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It's a Double Horse 9101 from here. The price has jumped since I ordered mine though. They were $49, now they are $69.
Your GoPro probably doesn't weigh any more than my Freestyle HD so carrying it shouldn't be a problem.
Be careful going too high though. When the motors cut out before the first crash, it was out of range. Makes for an exciting landing.
Fed Ex delivered the Chronos CX 75 today... I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. Already have my eye on a quad-rotor at the new hobby shop in town. 
fasted58 wrote:
Fed Ex delivered the Chronos CX 75 today... I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. Already have my eye on a quad-rotor at the new hobby shop in town.
I wonder if you will find (as I did) that the batteries they ship with the heli are non-alkaline, and won't even last through the first charge cycle.
Unless my wife changed the fresh alkalines already, it's not eating batteries as fast as I was afraid it might. Even so, it has me wondering if there's any way to charge the 1S LiPo other than via the transmitter battery.
In reply to 1988RedT2:
There are a stack of cheap LiPo chargers out there. I picked up one a year ago that will charge just about anything.

This is the one I have. It will charge 1-6 LiPo cells as well as balance the cells. It comes with plugs for just about any battery. You can find them online for about $35.
Toyman01 wrote:
In reply to 1988RedT2:
There are a stack of cheap LiPo chargers out there. I picked up one a year ago that will charge just about anything.
This is the one I have. It will charge 1-6 LiPo cells as well as balance the cells. It comes with plugs for just about any battery. You can find them online for about $35.
Wow! I'll have to look for that one. All the ones I've seen start for about twice that and charge 2 or 3S LiPo's, not 1S.
Here is a little better footage.
I managed to not crash this time. 
I think I need to come up with a camera mount that is a little better than electrical tape. I seem to be getting a good bit of camera shake. This one I let YouTube edit some of it out.