In reply to Adrift:
Be glad your state doesn't have Lake Cumberland. Every summer we're invaded by the "Buckeye Navy" pulling massively overpowered cigarette boats up and down I-75 at 85+mph. I don't know if any work ever gets done in that godforsaken state but everyone from there with enough credit to buy a 100K worth of boat and tow rig is here in Ky every weekend all summer.
They keep finding their way further south. I'm starting to see more and more in Texas too.
My mom and her family is from cleveland so I do have make jokes with them about it all of the time. I just missed that fate by 50 miles being born and raised in Erie, Pa. :)
generally speaking, northeast ohio is good, the rest is not my deal. i'd love to be a separate state from about port clinton east(so we can have cedar point and marblehead) and akron north. draw some straight lines and split us off. new south ohio can keep ohio state too.
DrBoost wrote: I hope they don't migrate up here. We dont need a bunch of people driving 15 under the speed limit clogging up our crappy roads.
We only drive the speed limit out of state, since we assume that there is reciprocity in how Ohio state patrols will give tickets out preferentially to out of state people.
I can't answer for the people actually driving slower than the limit. Must be people who were from Indiana who accidentally registered their cars in Ohio, probably because they couldn't figure out how to get off the road from the left lane, which is apparently where all traffic must drive in Indiana, and they were thereby stuck on I-70 until they got to Dayton. And then they have the gall to honk and gesture at you when you pass them on the right.
Heck, even in a rainstorm where the roads had inches of standing water (the wakes generated were AWESOME, like clear over the car next to you into the lane past them) traffic was still moving at 70, posted is 60 'round here...
You should be grateful that we come spend our tourist money in your backward ass states. Maybe if youre lucky we will leave a culture behind when we leave.
In reply to gearheadmb:
I do appreciate that. If it wasn't for the summer months, there would be hardly any places around here to go eat. I just have to hunker down and wait the summer months out until the place gets back to normal. Not too sure about culture though.
Leave your culture in a petri dish so we can safely study it, and, perhaps, find a cure for the disease.
I am from Erie,Pa which is sometimes considered NEOHIO, and I have lived in Cleveland, and enjoyed it, but not the rest of the state and hate most Buckeye fans. Driving wise, I think Florida is the worst driving state and would complain more about Ohio's rust buckets then the driving.
gearheadmb wrote: You should be grateful that we come spend our tourist money in your backward ass states. Maybe if youre lucky we will leave a culture behind when we leave.![]()
Fitting post seems fitting
I'm from south west Ohio, we looked at all you north eastern Ohio guys as being from another country anyway. May as well have been from Canada. Also it's a known fact that the closer you are to Michigan the more they influence your behavior, similar to chewing on lead paint your whole life. Luckily, I was about as far away from Michigan as possible while still being in Ohio.
Nick_Comstock wrote: I'm from south west Ohio, we looked at Y'ALL north eastern Ohio guys as being from another country anyway. May as well have been from Canada. Also it's a known fact that the closer you are to Michigan the more they influence your behavior, similar to chewing on lead paint your whole life. Luckily, I was about as far away from Michigan as possible while still being in Ohio.
gearheadmb wrote: You should be grateful that we come spend our tourist money in your backward ass states. Maybe if youre lucky we will leave a culture behind when we leave.![]()
+1, because that's the only reason to go there. I took a job in SC several years ago. My family stayed behind while I looked for a house. I spent three weeks there and quit the job and returned to Ohio. Nice place to visit, but no way in Hell I'd raise my kids there.
I would let all of Ohio come to California if it would mean that the people from Arizona would leave us alone during the summer in San Diego.
Raised in southern Ohio, did highschool up just north of Columbus, moved out in 2004...
I work in DC now and have no clue why anyone would complain about Ohio drivers compared to what I experience every day here.
bravenrace wrote: In reply to wearymicrobe: "Would let" us come? You couldn't pay me enough to live in that state.
The ineptitude of Ohio drivers never ceases to amaze me.
When people find out I'm from California, they always give me a "How you liking this winter weather? Huh? Huh?"
To which I usually reply, "Eh, doesn't really bother me. Worst thing is that the people who grew up here dealing with it their whole lives complain about it so much and have no idea how to drive in it."
We call them "halfbacks" here. They retire to Fla and dont like the heat; the sand; the bugs or whatever so they move to Tn which is halfway back to Ohio and move onto a retirement lake community.
bravenrace wrote:gearheadmb wrote: You should be grateful that we come spend our tourist money in your backward ass states. Maybe if youre lucky we will leave a culture behind when we leave.+1, because that's the only reason to go there. I took a job in SC several years ago. My family stayed behind while I looked for a house. I spent three weeks there and quit the job and returned to Ohio. Nice place to visit, but no way in Hell I'd raise my kids there.![]()
My sister did the same thing... moved down there, moved right back up less than a year later.
Hell, i moved to Columbus and moved back north as soon as was practical. It doesn't hardly snow down there and when it does nobody can figure out what to do!
Apexcarver wrote: Raised in southern Ohio, did highschool up just north of Columbus, moved out in 2004... I work in DC now and have no clue why anyone would complain about Ohio drivers compared to what I experience every day here.![]()
That's because like you, NO ONE in DC is from there. At least not that they'll admit :P. think of it as the mixing pot of the worst drivers from all over the world.
Florida is bad, Phoenix/tucson is worse. When it sprinkles there they believe the world has ended. True story. Driven in 49 of the 50 states I've been in and here's my ranking:
1.) North Jersey.
2.) NYC.
3.) Central Jersey.
4.) Chicago.
5.) Someplace called the "Garden State" that looks nothing like a Garden.
6.) DC.
7.)LA at rush hour. Although, that may not even be considered "Driving". More like parking with thousands of strangers for short periods of time on the same 10 mile stretch of road.
8.) Philly. Sorry, y'all suck.
9.) South Arizona.
10.) DFW. That is such a clusterberkeley that stretches out over more area than half the states in the Northeast.
Two different customers of mine have their houses up for sale here in Massachusetts because they are moving to Ohio. Neither have a job waiting for them, just the prospect of buying a similar sized house in Ohio for half what they can sell their house in Mass for. Both have kids in high school. I'd leave this state too if I could charge $80 an hour somewhere else that costs less to live.
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