Friend of mine who is an RCMP officer just took a posting in a very Northern town for two years. He just sent me the following email........
Last night I went out for a run. I headed out on the old air strip to the far end of the reserve and headed up a trail that follows a low ridge above the reserve. It's a bit short, but a very nice up and down run. Maybe like you'd find in Kenya.
On the trail I thought I felt some animal nip at my heel. I didn't even bother to turn around and check, since I figured it might have been this little reserve dog that follows me around. It's really annoying and I didn't want to encourage it.
The trail descends steeply down to the flats in front of the detachment. The area used to be open, but it's starting to grow over with grass and low shrubs. As I get down to the flats I start to run and I sense this stupid dog is behind me again. I turn around and "holy crap a wolf!!"
It's coming right at me, so I bend down, pick up a rock, and nail it some where on it's left side. It moves off, but comes back at me. When wild animals attack, it's not like a rottweiler, police dog, or pit bull. They have a sense of self preservation so they don't go ballistic. And wolves don't bark.
This wolf was baring it's teeth and moving in, testing how close it could get. I picked up a big boulder, heaved it over my head, waited until exactly the wrong moment, and missed it. Now it's getting pretty brave, and coming right up to me. I look down for another rock, not wanting to run or show any fear, I'm out of rocks.
I broke off a stick from a spindly bush and start stabbing at it. He's moving in, then jumping back, just like those nature shows on wolves trying to take down a caribou or elk. The thought crossed my mind that he's seen this move from prey before. I start yelling hoping someone driving by will have a rifle, but of course it's Telegraph Creek and there is no-one.
This little battle goes on for a while. I actually stab it in the nose a few times, but it doesn't seem to care and is getting braver and braver. All the while I was backing up looking for help or more rocks. I back over some perfect sized rocks....maybe 2-3lbs and the size of two fists. After one of his lunges, I bend down and pick up a rock I've kicked loose. I let the animal get to me, and as it was about to take a bite out of me I came down with that rock with everything I had on his head.
Well, that did the trick. He ran off. I doubt the blow was fatal, but who knows. I ran across the road to the detachment, grabbed a shot gun and wandered around pointlessly hoping I could find it again, which of course I didn't
Btw, I created a file for the encounter. Gotta keep those stats up.