spdracer315 New Reader
7/22/09 6:32 p.m.

i recently found an old friend i hadnt talked to in a few years on facebook. weve been talking/catching up. well, shes always had a problem with depression (bad home life/fam loss...), but last i knew it was all fine and dandy. So she im's me about an hour ago, and i instantly knew something was wrong. apparently shes fallen back in depression, is on some crazy meds (explains her extreme openess of the conversation?), wants more stronger meds, and then says the ever infamous "i want to kill myself". Of course all this is followed up with "im just kidding" and "im not addicted to pills"...

Now, first off, i hate that whole self loathing, feeling sorry for one self thing...im a jerk, i kno. So my initial response was, along the lines of stop it, get over it, get on with life. wrong thing to say i know...

So after i realize that i suck at this, i instead turn to questions to find out if her threats are real. basicaly the story goes:

She was depressed in high school (when i knew her) but was going to counceling/therapy and was feeling better. then her mom lost her job/insurance and couldnt afford to go so shes been away from all that for a few years now and progressivly going downhill.

So now shes where shes at now. cant hold a job, sick all the time, doesnt want to do anything. Still cant afford the counseling but apparently found someone to fill her perscription. She claims to have a meeting set up next week to talk to someone but setting up an appointment (if she really did) and going to it are 2 completely different things, and i pretty much dont trust what shes sayin right now. I think shes going to get more meds on that day and not really talk to anyone.

Isnt there another way to treat depression besides meds? there has to be! im not one for meds anyways. I see too many people getting addicted and then just sit around and pop pills all day (pretty much a routine call to go to the hospital on base and assist with an unruly pill head patient, who usualy is a military member...) Is there no free clinic?! were told to talk to our first shirt if someones thinking about suicide or w/e but can i still go there for a non military person 2000 miles away? what good are they?

So theres the just of the story, any ideas? tips? and no, PIITB is probably not the best answer, thou miata may be...

Morbid New Reader
7/22/09 7:12 p.m.

Email me. I have a lot of experience, I am just not comfy discussing it in an open setting.


If you have google talk you can get a hold of me that way, too.

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