First time being sick in over two years. The wife says she can't ever remember me being sick since we've started dating.
Anyways somewhere between a county fair, being around two of my nieces, and doing a hardcore cleaning of my living space I came in contact with something that doesn't gel with my body. Needless to say I feel miserable and I absolutely hate being sick. One of the reasons I went to a super healthy diet and kicked a lot of junk food but something new got me.
Sore throat, congested, leaky nose, and pounding headaches lead me to believe its my sinuses. A google search says and one of those md sites would lead me to believe I have cancer though.
it's probably the SARS... or the bird flu... or whatever third world disease that no one in the western hemisphere has ever gotten that everyone is currently paranoid about.
Try working in a hospital emergency room for 12 hrs every shift...
Used to get sick once a year, just for a couple days, then all better.
Then I spleened myself, now it's every few months and usually puts me on my ass.
So yeah, I hate being sick too.
novaderrik wrote:
it's probably the SARS... or the bird flu... or whatever third world disease that no one in the western hemisphere has ever gotten that everyone is currently paranoid about.
It could be the Monkey Pox too. 
Hope you feel better soon.
I understand. With my Crohnes disease, I get everything that comes down the pike. For those that do not know, Crohnes is an antoimmune disease. My body is constantly fighting itself and if some stray germ comes around, it kicks into hyperdrive to kill it.
in real world terms, it is like a country dropping a nuke on an unruley mob. It kills the problem, but the fall out affects everything else
Is theraflu back on the shelves? That E36 M3 is awesome
I transport sick and infectious people every day, I haven't been sick since I started this 11 years ago.
Exposure on a regular basis builds immunity is my take on it.
I'm thinking it might be my sinuses. New area, different foliage than what I'm used too. My only other theory - emptying the vacuum cleaner from the apartment douching some of the nastyness made its way into my nasal way and caused this.
I didn't realize how miserable it makes work, travel, etc.
mad_man, one of my good friends has that as well. He's the biggest germaphobe and health nut I've ever met.
My entire family is sick. The wife lost her voice two days ago. (Not necessarily a bad thing.
I blame those Frigging Canadians.
My kids brought it back from Canada last week and they are still getting over it.
Me, I don't usually get sick. I think I sneezed once, but I'm over it.
In reply to Toyman01:
WTF were your kids doing in Canada? 
Mod Squad
8/13/13 7:17 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote:
In reply to Toyman01:
WTF were your kids doing in Canada?
Yeah, all the stuff Leslie has been saying should have scared them away.
In reply to Curmudgeon:
They spent a month with my parents, on their boat, in upstate NY and the 1000 islands area.
A month with no kids in the house was kind of nice. 
I would have rather been on the boat. 
I love being sick. How else am I supposed to watch The Price is Right?

(I refuse to post a pic of Drew Carrey as the host)
I seem to get a summer cold and a winter cold every year. It comes in with the kids or the little girl my wife babysits.
I hate flu so bad, I get the shot every year. The one year I didn't I came down with it. I've had BAD flu three times. Thought I was dying and ended up in the hospital once when a youngster. Never again.
I too have Crohn's, but mine is pretty manageable. WIth Crohn's, they ususally prescribe immune suppressing drugs, so you are more suspectable to infections (and cancer).
Yeah being sick is berkeleying awesome.
the worst sick I get is in the summer. One of the places I work at keeps their theatre at around 60 degrees. We have seen it drop into the mid-50s when it gets -really- hot out and the building's HVAC needs to work hard to keep up.
I would come down with pnumonia ever summer as it would be that cold inside.. and 90+ outside with 90+ hummidity
I think it's a universal statement that everyone hates being sick.
On a side note I think you may have gonaherpasyphaclap.
The only good thing about getting a cold for me, is that there will be one or two days during which I can sing exactly like that guy from The Crash Test Dummies.
8/14/13 7:48 p.m.
I don't get sick. Like ever.
Hooray me. 
8/14/13 10:41 p.m.
JoeyM wrote:
Curmudgeon wrote:
In reply to Toyman01:
WTF were your kids doing in Canada?
Yeah, all the stuff Leslie has been saying should have scared them away.
That's right! Danger, stay away! We got yer bird flu, yer swine flu, yer mad berkeleying cow disease, elephantitis, dermatitis, syphilis, you name it, we got it.
This summer, I had bronchitis for a few weeks, then strained cartilage in my chest from the coughing for a few weeks afterwards, and a few weeks ago, a kidney stone. This summer can DIAF.