I'm sick and tired of Philly summers, I'm long overdue for a change of scenery, and my wife is starting to see things that way too.
So my brother has been living and working in the aviation industry in AK for about a decade. He's been telling me that if I came up there I'd be able to get a job within an hour of getting off the plane. (Specifically the Anchorage region)
But would it be a good job? I'm near the top of the pay scale in my trade for the mid Atlantic area, and I know that the cost of living is much different up there. My brother seems to think that I could make a lot more, but would it be enough to make a net gain?
I work as an industrial vehicle mechanic, which is mostly forklifts. I have seen help wanted ads on a trade specific website, for jobs in AK in the recent past.
For those that don't know, forklifts cover a surprisingly broad range of technology. I specialize in electric powered machines, but the newest ICE powered machines have so much electronics in them that I've come to view them as electric machines that happen to have an ICE to make them move. Some are more complex than modern cars. Could there be enough of that type of machinery in the region to require a specialist? My fear is that the majority of the machinery is the crusty old & odd stuff that I go out of my way to avoid.
So, for those who have been there, what is the commercial/ industrial culture like in the Anchorage area? Is it vibrant and up to date in relation to the lower 48, or broke and decades behind? My brother thinks it's booming, but I suspect that he can't see beyond the airport.
Are the schools any good? My son is bright, and we are involved parents, that's important to me.
What are the winters really like? I've heard others who've been to AK (including my brother)say that Anchorage is pretty mild compared to Fairbanks, the Bering Sea coast and the Aleutians. I'm not sure that I find those comparisons reassuring. I've spent time in far upstate NY in the winter, that was pretty darn cold to me. (-10f in the early mornings). I'm not sure that I could take it much colder than that. The short mid winter days (about 5 hrs daylight) would be harder to bear than the cold, IMO.
On that note, I know that a lot of Alaskans of means take tropical vacations in the dead of winter. My brother's wife is from a tropical location,and he gets free air fare, so thats easy for him. I'd have to deliberately budget for it.
I guess I'll have to plan a trip soon, to do my own research, but I know there are a couple of members on this forum that live in AK, and a few more that have spent more than few days there as well. I'd appreciate any all first hand experiences.