakthroughs, but 69 set the tone for the next decade...
Took the Prelude out for another little run, even though I should wait until I get the timing belt done.
'80s car needed '80s music. Noticed the head unit in the thing had a CD slot. Rummaged through my basement, found my old CD copy of XTC's "Skylarking". Back & forth through the windy roads around here until the whole album was over.
Hey, it's been sitting for a week. Had to run it around long enough to get it up to temp, right?
Starset followed by Taking Back Sunday followed by Thrice. WFH today so just jamming while doing reviews.
Gonna buy this album:
Tracks that really stand out are Carbon Cult, Hard Bitch, Metro Mission, Fist Interface, and Deus Disorder.
I hadn't listened to this in a long time but working nights again...
He's normally a metal player so it's pretty aggressive fusiony stuff.
4/3/20 6:12 p.m.
Ina Garten - Cosmopolitan
I occasionally drink a Beefeater martini, and have never had a cosmo. This is fun to watch, and much needed during this difficult time (the "fun," not the Cosmo).
I'm not sure what is more impressive... that someone made this 8-bit MIDI version of the song with this contraption, or that he also included the vocal track in addition to both guitar tracks, that he is switching octaves with one hand while playing with the other, or that at some points he is playing one guitar with two hands on two separate devices so he can get all the notes properly.
Point of order: Fallon misunderstood the song, as did most people (including young me). It's not that the song is about not wanting to be around someone, it's a love song, and about not wanting to spend ONLY one more minute with someone.
Also? "Stranded at the gas station of love and I have to use the self-service pumps" is probably the most getting crap past the radar, double-entendrenest line ever written.