Aldous Harding Aldous Harding Aldous Harding Aldous Harding Aldous Harding Aldous Harding Aldous Harding Aldous Harding Aldous Harding Aldous Harding Aldous Harding Aldous Harding Aldous Harding Aldous Harding Aldous Harding Aldous Harding OMG Aldous Harding
6/12/20 2:33 p.m.
Mark Knopfler channel on Alexa through Amazon Music, enjoying a hazy IPA in my backyard, in the shade, on a beautiful afternoon.
6/12/20 5:00 p.m.
My kids definitely got their taste in music from me, and my youngest son shares my interest in jazzy progressive music. We're always sending each other links and vids, and he sent me this one while I was at work last night. Great shop music
6/13/20 8:32 p.m.
This was 1970, seven years before he died. He was in pretty good shape at this time. Great song , great performance.
Girl like you by the Smithereens. Great straight-ahead rock.
Brendon Small. Galaktikon 2: Become the Storm. Fantastic album. No link because Apple Music, sorry. The track "The Agenda" is particularly good.
I've had Nick Waterhouse on repeat for a while now. Just the right touch of old school for me.
Let me be your hero baby....
Finally taking the time today to listen through White Reaper's 2019 album "You Deserve Love" after listening to the single from it ("Might Be Right") a couple hundred times.
It's good, raw, guitar-driven rock music that's simultaneously timely and of-another-time. Highly recommend.
Might have posted this before, I can't remember. I like this kind of ambient sound when I'm working in the garage.
1000mods - Supervan Vacation
6/20/20 9:04 p.m.
Tulsa, OK
June 20, 2020
Oh, man. It's been a long time!
Not quite my usual metal fare, but there's something about this:
Although I think I like their live videos more:
6/22/20 10:00 p.m.
Son Jason and I were talking about old school music. He's 44. I'm 71. I had a huge collection of CDs when he was a teen. He listened while I was at work. So he gained an appreciation of my music, just as I gained an appreciation of my father's music on his old albums when I was a kid. So on Fathers Day he was doing an appropriate collection of our favorite music on Alexa.
Doors - The End
"Come on baby take a chance with us and meet me at the back of the blue bus."
6/26/20 8:20 p.m.
I've had this damn mashup stuck in my head since it came out. It works far, far too well.
Right now I'm listening to Bolt Thrower actually