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HiTempguy New Reader
8/15/08 8:22 p.m.

Just thought I'd start a thread to see what all GRM'ers are doing at the start of a fine school season. I'm going back to be an Instrumentation Engineering Technologist (the diploma, not the trade, big difference in case you didn't know ;) ). Totally stoked that it is still in the engineering field as I withdrew from my first year of an engineering degree 1.5 years ago, also psyched that I should still be able to maintain a race schedule while doing it (Rallye Defi here I come!). What are you all up to?

Monkeywrench New Reader
8/15/08 8:45 p.m.

I'm working my butt off until I go back to school. I've been on a co-op for the last 6 months and I'm really itching to get back. Environmental Science major here. I tried the engineering thing my freshman year.. it didn't exactly work out all that well

dan_efi New Reader
8/15/08 8:52 p.m.

Mechanical Engineering Technologist, 2 year course. Starting this September Hoping I can make good use of this course on top of being a licensed machinist.

aeronca65t Reader
8/15/08 9:10 p.m.

I'll be returning to the front of the classroom....

.....Teaching a few freshman sections of Prototyping, CNC Programming, and AutoCAD in our Mechanical Engineering Technology program.

Tommy Suddard
Tommy Suddard
8/15/08 9:36 p.m.

I'm going into 9th grade...

skierd Dork
8/15/08 11:15 p.m.

Thanks for making all of us feel old. ;)

I'm restarting in three weeks, going for a BS in History and Secondary Education.

Luke Dork
8/15/08 11:20 p.m.

I'll be going for a Ba. of Aquatic Science, but it doesn't start until February 09.

Wally SuperDork
8/16/08 1:36 a.m.

Ahh, the ninth grade, the best three years of my life. I'll be proofreading papers for whatever classes my wife is taking this semester.

aeronca65t Reader
8/16/08 5:12 a.m.
Wally wrote: Ahh, the ninth grade, the best three years of my life.

Show Off!!

SVreX SuperDork
8/16/08 5:45 a.m.

Whole family's going back to school. Well for some of us the school's coming back to us.

2 eldest: Political Science and Business Administration.

I'm heading back to trade school for welding certification.

School's come back to our house for the 3 youngest members of the family who homeschool.

And my wife's started teaching again. All of us.

maroon92 SuperDork
8/16/08 7:25 a.m.

I am going back to the Hayworth college of Business on the campus of Western Michigan University for my final year of schooling in Advertising and Promotion.


P71 Reader
8/16/08 10:07 a.m.

Wally owes me a new keyboard... now mine has OJ all over it.

DILYSI Dave SuperDork
8/16/08 10:43 a.m.

Starting Year 3 of my 5 year MBA...

mtn Dork
8/16/08 11:28 a.m.

Just started my Freshman year at Illinois State University, majoring in Actuarial Science. Is it normal for your parents to call you six times a day to tell you you don't call enough?

Monkeywrench New Reader
8/16/08 12:44 p.m.
mtn wrote: Just started my Freshman year at Illinois State University, majoring in Actuarial Science. Is it normal for your parents to call you six times a day to tell you you don't call enough?

They'll get over it by Thanksgiving.

thatsnowinnebago Reader
8/16/08 2:27 p.m.

I'll be a super senior getting my BS in Environmental Science and Resource Management. This is of course assuming my school gets it act together and offers the classes I need at the times I need them or at least allow substitutions. Sometimes I think my love of motorsports is a bit of an odd choice for someone with my major.

HiTempguy New Reader
8/16/08 4:29 p.m.

Wow, great responses so far. It is awesome to hear some of the cough older car nuts among us continuing on with their education.

fastasleep New Reader
8/16/08 5:00 p.m.

Back to Georgia State on Monday; 18 semester hours. This will be for a bach.'s in political science and I only have these last two semesters to go. Does it matter that I am 32 and just getting this done? I have developed a complex about it.


slantvaliant New Reader
8/16/08 6:36 p.m.

My youngest started with the Goin' Band from Raiderland (Texas Tech) today. He's stoked.

neon4891 Dork
8/16/08 8:05 p.m.

Im heading back for my last semester. 2 classes, 6 credits, and i get my 2 associates degrees. I mean that counts as a BA, right?

Osterkraut Reader
8/16/08 9:57 p.m.

I'll be a senior at UF in a few short weeks.

I'm looking forward to finally enjoying the #1 party school in the nation. Woot!

mapper New Reader
8/17/08 10:54 a.m.

41 years old and still trying to finish my degree. My school just started offering Saturday classes so maybe I can start taking more than one class a semester. My wife is in nursing school after getting laid off last year. My son is a senior this year and trying to figure out which college to go to. I hope he has learned a good lesson watching his parents trying to manage it later in life.


EricM Reader
8/17/08 3:25 p.m.

I am 39 and I am in an Master's Program for Manegment, Information systems.

the beauty of it is since I work for the University of Illinois, all my tuition is waived. I only need to buy books.

So I am working full time, taking two Graduate classes, I have three kids, a wife and am active in my local food pantry. I also race my father's sailboat (http://las-go-around.blogspot.com) And am putting tile in tthe downstairs.

SO, I am a little busy...

InigoMontoya New Reader
8/17/08 6:25 p.m.

After 4.5 years of college 9 years ago I am finally going back to school as well. Going to Arizona State University for a BIS Degree (bachelor of interdisciplinary studies, essentially two minors in business and computers to make up a major).

Work pays for a majority of the costs, so it is finally time to go back and get that expensive piece of paper.

ignorant SuperDork
8/17/08 7:44 p.m.

in 2 weeks I finish my MBA. So with an engineering degree and an MBA from a top 20 business school and being under 30. it's time to reinvent my career and life.. again.

wife is a teacher as well. she goes back in two days.

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