12/18/15 8:17 a.m.
fasted58 wrote:
Can't believe nobody said vacuum cleaner yet. No wait... Dustbuster FTW.
True story: I knew a guy whose wife asked for vacuum cleaner bags for Christmas - and he was planning on getting them for her. It's the little things that count, I guess. And this was not a situation where vacuum cleaner bags represented much of an investment for them.
12/18/15 9:23 a.m.
Ugh, so terrible at buying gifts.
Got yelled at for the spa thing
Did up a fancy romantic trinket from scratch - said she wanted something more practical
Bought coat hangars - too practical
Who knows?
In reply to tuna55:
Cash. Go shopping with her- tell her "yes, you can buy that- we'll call it your Christmas present". Done.
12/18/15 9:33 a.m.
Personally, I'd be looking into something she'd never forget.
fasted58 wrote:
Can't believe nobody said vacuum cleaner yet. No wait... Dustbuster FTW.
One year around the first week of February, SWMBO said she really wanted snow tires for her truck. She then complained about the lack of romance indicated by the receipt of such tires (and wheels!) on Valentine's Day.
tuna55 wrote:
Ugh, so terrible at buying gifts.
Got yelled at for the spa thing
Did up a fancy romantic trinket from scratch - said she wanted something more practical
Bought coat hangars - too practical
Who knows?
The correct answer is never the correct answer after conversion from idea to execution.
Personally, I've always had good luck with doing things enjoyed together.
Karacticus wrote:
fasted58 wrote:
Can't believe nobody said vacuum cleaner yet. No wait... Dustbuster FTW.
One year around the first week of February, SWMBO said she really wanted snow tires for her truck. She then complained about the lack of romance indicated by the receipt of such tires (and wheels!) on Valentine's Day.
Dated a woman a few years ago who's birthday fell a week before Valentines day. Got her something nice for her b-day (pearls) and caught holy hell on her Valentines Day (a Tuesday IIRC) for not getting her something nice then as well. Didn't matter that I planned to take her away the following weekend for a getaway shopping trip.
I dumped her the next day, I don't need that level of ingratitude.
In reply to KyAllroad:
Should've given her another pearl necklace on Valentines Day 
captdownshift wrote:
In reply to KyAllroad:
Should've given her another pearl necklace on Valentines Day
I think he made the best choice there....
Wow, everything is pg rated so far, you guys are all so well behaved.
New Reader
12/18/15 4:17 p.m.
Im pulling the we are in the middle of buying a house and have no money so no gifts this year :(
Nothing? There's reason I'm divorced. 
We simply don't do it - we have more than we need already, and stay out of stores from Oct to Jan. Win win. We spend lots of family time together, but more stuff isn't part of the equation.
Note that you both need to want this for it to work. YMMV. 
scardeal wrote:
A Wookiee for Christmas?
Ah, so you've seen me naked
drainoil wrote:
Wow, everything is pg rated so far, you guys are all so well behaved.
Perhaps you've missed the captains comments.
Ian F
12/18/15 9:51 p.m.
mazdeuce wrote:
My wife wants an Audi R8, and since she's a small town girl she says she'll be happy with the V8. I got her a coffee cup.
I seem to recall wearymicrobe looking for one of those. Apparently they aren't easy to find.
Since I've been without a SWMBO for a couple of years now, I only have to buy something for my mother. Who has far more money than me and can buy darned near anything she wants. So the trick has been finding something she wants but doesn't know it. This year, I bought her a new Nativity for her front yard. We set it up today. She was very happy. My Christmas shopping is done. Bonus: I didn't have to wrap it! 
A "standard" yearly gift for my ex- was detailing supplies from Griot's. New cotton rags and buffing pads. This was a given whether she asked for them or not. We used to exchange gift lists, but it always pissed her off as I'd buy everything on her list. She never got anything on my list, no matter how well I tried to keep it under budget.