What old school product, that is still available, do you use because it's always worked even with the new fandangled products out there?
For me, I would have to say Brillo Pads. I cannot get my stove top cleaned any other way. They even make a stove top spray that's supposed help get the cooked on stuff off, but it just doesn't work. Brillo Pads though, always do.
11/13/14 12:43 p.m.
Colgate. Original formula.
It's a paste, not a gel, and it doesn't taste like some minty crap.
My wife has a little trouble finding it for me.
Stan Smith Adidas tennis shoes. The only sneaker I can find that fits properly.
I still use Bon Ami for removing the lichens and crud off decades-old window seals.
11/13/14 12:52 p.m.
Shaving cream that is a cream, not a gel or foam. This was inherited from my dad.
Shoes made in USA. They cost 3x more, but last about 10x longer (assumed--still wearing grandpa's to actually find out).
That is pretty much it, unless you count vintage stuff like guitars and vinyl records. But I use the new versions of that too, so... Meh.
I use it to clean the contacts on my old NES and Atari 2600 games. It works wonderfully.
For example, I have had the NES game Super C since it first came out back in '89 or '90. It stopped working a few months after I got it. I polished the contacts with Brasso earlier this year and it fired right up like it was fresh out of the package!!!
11/13/14 12:57 p.m.
Hard copies of electronic media like music, movies, and games. I want a physical object for my money, that I can reload from when - not if - it's required. Berk this "download only" crap.
Mechanical watches and double edge razors.
No. 2 Eagle pencils.
Brillo pads.
Got to the store and try to buy some of the scouring pads and Red devil lye and wait for the looks you get.
reel lawn mower and straight razor
Flip phone
I still E36 M3 in the woods too...well, OK, I'm not that old school. 
Klayfish wrote:
I still E36 M3 in the woods too...well, OK, I'm not that old school.
Heh, Deer Camp has no sewer or septic, so... we're subjected to using an outhouse. This past summer, my (second) cousins built a new one - the old one was ~50 years old.
11/13/14 2:23 p.m.
stuart in mn wrote:
"#2 Ticonderoga pencils.
spitfirebill wrote:
No. 2 Eagle pencils.
Heathens. Everybody knows that it needs to be a Mirado Black Warrior or nothing.
Burrito Enthusiast wrote:
I still use Bon Ami for removing the lichens and crud off decades-old window seals.
Also good for scrubbing down windshields. Bar Keeper's Friend is actually better for pots and pans.
WD40 all the things
Double edge safety razor
Scratch make biscuits
Scratch make sausage gravy (sometimes even grind my own sausage)
Still have a large VHS collection
do not have a smart phone
I have a steamer in the kitchen with a mechanical timer, and a washing machine, and a dryer. Every time I buy something with an electronic keypad, it craps out. The mechanical ones work forever.
Film, mainly black & white and processing chemicals.
stuart in mn wrote:
"#2 Ticonderoga pencils.
I have not seen one of those in decades.
I use a 111 year old rifle with a 123 year old cartridge. And a new-fangled 60 year old rifle with a 128 year old cartridge. Do those count? Mechanical wrist watch. A razor strop. Barkeep's Friend. Infernal Combustion Engines. Windoze XP. Where do you draw the line on Old?
I have one just like this in the living room. Sometimes I listen to baseball games.

And I don't have one, but I would LOVE to have a Colt 1911. I can't stand new fangled plastic guns.