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wearymicrobe Dork
4/23/13 3:46 p.m.
jazzop wrote:
Mmadness wrote: No sir. You would be have your lisence suspended in Germnay. While you can speed to your hearts content on the autobahn, a speed limit is a speed limit, period, no exceptions, no tolerance whatsoever. Have you ever been to an autocross? Those folks are driving on the "edge of the performance envelope in their cars". Have you ever noticed how many cones are knocked over? Even in a controlled environment, even the best driver's cannot hold a car on the limit perfectly. When you throw in the intangibles encountered in the real world, you are destined for an "incident". I certainly hope you forgot a comma between "city traffic" and "autocrosser".
Since I don't know how to multiquote in this forum, let me state that I am also replying to Tom Suddard and Anti-stance. 1. I was not being 100% serious about driving in Germany. I would never subject myself to any jurisdiction where I had such onerous emissions and registration bureaucracy. The point I was trying to make was that I take care to ensure that I don't disrupt the energy management of other drivers and their vehicles. If someone has a personal gripe about my driving such that they feel it necessary to take a vigilante stance, then the situation becomes a result of their action, not mine. 2. I have been to autocrosses. I don't like them. They are artificial environments in which people knock down cones because there is no real risk in the consequences of doing so. I recognize the value of an autocross as a way to fine-tune one's skills and sort out vehicle settings, and I intend to participate in them more frequently. But they are like flying a simulator vice a real airplane. If you crash in a simulator, you reset and start over; in an airplane, the stakes are much higher. Similarly, is there the same stimulation to be found in arcade blackjack as there is in laying down your cash at a real table in a casino? I think not. I lose no sleep over whether you can record a faster time at an autocross, because the variable of risk acceptance is minimized there. If we have to drive a course from Newark to Brooklyn in the middle of the afternoon, I am pretty sure I will get there faster. 3. What, pray tell, is "doing it right"? The OP asked about how we choose to drive our cars on the street, and I gave my opinion. You can disagree, but if your retort involves kiddie seats, not spilling beverages, or keeping your wife quiet, then I am afraid they will fall on deaf ears.

I know this is a open access forum, and we get trolls, but there needs to be some sort of filter for crap like this that gets though. A forum vote to eliminate members or at least some for of rep like they do on other boards to keep out the riff raff.

The post above is almost comical in its adolescence.

e_pie HalfDork
4/23/13 3:49 p.m.

The right way to have fun on the street is to drive a slow car fast.

My current car you can wring 10/10ths out of it on the track no problem, but if you were to even approach even 7-8/10ths on the street it'd be massively unsafe and illegal, well over 2x and probably closer to 3x the posted limits on some of the mountain roads out here.

This ends up making mountain passes surprisingly boring, even approaching 2x the speed limit it feels like you're out on a Sunday cruise. My wife's Cooper S is massively more fun on the same passes, simply because the limits are so much lower. It's also a lot more low key and doesn't garner as much attention, which is nice.

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
4/23/13 4:18 p.m.
poopshovel wrote: There's a little side road that connects 372 to the highway. No other cars around. He gets in the left lane and slows to about 15mph to take the turn, gets on the gas hard and pushes way out to the right lane. I hang back, in the right lane, and using the signal, late apex it. I think he may have literally E36 M3 himself when I passed him on the inside going 30mph faster than him.

I LOL'd.

poopshovel UltimaDork
4/23/13 4:22 p.m.
Beer Baron wrote:
poopshovel wrote: There's a little side road that connects 372 to the highway. No other cars around. He gets in the left lane and slows to about 15mph to take the turn, gets on the gas hard and pushes way out to the right lane. I hang back, in the right lane, and using the signal, late apex it. I think he may have literally E36 M3 himself when I passed him on the inside going 30mph faster than him.
I LOL'd.

We both had the windows down. He did literally jump and his eyes were as big as saucers. I'm not trying to be all "kill story" or whatever, but it was funny. Battle for 140hp retard supremacy.

Cotton SuperDork
4/23/13 4:24 p.m.

I'm not a huge fan of slow car fast on the street. Did that with my old 87 MR2 and it was fun, but doesn't compare to the rush of some of the other cars and bikes. However, I'm not pulling a Jazzop either and wreaking havok on the highways. I think you can strike a halfway decent balance.

Hasbro Dork
4/23/13 5:52 p.m.
Cotton wrote: I'm not a huge fan of slow car fast on the street. Did that with my old 87 MR2 and it was fun, but doesn't compare to the rush of some of the other cars and bikes. However, I'm not pulling a Jazzop either and wreaking havok on the highways. I think you can strike a halfway decent balance.

Agreed. I don't attain high end speeds at all and rarely go 8 mph over the limit. There are many high visibility corners here in the desert with no pedestrians, cars, buildings, etc. and I do enjoy, uh, not slowing down much. But only if the entire road is visible, less so at night due to critters. Javelinas tend to jump out at a full run or even stand in the fricken road.

I'm also ok with Jazzop's post and see no need to, paraphrase, "kick him off the forum". While his driving method is juvenile and selfish, he has been around here for a while and is a gearhead. This forum is an excellant place to learn from example and perhaps he and others are better for the wisdom imparted should some of it rub off. I hope. I readilly admit to driving like a d'bag in my teens and twenties on the road. And older, sometimes.

poopshovel UltimaDork
4/23/13 6:19 p.m.
wearymicrobe wrote:
jazzop wrote:
Mmadness wrote: No sir. You would be have your lisence suspended in Germnay. While you can speed to your hearts content on the autobahn, a speed limit is a speed limit, period, no exceptions, no tolerance whatsoever. Have you ever been to an autocross? Those folks are driving on the "edge of the performance envelope in their cars". Have you ever noticed how many cones are knocked over? Even in a controlled environment, even the best driver's cannot hold a car on the limit perfectly. When you throw in the intangibles encountered in the real world, you are destined for an "incident". I certainly hope you forgot a comma between "city traffic" and "autocrosser".
Since I don't know how to multiquote in this forum, let me state that I am also replying to Tom Suddard and Anti-stance. 1. I was not being 100% serious about driving in Germany. I would never subject myself to any jurisdiction where I had such onerous emissions and registration bureaucracy. The point I was trying to make was that I take care to ensure that I don't disrupt the energy management of other drivers and their vehicles. If someone has a personal gripe about my driving such that they feel it necessary to take a vigilante stance, then the situation becomes a result of their action, not mine. 2. I have been to autocrosses. I don't like them. They are artificial environments in which people knock down cones because there is no real risk in the consequences of doing so. I recognize the value of an autocross as a way to fine-tune one's skills and sort out vehicle settings, and I intend to participate in them more frequently. But they are like flying a simulator vice a real airplane. If you crash in a simulator, you reset and start over; in an airplane, the stakes are much higher. Similarly, is there the same stimulation to be found in arcade blackjack as there is in laying down your cash at a real table in a casino? I think not. I lose no sleep over whether you can record a faster time at an autocross, because the variable of risk acceptance is minimized there. If we have to drive a course from Newark to Brooklyn in the middle of the afternoon, I am pretty sure I will get there faster. 3. What, pray tell, is "doing it right"? The OP asked about how we choose to drive our cars on the street, and I gave my opinion. You can disagree, but if your retort involves kiddie seats, not spilling beverages, or keeping your wife quiet, then I am afraid they will fall on deaf ears.
I know this is a open access forum, and we get trolls, but there needs to be some sort of filter for crap like this that gets though. A forum vote to eliminate members or at least some for of rep like they do on other boards to keep out the riff raff. The post above is almost comical in its adolescence.

There's a little (!) icon you can click right down there vvvv

mndsm PowerDork
4/23/13 6:24 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
nicksta43 wrote: I'm saying some people get off on driving. Some people get off on the engineering. Some people get off on wrenching. Some people get off on design. Some people get off on cosmetics.
and some should just get off the road entirely. I do not love it all. Especially the jackholes in the giant lifted trucks. If they want an off road vehicle berkeleying keep it there. Alternatively... I am curiously drawn to that powder puff Fiat above. Maybe I'm ready to try Virgina Slims and buy some elastic jeans.

Don't do it man, Virginia Slims are TERRIBLE. I was out of smokes in my moms car 50 miles from the nearest gas station... so I tried one. AWFUL. On the subject of that Fiat though, I found myself looking at it more than once.

JoeyM MegaDork
4/23/13 7:37 p.m.
Hasbro wrote: I'm also ok with Jazzop's post and see no need to, paraphrase, "kick him off the forum". While his driving method is juvenile and selfish, he has been around here for a while and is a gearhead.

I think he should be encouraged to go spend some quality time with the FL idiots like Yusef. He'd fit right in.

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