I'm old. I've been binge watching Initial-D for a while and decided I want a copy for myself.
Unfortunately I can't seem to find any "Initial-D box sets" for sale on e-bay or Amazon. Funimation will stream them for free, but (back to that "old" thing) I'm looking to buy my own copy. Any ideas or links?
Ideally I'd like to start at season one (if I couldn't buy them all at once) and sub over dub.
Thanks. You may now feel free to make fun of me 
edit: found seasons 1-4 on Funimation.
You're right, looks like all the box sets are of the godawful Tokyopop translations or otherwise have quality problems. This seems to be the best available:
Also if you only started watching at fourth stage...well there are reasons the anime wasn't very popular before that.
I'll be honest, I had to start the first season twice before I started getting into it.
On a related note. Where the hell are the promised blurays + stage 5 + final stage? I've been holding off buying the DVDs since the blurays have been promised since.... oh 2013.
Probably some funky licensing thing again.
I think I may have found something:
You know half of me knows that that's just some fansubs burned to the DVDs (I bet that it even has the disclaimer to not redistribute at the start still) and half of me doesn't care because the translation and subtitle text will be better than what comes out in the US.
someone on here has burned dvds.....
GameboyRMH wrote:
Also if you only started watching at fourth stage...well there are reasons the anime wasn't very popular before that.
Oooooo. So it wasn't just me. I got through the first stage but couldn't keep going.
Is there a way to order from Amazon Japan? If so, the bluray editions are available
^THAT, my friend, is an awesome avatar picture!
After reading this thread I know how my wife feels when me and my buddies talk about cars.
I think most of them are on Netflix, or used to be.
you know I heard, not that I condone nor ever done this, but I have heard you can find the whole subtitled set on PirateBay for a torrent download.
I heard that.
Ian F
10/20/15 7:53 a.m.
LainfordExpress wrote:
I think most of them are on Netflix, or used to be.
I watched them on Netflix a couple of years ago. I think it stopped at Series 4 (the "traveling race team" series). I keep forgetting to look to see if the latest ones are there. Actually, I haven't logged into Netflix in months...
I have netflix (that's where I started my binge), they're also available on youtube. I thought about trying one of those "youtube to dvd" capture programs, but having no experience with such things I figured "nah, better play it safe" (plus I'm sure it's not nice to do, etc).
I'll probably pull the trigger on the DVD set I linked tomorrow. What could possibly go wrong? 
Edit: ordered. Couldn't wait. I did however, find a copy for $27.80. I'll let ya'll know it works out 
I guess I'm just glad I bought them all 
Hungary Bill wrote:
I have netflix (that's where I started my binge), they're also available on youtube. I thought about trying one of those "youtube to dvd" capture programs, but having no experience with such things I figured "nah, better play it safe" (plus I'm sure it's not nice to do, etc).
I'll probably pull the trigger on the DVD set I linked tomorrow. What could possibly go wrong?
Edit: ordered. Couldn't wait. I did however, find a copy for $27.80. I'll let ya'll know it works out
I'd be interested to know how it works out for you. The thought has occurred to me to just download the fan subs but I've been out of that world for a while now (aka I have no idea who the good groups are anymore) and I'd rather own the legitimate blurays. But if Funimation is going to play games then screw it I'll just do the same if yours work.
Got it in the mail last night. Here's how it looks

Unfortunately it won't play in the computer I'm sitting at (DVDrw says "no disc") I'll give her a try when I get home and let you know how it all turns out (fingers crossed it works in our DVD player)
On a side note: I watched Initial D extra stage 2 today... holy smokes that was a waste of time.
11/11/15 12:08 a.m.
Mines in storage right now, but I got it all from discountanimedvd.com. no idea if thst even parses anymore. Bootleg as berkeley as it turns out, but at least the subs were ok.
it works! (and there goes my day off)

For anime, The Right Stuff Incorporated it a pretty good place to start for US releases:
For Japanese or official HK releases, Amazon Japan, CD Japan, Yes Asia, and Play Asia are what I use.
CD Japan
Yes Asia
And United Publications has been pretty good for UK/Australian releases, along with Amazon UK.
As much as I like Initial D, I'd do anything for an English friendly (meaning english subtitled) release of Capeta...the best racing anime series I've ever seen. I've only seen the Japanese language only DVD's once listed and it came to about $1,500...