6/24/20 5:27 p.m.
Last night a Drunk driver going over 100mph flew into our local outdoor pizza restaurant. During non-Covid times there would have been dozens of people and children on this patio. Thankfully I think no one was hurt too badly. I can not figure out the car? Look at the hood vents? Please tell me it isn't it a crowd chaser (Stang)?
Any Guesses?
and F people that drink and drive!

after some image searching, newer Mustang with a different hood.
2018-2020 Mustang, that's the post-facelift hood.

Whatever it is, it needs more wing to really take full advantage of Bernoulli.
2 things...
1st, that is awesome gas mileage. 
2nd, if it survived in that shape and it was going 100 mph, that has gotta be the strongest car ever.
6/24/20 6:11 p.m.
Great detective work. Sucks it had to be a Mustang, such a cliche.
oops on the mpg and mph, haha !
Again the Mustang meme jokes team takes a hit ......