DrBoost wrote:
Make THESE out of them, and put them on eBay.
I made one for my son who took in a lot of door money, usually $800 - $1200/week. I used a Mteallography Handbook.
Flip through the pages while lightly spraying them with NAPA upholstery adhesive. Close the book and put a brick on it at least overnight.
Open the front cover and bolt the book to a Bridgeport table with a plexiglass shield holding the pages/book to the table.
Mill out a square, right through the plexi.
One of 28 books on a shelf would look suspicious, find a random book.
What do you think the public would be willing to pay for one ready to use hide-a-stash?
2/15/13 12:39 p.m.
If I did it, yeah I'd keep the whole set so as to not look all suspicious-like. But there are dumb people out there, that's why I'd do what 914 said to three books and put them on eBay. You'll get $20 for each three-book set.
Seems like a lot of work for $27.
2/15/13 1:18 p.m.
914Driver wrote:
Seems like a lot of work for $27.
Maybe if you're only doing one, but if you factory-line the process, it wouldn't be that bad.
The book in the ebay listing is First Lady, Barbara Bush. It would be funnier if it was Nancy Reagan, the "just say no" lady.
My local used book shop took them, they said the theater company loves free books for props.
2/15/13 3:33 p.m.
If I had matched set of cool books gathering dust, I'd put them to use like so:

Here's how.
Shoot them. With a rifle. See how many volumes a given caliber will go through.
We still have a set of Britannica in the family, I have every intention of keeping them in our library. The internet os easily changed, while a book is much harder to alter. I like to hold on to my history with both hands sometimes.
my grand'rents have a few sets of Britannica ranging from the 50's though the 70's... apparently grandpa sold them at some point... mom and dad bought a complete set of the World Book in '87 (dad felt the World book was more appropriate for young students then the more academic level Britanica as I recall)... I'll admit it was nice to have while going to school, even after we got a computer with the CD rom encyclopedia the physical copy had much more information vs the CD...
I know in grade school we picked up a single volume of an encyclopedia just to cut and past the pictures into reports with (back in the dark ages before you could print out a pic haha)