No, it's not the political discussions nor the interesting photos available for download. It's the seemingly trivial info that's just floating around out there.
Our tripod has been slipping lately. It wouldn't really hold the camera still like it used to. Tightening the tension didn't help, either. I figured I'd have to send it in for service. I even looked up their repair policies.
Then I Googled the model number followed by "problems." Turns out there's a well-hidden Allen bolt underneath the handle that can loosen up over time. Problem fixed.
See the internet can be useful for things other than porn and political arguments.
I actually had one of my DSLR's lock up completely and found the answer online on how to fix the issue. Gotta love having access to such a useful tool.
That's the escence of grassroots..
Knowledge, and the proper tool.
No need for money; just fix the darn thing.
11/5/08 8:59 p.m.
NYG95GA wrote:
That's the escence of grassroots..
Knowledge, and the proper tool.
And let's be totally honest for a second here, having the proper tool is optional at best ;)
amaff wrote:
NYG95GA wrote:
That's the escence of grassroots..
Knowledge, and the proper tool.
And let's be totally honest for a second here, having the proper tool is optional at best ;)
I'll concede that point, but there is a finer tip to the sword..
In the GRM world, we know that in place of a certain size allen wrench, we can use the hex head of a certain size machine screw,
And a pair of vise grips. Which was your point, I think.:)
11/5/08 9:39 p.m.
That was exactly my point
11/6/08 2:39 a.m.
But often a BFH is the proper tool.
Ah yes, nothing like a properly applied percussion adjustment to get yer yaya's out.
I agree. I fixed my wash machine and replaced the snubber ring since it was worn.
I googled the problem and it came right up. awesome
11/6/08 7:29 a.m.
David Wallens IS the proper tool.
Every time I need to jog the motor of an E36 from underhood I need to google for the right pins to short... I can never remember... 7 and...
The googles also helped me fix the highbeams on the 911 for zero $ this week and saved me a whole bunch of time looking for hidden gotchas so is quickly becoming the 1st thing I do before diving in to any unfamiliar job.
The internet (yo) has increased our productivitiy tremendously. Things such as a Locost were virtually impossible before Albert Arnold Gore Jr. invented the Internet (yo). Finding fixes for little things like that are great.
I did get stumped yesterday, though, trying to find the thread pitch on the 12mm BANJO BOLT for a TOYOTA 4AGE FUEL RAIL / FUEL LINE. I actually had to wait until i went home, get out my extra bolt and measure it with a thread pitch guage. It's 1.25. There, now the internet (yo) is complete.
Dr. Hess wrote:
The internet (yo) has increased our productivitiy tremendously.
Yeah. Think about how long it took to find good [insert weird fetish here] porn before the interenet.
P0rn and Warez built the internet (yo). The productivity was a by-product.
Hess, it's teh int3rweb y0. A computer nerd like you should certainly know that.
I find it deeply disturbing that I understand the last several posts, but I suppose I can ignore it.
Before the i-net I used to buy books that would tell me how to fix cars. Now I search whatever forum applies to said model for whatever problem I'm working on. I've since applied this method to computers, cell phones, and countless other devices.
(Look, I agree that your final mention was one area where educational efforts are never wasted, but I've edited this so people with work filters can still come see the board--Margie)
11/7/08 9:27 a.m.
I get less done in a day now than ever before, thanks to the internet.
11/7/08 11:09 a.m.
I also get less done now that we have the internet.
edit: well... I've always had it, but I find myself wasting time on it perhaps 4 times a day, every day.
Tim Baxter wrote:
Dr. Hess wrote:
The internet (yo) has increased our productivitiy tremendously.
Yeah. Think about how long it took to find good [insert weird fetish here] porn before the interenet.
miget on horse action, anyone?
11/7/08 12:02 p.m.
Not safe for work, although I just searched for it at work....
11/7/08 12:04 p.m.
One of the credos of the internets is:
"If you can think of it, someone out there can get off to it."
(Look, I agree that your final mention was one area where educational efforts are never wasted, but I've edited this so people with work filters can still come see the board--Margie) bad. Keep in mind work safe.