4/3/13 8:37 a.m.
I was talking to my wife about how I post here when I need info on something. Every time, without exception, I get real, valuable information from folks here. I recently posted a question about my VW on a VW forum and got nothing. Then I post here and get info within 8 minutes! Another perfect example is my post about my lawn and how to handle that. I got, and am getting real info on that. But this is an automotive forum, and I’m getting landscaping advice!
Anyway, I was expressing my amazement on how I can post anything here and you guys/girls come up with good info, not just opinions.
My wife said, “yeah, they’re all like you. They’re OCD and have a wealth of information that is useless in most situations, but when it’s needed they/you appear to be the most knowledgeable person in the world……for a few minutes. Then you get back to babbling on about firing orders, limited slip rear ends, three-angle valve jobs, and telling me that if I were able to hit the apex going into isle 4 at the grocery store I could shave time off my shopping trips.”
Then, she went on about how this forum is a community more than an internet forum. Now THAT I can agree with (but if she could hit that apex going into the bread isle….) So my wife, who is NOT a car person is impressed with the little community we have built here. She is impressed.
I just wanted to post this to thank you all for helping me out with all the dumb little things that pop up in my life.
My wife has even asked what the GRM comunity has to say when I'm investigating house projects etc.
4/3/13 8:47 a.m.
I recently had one of these conversations as well. My parents rode by my house and asked whose Lebaron Turbo was parked beside the garage. I told them it belonged to another GRM forum member who calls himself 'Cooter'. That got a giggle. They then wanted to know why a guy from a random forum on the Internet left his car at my house.
'Well... He bought the white truck, then he took it on a roadtrip.'
'He left from your house on a roadtrip? Where to?'
'Is everyone on that site insane?'
4/3/13 8:51 a.m.
I often go for a bike ride through the local cemetery. It's really quiet
and has a labyrinth of roads. I know the correct line and apex of every single one of them...
There are two sites I consider "communities" that I visit regularly. THis is one of them.
Ian F
4/3/13 9:05 a.m.
I don't discuss GRM with the other half, although I know she's lurked here from time to time. Partly because she is an engineer and never believes a word I say, regardless of how many times I prove her wrong... and partly because I need some place on the web to vent my frustrations from time to time.
While I rarely post questions of my own, I do take note of the various "non-automotive learn me" threads around here and learn from them.
4/3/13 9:11 a.m.
When a problem comes up around the house and I don't know how to solve it, my wife immediately says, "Did you ask your buddies?".
My wife didn't know there was a magazine, she thought it was just a forum.
DrBoost wrote:
They’re OCD and have a wealth of information that is useless in most situations, but when it’s needed they/you appear to be the most knowledgeable person in the world……for a few minutes.
This got a chuckle out of me. I have a very close friend who has titled me as, "the simple man's genius" for the very same reason.
I was actually LOL'ing while reading Powar's comments. Not till when reading it off the printed page it does seem silly.
Nobody knows I'm on this site except for my boss who was forced to block me from it the other day as part of Operation Make All Employees Miserable (a post for the work gripes thread). He doesn't know what it is though and calls it "grassroots-whatever."
Posted from my N900 
In reply to DrBoost:
My wife says the same thing
My wife has gotten so that she asks me to post questions here.
4/3/13 10:21 a.m.
carguy123 wrote:
My wife has gotten so that she asks me to post questions here.
Yeah, I've had mine say the same thing.
4/3/13 10:56 a.m.
Don't forget to remind her that coming out of aisle 4 is a double-apex because of the fruit cart at the end 
4/3/13 11:02 a.m.
And look both ways for god's sake. Don't you ever feel like asking folks "do you drive that way too?"
DrBoost wrote:
My wife said, “yeah, they’re all like you. They’re OCD and have a wealth of information that is useless in most situations, but when it’s needed they/you appear to be the most knowledgeable person in the world……for a few minutes. Then you get back to babbling on about firing orders, limited slip rear ends, three-angle valve jobs, and telling me that if I were able to hit the apex going into isle 4 at the grocery store I could shave time off my shopping trips.”
I LOL'd so hard at this. Quote of the year. Love it.
4/3/13 11:32 a.m.
Conquest351 wrote:
DrBoost wrote:
My wife said, “yeah, they’re all like you. They’re OCD and have a wealth of information that is useless in most situations, but when it’s needed they/you appear to be the most knowledgeable person in the world……for a few minutes. Then you get back to babbling on about firing orders, limited slip rear ends, three-angle valve jobs, and telling me that if I were able to hit the apex going into isle 4 at the grocery store I could shave time off my shopping trips.”
I LOL'd so hard at this. Quote of the year. Love it.
Thanks! Glad you appreciate it. My wife just can't get this car obsession, no matter how hard she tries.
Lesley wrote:
And look both ways for god's sake. Don't you ever feel like asking folks "do you drive that way too?"
sadly.. I have seen enough folks come to a dead halt on the steet to realize that they do drive the way say they manuever a shopping cart
Does your wife think I'm hot? Because all of us here think she is.
If she was able to recall all those conversations, at least she's listening.
4/3/13 11:44 a.m.
My wife is the same way. Quite regularly I get a "What did Grassroots say about it".... and it could literally be anything, from why my MINI is eating right front tires, to what to have for dinner.
I remember taking my stepson shopping when he was around eleven and his asking me why I kept sliding the cart’s rear wheels back and forth. With a straight face and a matter of fact tone I replied “gotta’ keep the tires warm incase a race breaks out”. He’s all grown up now and that phrase has become our vernacular for “I’m preparing for action”.
Back on topic…beyond receiving great advice over the years (thank you very much everyone), this board serves as a metaphor for elegant solutions. In others words, when I’m considering potential solutions to a problem, I visualize a spectrum ranging from (throw cubic money at it) at one end and (what would a GRM’er do) at the other end.
One can find great advice on the GRM BB for almost any pursuit except spelling.