Oh I forgot the particular band I hate the most: U2. The worst part of this awful music is the cringey-ass amateurish lyrics you wish you could unhear. Anything from them is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
Also Slipknot and GWAR (which I like) aren't what I call super-heavy. See Cryptopsy and Meshuggah to adjust your definitions...
akamcfly said:
I can tolerate most anything except Christmas music.
There's a lot I don't listen to and I can relate to most of the posts here. I'll change stations with impunity for a song I don't like, to the point of shouting "NO!" before I push the channel button. Sometimes I'm repeating "NO!" as I switch from channel to channel to find something better.
But 'tis Christmas music what makes me grind my teeth and punch other peoples' offspring.
I could tolerate Christmas music if they would call it Christmas music. But they don't, they call it 'Holiday" music, which strongly implies that Christmas is the only winter-solstice holiday and oh, wow, that's a really nice looking patio, let's talk about that patio instead
8/18/18 9:58 a.m.
GameboyRMH said:
Oh I forgot the particular band I hate the most: U2. The worst part of this awful music is the cringey-ass amateurish lyrics you wish you could unhear. Anything from them is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
Agree. How are they so popular?
8/18/18 10:01 a.m.
In reply to mtn :
The same reason all popular things are popular, the majority of people are complete idiots that need a bandwagon to hop on to get through life.
93gsxturbo said: 80s hair metal and rock (not heavy metal) is great Ratt, Whitesnake, Warrant, Motley Crue. Marilyn Manson is great. ICP is great! Dark Lotus is super great! Pearl Jam is great! Sort of miss Soundgarden, not as much as I miss Nirvana.
You guys gotta take yourself less seriously!
Anybody who can say MM and ICP are great in the same breath is the definition of not taking themselves seriously.
(was a Spooky Kid)
(own a few ICP albums)
(appreciate Pearl Jam for their technical excellence but it isn't really my bag)
Knurled. said:
The new radio policies at work have me subjected to pop country for two, two and a half days a week.
I am convinced that country is no different from ghetto rap.
I amuse myself with a game: See how many songs they can play in a row that do NOT call out brand names in the lyrics. So far, the record is 1. Everything else calls out brand names, because buyin' brand-name stuff is a sign of high class for people who are of low class.
Seriously, it's all Z71 this and Powerstroke that and King of Beers and Ajax and whatever, confusing "what you own" with quality of life.
And two of the currently high-rotation songs are about a guy who is lusting after his underage girlfriend, and a guy who wonders if the girl who he knocked up in high school still thinks about him.
Life ain't nothin' but bitches and money...
8/18/18 10:08 a.m.
Knurled. said:
93gsxturbo said: 80s hair metal and rock (not heavy metal) is great Ratt, Whitesnake, Warrant, Motley Crue. Marilyn Manson is great. ICP is great! Dark Lotus is super great! Pearl Jam is great! Sort of miss Soundgarden, not as much as I miss Nirvana.
You guys gotta take yourself less seriously!
Anybody who can say MM and ICP are great in the same breath is the definition of not taking themselves seriously.
(was a Spooky Kid)
(own a few ICP albums)
(appreciate Pearl Jam for their technical excellence but it isn't really my bag)
10 year old me would have said the same thing. I loved Manson when anti Christ superstar, holy wood, and portrait were his only works, which was also the time I discovered the Great Milenko. After seeing Manson on his last 2 tours, I feel like it's time for him to call it a career, and juggalo nation kinda killed ICP for me.
I will hop on the hick hop band wagon though, because honestly I think it's funny to see/hear big rednecks rapping about mud bogging. They're also the only musicians that are my size, so good on the fat boys making money.
In reply to RevRico :
Marilyn Manson did tours after 1997?
GameboyRMH said:
Oh I forgot the particular band I hate the most: U2. The worst part of this awful music is the cringey-ass amateurish lyrics you wish you could unhear. Anything from them is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
Also Slipknot and GWAR (which I like) aren't what I call super-heavy. See Cryptopsy and Meshuggah to adjust your definitions...
Id also add doom to the super heavy side of things, Electric Wizard etc
8/18/18 10:20 a.m.
Knurled. said:
And two of the currently high-rotation songs are about a guy who is lusting after his underage girlfriend, and a guy who wonders if the girl who he knocked up in high school still thinks about him.
Wasn't the famous Amy thread something along those lines? Maybe the songwriter is a GRMer
8/18/18 10:31 a.m.
I find it interesting... I love folk and singer/songwriter stuff: Joni Mitchell, CSNY, Donovan, Pete Seeger, and even some of the earlier stuff like Rooftop Singers.
.... but I can't stand Simon and Garfunkle. I should love them. But I don't.
logdog said:
Knurled. said:
And two of the currently high-rotation songs are about a guy who is lusting after his underage girlfriend, and a guy who wonders if the girl who he knocked up in high school still thinks about him.
Wasn't the famous Amy thread something along those lines? Maybe the songwriter is a GRMer
Y'know, the more I am subjected to the song "I was Jack 'And You were Diane'", the more I think that the songwriter was a complete berking moron who didn't understand "Jack and Diane", and the less I think it's about some self-absorbed a-hole who knocked up a girl in high school, abandoned her, and wonders if she still has feelings for him.
So, country music: Is it for complete idiots, or shiny happy people? Those are, literally, the only two choices.
Bonus: The lyrics call out consumer products, because of course they have to.
Knurled. said:
So, country music: Is it for complete idiots, or shiny happy people? Those are, literally, the only two choices.
Ex-SWMBO only listened to pop country when we were first together. She shunned me about listening to metal/metal core/rock/anything remotely heavy.
"How can you listen to this?" She asked me as she changed the station to country while I was driving. I got drug into a few honky-tonks against my will. It was her way or nothing. I think country triggers PTSD.
So my answer is simply "Yes".
8/18/18 10:54 a.m.
Curtis said:
I find it interesting... I love folk and singer/songwriter stuff: Joni Mitchell, CSNY, Donovan, Pete Seeger, and even some of the earlier stuff like Rooftop Singers.
.... but I can't stand Simon and Garfunkle. I should love them. But I don't.
How do you feel about Paul Simon, sans Garunkel? i.e. Graceland, Kodachrome, Loves me like a Rock?
Ian F
8/18/18 10:57 a.m.
I don't know... I don't really hate anything. While I definitely lean towards classical music and 80's style heavy metal (singing vs. growling), I can usually find something to appreciate in anything I hear.
A guilty pleasure is fast dance music. I'll mentally add distorted guitars and turn it into a heavy metal song.
In reply to Ian F :
Fast dance music can also be known as NRG. I bet a quick search on YouTube will find metal NRG. That kind of stuff is probably 70% of my personal playlist anymore, so I know it exists.
...Oddly enough, a search for "NRG metal" is getting me a whole lot of results for Chernobyl-related videos and documentaries.
8/18/18 11:22 a.m.
Crxpilot said:
Rachmaninov pieces are just torture for the performers and the audience.
Wow. I specifically love Rachmaninov. In fact, I want Concerto No 2 played at my funeral as my eulogy.
8/18/18 11:23 a.m.
mtn said:
Curtis said:
I find it interesting... I love folk and singer/songwriter stuff: Joni Mitchell, CSNY, Donovan, Pete Seeger, and even some of the earlier stuff like Rooftop Singers.
.... but I can't stand Simon and Garfunkle. I should love them. But I don't.
How do you feel about Paul Simon, sans Garunkel? i.e. Graceland, Kodachrome, Loves me like a Rock?
Good for you, Curtis. I freaking hate Paul Simon and everything he’s written.
Jumper K Balls said:
James berkeleying Taylor
Abso-berking-lutely. Hate James Taylor.
8/18/18 11:39 a.m.
I think we need to draw a distinction between real Country music - Hank Sr, Merle Haggard, George Jones, Charlie Pride, Randy Travis, Jimmie Dale Gilmore, Lefty Frizell, Willie ‘n Waylon, Sturgill Simpson, Wayne Hancock, and all of Western Swing - and Pop Country / Bro Country, which is the predominately Nashville machine-produced garbage heard on the radio for the last decade or so.
There is still real Country music being made; it just doesn’t get on the radio. But it is a matter of intent rather than decade that makes the difference. There was crappy pop-country made in the '70s and '80s and '90s, as well. It's just exploded since the Oughties.
So I like a lot of oddball stuff compared to my friends, but I’ve noticed that the stuff I don’t care for tend to be super repetitive. Like the same simple chord progression through the whole song or when the vocals literally mimic the guitar riff. Stuff like that drives me nuts. Give me some good syncopation!
Also, not because I don’t like it or anything, but as a migraine sufferer, most metal can trigger headaches for me.
8/18/18 12:05 p.m.
New Reader
8/18/18 12:17 p.m.
My pandora list probably makes me look crazy. Reggae, rock, country, bossa nova,ska, jazz, on and on. Thinks i cant really listen to=
reggaeton(i get it, but i dont).
The beatles unless its the more obscure stuff. Sgt peppers. I dont hate it but like said earlier, ive just heard it so friggin many times.
Aggressive mumble metal. Im not that angry anymore. Dont want to be angry. Still like pantera, metallica, megadeath, etc.
“the radio”. Just like broadcast TV. Turn it off. The commercials, the “news”, kill it. Think for yourselves. I took the antenna off my truck. Serves me no purpose.
And not trying to be controversial but if i never hear rush, foreigner, the rolling stones, led zepplin or jimmy buffet again, id be just fine.
Oh and the bro country. You could play that garbage on virtually any station. Its such generic crap. Engineered for maximum airplay. Its exactly what companies pay radio stations to oversaturate the airwaves with. Gimme something from bob wills to waylon jennings, buck owens, willie, don williams. So much good music to be listened to, i dont like seeing people waste time listening to such noise.
Fancy lad in my company loves that mess. The pop country. He bought some property a few years ago so he went from loafers and BMW 3 series to a 4x4 truck and cowboy boots. So funny. And sad.
This thread probably deserves a mention of Max Martin. He's sort of the poster boy for factory produced mainstream corporate pop.
Almost every ovwrplayed, mediocre pop hit you have been over exposed to in the last 20 years was written by this one dude.

He can most definitely suck it.