1/27/16 8:58 a.m.
Its not for a car.
I found a nice Leatherman cruising on Craigslist for a pretty good list. I found it in the New Jersey section. I've played email tag with the seller and it turns out he is located in Florida. He listen in the New Jersey section because he used to live there. He is okay with shipping it. I got the seller down to a pretty good price and the topic of payment came up. I told him I prefer Paypal only and he is requesting a money order due to not having Paypal. I told him I don't feel comfortable with a money order and not knowing the guy. He assured me that he isn't out to take anybody in selling this item. I wouldn't have any way to check that he ships it or when he gets the money order. Does this sound shady to anybody? Would anybody here feel comfortable sending a money order and hope the seller ships it on good faith?
Depends. 10? Sure. 100? Maybe. 1000 hell no.
1/27/16 9:01 a.m.
Nope, nope, nope. I did it exactly once and got screwed 100% of the time. (it was a small enough amount of money and I knew going in it was probably a scam but the gamble was worth it to me).
I'd just walk.
If you Absolutely want to go forward, have the seller list the item on e-bay, send you a link with a "buy-it now" option and then pay with Pay-pal. At least then you have Pay-pal and ebay to help you with refunds. If seller won't do this, DO NOT send him money.
Ask to speak with him by phone. I bet he won't.
If you have doubts (which you do) then walk away.
1/27/16 9:17 a.m.
He did give me his phone number in one of the emails.
1/27/16 10:24 a.m.
Where in FL is it located?
You're not seriously considering "Trust me, I'll send it once I get the money." It's a Leatherman, another one will come up soon enough.
glueguy wrote:
Where in FL is it located?
THIS. If one of the Florida boys are close, have them pick it up and send it to you.
1/27/16 10:57 a.m.
Appleseed wrote:
glueguy wrote:
Where in FL is it located?
THIS. If one of the Florida boys are close, have them pick it up and send it to you.
Exactly. There's plenty of us.
Living in Florida and listing elsewhere = 100% scam. Run away.
1/28/16 9:00 a.m.
He lives in the Ft. Lauderdale/Pompano Beach area.
If he can meet up in Deerfield Beach I can help you out.
1/28/16 10:18 a.m.
I wouldn't buy it. Are leathermans really worth the trouble? How much do they run used?
The last money order deal I did was for a carb rebuild. I learned the hard way why that company would not take any form of payment that could be disputed.
1/28/16 10:53 a.m.
The model they are selling:
Used ones are significantly higher than the price I might be able to get this for.
CL Ad (nmna): http://southjersey.craigslist.org/tls/5366429395.html
I'd save myself the trouble and the high probability of a scam and buy this one for $70 on ebay. Nmna
At the risk of losing all of the money, how much are you saving from a CL seller?
This one is $69 brandy new with a guarantee.

1/28/16 12:45 p.m.
I got the seller down to $10 shipped for it.
IMO $10 is too low to be credible. He could spend 20 min listing on ebay and get at least $50.
1/28/16 12:58 p.m.
$10 might be worth the gamble. Think of it like a lotto ticket, if you win great, if not its $10.
Tell him to bring it to me, I am very close to him.
Send him $10, but include your contact information and bank account number?