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EvanR HalfDork
4/8/13 6:30 p.m.
slefain wrote: Maybe this begs the question: what kind of riders are on enduros? The enduro riders I know are borderline boring. One is a project manager, one is a programmer, and another is a HVAC specialist. They ride like old people grocery shop. That is pretty much the way I've seen most enduro riders act. And none of them have ever put their bike on dirt that I know of.

I see a lot of folks commuting on dual-sports these days. There aren't many Standard street bike choices in the sub-650 class, so if you want a 250, it's just another option out there.

ahutson03 Reader
4/8/13 7:14 p.m.

I commute on a sport bike, wear all my gear and ride responsibly. I guess I have the same stereotype for Subaru/Evo owners most of them drive like complete idiots, as with all things there are good folks and bad folks. It's just the bad folks we pay attention to.

Mmadness Reader
4/8/13 8:47 p.m.

In the past, I didn't care if bikers drove like shiny happy people. I figure if they hit me, they'll probably leave a dent, maybe a bust a window. But recently, the highway I was driving on was narrowed from four lanes down to one, creating a two hour delay, while the police "investigated" (what was presumably) a fatal motorcycle crash; now I care. That being said, I really don't care for the bad rep motorcyclists get. A few bad apples, unfriendly traffic laws (no lane splitting) and a general lack of understanding creates a negative stigma towards motorcyclists. However, some motorcyclists don't wear proper safety gear such as an airbag or even a helmet which raises their judgement into question before even considering their driving habits and fuels the ragging fire against them.

Racer1ab HalfDork
4/8/13 8:57 p.m.

A timely thread.

While commuting to work today, I noticed an antsy appearing sport bike rider peek out from behind traffic in the opposite lane on the 2-lane road we were on. Now, figuring he wouldn't dare pass the 5 cars in front of him considering there is traffic behind me, especially since I was in the P71, proved false.

He gives me the finger, and proceeds to lane split traffic all the way up the hill, until I lost sight of him.

Someone's gonna be an organ donor before much longer, and I will get to see another roadside memorial propped up on the side of the road.

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
4/8/13 9:44 p.m.

This is why I tske the statistics on biker injuried eith a bit of salt. Easy to tell who is more likely to become a statistic. It isnt the guy in full gear on a moderate bike who takes the MSF course.

JoeyM UltimaDork
4/8/13 10:14 p.m.

I had googled up "squid road rash" to find some pics to add to the thread. I'm not doing so.....too disgusting for my tastes.

Trans_Maro SuperDork
4/9/13 1:50 a.m.
Mmadness wrote: However, some motorcyclists don't wear proper safety gear such as an airbag

I says pardon?

Grtechguy UltimaDork
4/9/13 5:54 a.m.
Trans_Maro wrote:
Mmadness wrote: However, some motorcyclists don't wear proper safety gear such as an airbag
I says pardon?

Goldwing is the only one I know of, and certain jackets

Curmudgeon MegaDork
4/9/13 6:53 a.m.
Jerry wrote: These idiots are who I think of every time I see them "Watch out for bikes" stickers. berkeley that, let them watch out for me. (Still thinks back to that idiot that passed me on a single lane exit ramp. If I had seen him sooner, he might have taken a dirt ride through the infield.)

This attitude is the #1 reason bike riders get killed, even more than the squidliness that pisses you off and that no I won't try to excuse. No, the assclown should not have tried to pass you on a one lane exit but does that give you the right to be his judge, jury and executioner?

Jerry Reader
4/9/13 6:58 a.m.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Jerry wrote: These idiots are who I think of every time I see them "Watch out for bikes" stickers. berkeley that, let them watch out for me. (Still thinks back to that idiot that passed me on a single lane exit ramp. If I had seen him sooner, he might have taken a dirt ride through the infield.)
This attitude is the #1 reason bike riders get killed, even more than the squidliness that pisses you off and that no I won't try to excuse. No, the assclown should not have tried to pass you on a one lane exit but does that give you the right to be his judge, jury and executioner?

I blame yesterday's sinus headache.

Sky_Render Dork
4/9/13 7:17 a.m.
Racer1ab wrote: A timely thread. While commuting to work today, I noticed an antsy appearing sport bike rider peek out from behind traffic in the opposite lane on the 2-lane road we were on. Now, figuring he wouldn't dare pass the 5 cars in front of him considering there is traffic behind me, especially since I was in the P71, proved false. He gives me the finger, and proceeds to lane split traffic all the way up the hill, until I lost sight of him. Someone's gonna be an organ donor before much longer, and I will get to see another roadside memorial propped up on the side of the road.

What road was that on?

PHeller UltraDork
4/9/13 8:14 a.m.

Enduro/Motard guys don't care to ride on the highway, so you rarely see them lane splitting, and they don't have enough power to really pass traffic on heavily traveled roads.

I think a lot of Motard guys are reformed sport bike riders. They still like the lightweight bike but know the power can get them in trouble.

Racer1ab HalfDork
4/9/13 10:24 a.m.

In reply to Sky_Render:

This was on Route 9 between Berkeley Springs and Martinsburg, WV.

aircooled PowerDork
4/9/13 10:34 a.m.
PHeller wrote: Enduro/Motard guys don't care to ride on the highway, so you rarely see them lane splitting, and they don't have enough power to really pass traffic on heavily traveled roads. I think a lot of Motard guys are reformed sport bike riders. They still like the lightweight bike but know the power can get them in trouble.

Also there is less to attract the a$$hats to ride them. There is no reason to ride on if you want to look cool / bad ass or are immortal and want to test that. I don't think I have ever seen one with a loud exhaust either (apparently they don't realize loud pipes saves lives eh?).

Probably the best bike for lane splitting BTW. Thinner then the cruisers, and better height / visibility then the sports.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
4/9/13 11:00 a.m.

Mostly all of my riding in the past has been either on full dirt bikes (before I could drive legally) or sport bikes. To answer the "Who rides enduros" question... me. The R1150GS. As soon as I can procure one with cash (so... a while yet). I live where there are dirt roads leading to awesome views and while it's not technically "off road", competence on gravel, mud and ruts is nice. I want to explore and not give up too much handling on blacktop.

As far as the OP question - the entire problem with them can be summed up with "Youth and inexperience". You survive most automotive hoonage... bikes don't afford a second chance often so they weed out the truly careless pretty quick. I did a lot of stupid things in cages too but there was an adrenaline rush with an FZR1000 (circa 1992) that you could not find on 4 wheels at any price. I lived to tone it down a bit. I knew to tone it down a bit because... I lived. Bikes of mine that followed have gotten less edgy and more comfortable in small increments but I can still remember how mindblowing awesome a one wheeled rip at triple digit speeds was and I can't say I wouldn't do it again for old time sake. I'd just choose better places/times than dusk on a crowded freeway.

Apexcarver PowerDork
4/9/13 11:02 a.m.
Racer1ab wrote: In reply to Sky_Render: This was on Route 9 between Berkeley Springs and Martinsburg, WV.

Every time I see the sign for that place I end up picturing something like the grotto at the playboy mansion...

Oh, GRM...

patchelect New Reader
4/9/13 11:33 a.m.

In reply to rotard: I wonder what the percentage is rather than the raw numbers. You WILL see more idiots in cars simply because there are more cars on the road. Beyond that I'm not certain that as a percentage of operators, auto drivers are worse than bike riders. I'd bet that bikers, as a group, are far more dangerous.

yamaha UltraDork
4/9/13 11:46 a.m.

The problem is literally age versus common sense.

Personally I think this guy was trying to do this for looking like he was from the Brady Bunch.

rebelgtp UltraDork
4/9/13 11:56 a.m.

I don't know I met some older guys that would qualify as squids.

With gas prices I would love to ride again.

Ian F
Ian F PowerDork
4/9/13 1:19 p.m.
PHeller wrote: ... but know the power can get them in trouble.

This is one reason why I've resisted the urge to get a motorcycle for so long... even at 42 I'm not sure I could control myself. There's a reason why I drive a car with 90 hp...

I'm planning to buy my friend's DRZ400 in a couple of months... we'll see how that goes... I'm hoping that riding something that really doesn't want to go that fast on the hwy will keep me from riding like an idiot.

poopshovel UltimaDork
4/9/13 1:44 p.m.
slefain wrote:
mndsm wrote: Sure, i've seen harleys and other stuff do the same, but it seems to be more prevalent amongst the sportbike crowd.
I put in a lot of miles driving around Atlanta and I can't remember the last time I saw a non-sport bike rider acting like an idiot.

No experience with the "Outcast MC" clowns, eh? They're worse than the squids.

MadScientistMatt UltraDork
4/9/13 1:45 p.m.
patchelect wrote: In reply to rotard: I wonder what the percentage is rather than the raw numbers. You WILL see more idiots in cars simply because there are more cars on the road. Beyond that I'm not certain that as a percentage of operators, auto drivers are worse than bike riders. I'd bet that bikers, as a group, are far more dangerous.

On the other hand, cars impose a couple limits on what forms of stupidity you can commit with one. Wheelies and lane splitting are a lot harder to pull off on four wheels.

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
4/9/13 1:51 p.m.

Around here, the Harley riders are worse than the sportbike riders. It's also a small town with an aging population, so there are a lot more Harleys. Clearly lots of guys who do not have the skill or attention for the bike their on, wearing peanut shells and sunglass, revving the bikes at stops. The other day, I watched one guy wobble like crazy trying to bring his Harley with high bars (about shoulder or chin height) to a stop. He revved the throttle a couple times, then made a slow, awkward turn and yanked on the throttle to get to the stop sign a short block away.

And I can't stand loud pipes.

Mmadness Reader
4/9/13 2:24 p.m.
Trans_Maro wrote:
Mmadness wrote: However, some motorcyclists don't wear proper safety gear such as an airbag
I says pardon?

If you watch MotoGP you'll see neck airbags deploy which is similair but more basic than something like the Armored Air Jacket Vest. As said, Honda offers one on the top trim level Goldwing but I don't that is particularly useful in real world situations. The airbag suits used to be ridiculously priced when they came out ($4,000!), but now they are a more reasonable $285 or so. I don't ride, but if I did I would definitely purchase one.

whenry HalfDork
4/9/13 3:10 p.m.

I was going to write the same thing about Harley riders. Around here, they seem to have taken a pledge to never let anyone pass them, no matter the circumstances. Thus no matter if you are on the Dragon or a 4-lane highway, HD riders resist being passed. Kinda ridiculous under both circumstances and is the type of stuff that breeds road rage.

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