1/25/17 9:22 p.m.
Getting a new backpack to replace my messenger bag. I was cleaning out the messenger bag and realized that I carry a lot of E36 M3 in it. Most of the junk I do have a use for, but some of it seems odd.
So, the things I've been carrying around with me more or less every day for the past few years:
- Multitool
- Flashlight
- Car keys to a car that was totaled before I got the messenger bag
- $2.00 bill
- a winning $10.00 lottery ticket
- small towel
- chargers (3, 2 still useful)
- assorted paperclips, rubberbands, and binder clips
- hockey puck
- a pair of gloves I've been looking for for 3 months
- a bunch of sugar packets in a ziplock bag. Which is odd. I don't take sugar in my coffee
- expired contact lenses
Lets see if I can make that lottery ticket a bigger one this time around.
I carry a small pocket knife, wallet, keys, lighter, cigarettes, an anniversary medallion, and my phone in my pickets. No bags, no nothing.
Just don't seem to need much on my person for daily life.
In reply to JohnRW1621:
I was thinking hitchhikers guide to the galaxy....
1/25/17 9:35 p.m.
Money clip/card holder, cell phone, car key.
I actually do carry a towel in almost all my cars. It is immensely useful.
I have a variety of small keychain knives on my keys. Each car has it's own keyring with a knife, a car key and a house key. Other than that it's just wallet and phone. I'm a simple man.
Other than school stuff, I carry around
Simple stuff.
Ian F
1/25/17 9:56 p.m.
Every day: wallet, keys, Swiss-army knife, couple of dollars or so worth of quarters, phone (which usually lives in my shirt pocket), card-key if going to work. Sometimes a thumb drive.
I have a laptop bag I use for going on surveys that carries some additional stuff: assortment of pens and markers, prescription safety glasses, USB phone cable, 30' tape measure, clip board w/ company graph pad.
1/25/17 10:37 p.m.
Money clip, card holder, phone, car key and a poo bag when I walk the dog
1/25/17 10:40 p.m.
Wallet, keys, pocket knife, hat.
If it's sunny, then I'll probably have sunglasses.
If I going to the office, I'll have my badge.
To help keep the keys organized I bought a KeySmart.
Cleaned up my key quite nicely. I also only carry car keys for the car I'm driving at the moment.
Wallet, phone, keys for house and the car/motorcycle for the day, small stream light flashlight, pocket knife of some sort, a small multi tool, and either the LCP or the Sig.
For trips anywhere besides work or in town, I have a backpack with water, extra clothes, first aid stuff, charger for the phone, etc. a lot my trips are through somewhat remote areas that don't always have cell service.
Oh and I bring real maple syrup in the backpack too. I can't stand waffles or pancakes with the fake stuff
Wallet, keys, phone, beat up carbon steel Opinel #6.
1/25/17 11:09 p.m.
When out and about, wallet, keys, phone and that's basically it.
If I'm going to/from work (or somewhere else that I want my laptop), then I bring a laptop backpack (a 'Timbuk2' bag, which I like a lot). It's got a bunch of other stuff in it -- laptop, pens, pencils, notebook, laptop power brick, Leatherman wave multitool, headphones, 25 feet of cat5e, various dongles (firewire, ethernet, etc), assorted USB power adapters, various USB cables, flash memory, a bottle of tylenol, etc.
around the house or being a "normal" civilian" not much, keys, phone, wallet, sunglasses, and a little device that allows me to turn my phone into a portable weather station.
At work -that is a huge pile of wax. Multi tool (gerber), flashlight, Knipix "pliers", sharpie, sharpie pen, pocket knife, circuit tester, live wire tester, Work phone (Nextel), my phone, my wallet, my personal keys, my work keys, sunglasses, and usually a long list of work that needs to be done.
In my messenger bag is usally my galaxy Tablet, two books (one fiction, one not) notepad, pens, pencils, story ideas, phone charger and cables, Tissues, wipes, and a "wagbag"
Wallet, keys, smartphone, pocket knife (Another Opinel guy).
Anything else stays in the car.
Keys in the left hand pocket, gun on the right hand side.
Wallet, keys, phone, and an LCP.
On my person, keys, wallet, phone, Gerber multi-tool, flashlight, cash, Chap-stick.
In a backpack, change of clothes, water bottle, water filter, knife, small hatchet, 12v and 110v phone chargers, granola bars, BP meds, ibuprofen, Tylenol, antacids.
Keys, wallet with around 1000 cash, Swiss army knife, fingernail clippers, ChapStick and a handkerchief. That's been my every day carry for 20 years or so. At the end of the day my change gets thrown in a bucket on the dresser.
I keep a couple of folded up towels under the seat of each car. Each car has a phone charger cord in the console.
ProDarwin wrote:
wallet, keys, phone
This as well.
What I keep in my cars depends on the state of repair. That varies from nothing to the tools and parts and fluids to probably repair or replace every part of the car.
I pack small arms with me wherever I go. It's like they're attached.
Wallet, keys, phone. To work, lunch and a book.
1/26/17 8:02 a.m.
- Wallet (with spare key to daily in it, plus the usual stuff)
- Victorinox "Cybertool" Swiss Army knife
- House and work keys in a Keysmart holder
- Key / remote to whatever I'm currently driving (clipped to Keysmart)
That's about it for what I carry around with me. I try to keep it pretty light.
I have a messenger bag with a much larger SA knife, small flashlight, a variety of pens, pencils, paper, and measuring tapes / rulers / scales, but I don't carry that with me every day. I also have a small tool kit in each car.