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aussiesmg UltimaDork
6/12/13 5:34 a.m.
mndsm wrote:
z31maniac wrote:
mndsm wrote: It's zombies and action. Game on.
This. As if everything needs to have some deep, philosophical meaning. Sometimes I just want to turn my brain off for two hours and be entertained, regardless of how cheesy or low-brow.
Precisely. I believe the same argument can be liberally applied to the F&F series.

Count me in this group, movies are not life, they are 2 hours to escape from life.

And I have always been a Zombie fan, way before they got cool, sorta like that whole "Dork" thing.

Will Dork
6/12/13 7:26 a.m.

Here's my gripe: what made the book so good was its format. It's laid out as postware interviews with survivors, and each interview presents a different story, POV, etc.

In other words, it's different.

So why would you use that as source material, and then make another pretty standard looking zombie flick? Why not just call the movie "Oh E36 M3, Zombies!" and avoid all the licensing costs?

Jerry HalfDork
6/12/13 8:15 a.m.

In reply to Will:

YES! From the previews the only thing it has in common with the book is the title & it has some zombies.

I love the format of the book. Someone mentioned a mini series would have worked better. Dare I say it, but maybe even a "Blair Witch" style mockumentary could have been a better idea.

One other thing, my friend that was with me said the movie poster had what looks like a cat being thrown at the helicopter by a zombie. They gave out mini posters, and the cat is gone. Guess someone complained.

redhookfern Reader
6/12/13 2:05 p.m.

I can't ever pass on bad horror movies, and I dig the zombie thing (big WD fan), so I'll probably go see it. It's rare to see any horror flick get a good review, so I wouldn't base my opinion on them. They're horror movies - they're made for entertainment and giant revenue, not oscars.

92dxman HalfDork
6/14/13 2:21 p.m.

I can't do zombie movies. They bore me to tears. The only one I can do is Shaun of the Dead and its probably only because its British and a spoof movie.

ditchdigger SuperDork
6/14/13 3:41 p.m.
92dxman wrote: I can't do zombie movies. They bore me to tears. The only one I can do is Shaun of the Dead and its probably only because its British and a spoof movie.

Thank Deity I am not the only one. Zombies are the most uninteresting antagonists ever. Especially slow zombies.

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
6/14/13 4:14 p.m.
92dxman wrote: I can't do zombie movies. They bore me to tears. The only one I can do is Shaun of the Dead and its probably only because its British and a spoof movie.

28 days later was pretty darn good too. But the zombies ended up not being the big antagonists at the end.

aircooled PowerDork
6/14/13 5:13 p.m.

28 days later was just an excellent sci-fi, with some zombies in it. A good movie is still a good movie, a bad movie with zombies in it is still a bad movie.

Zombies, in some cases, are just a convenient excuses to show mass murder / death and not feel bad about it.

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