8/2/10 12:38 p.m.
Got no sleep last night due to house shopping/etc. Had to drag my sorry butt to work this morning. Thought of purchasing my usual can of Monstar/Rockstar/battery acid, but was lazy enough to not want to go down a flight of stairs in my building to do it. I had quit drinking Dew many years ago, and caffeine all together for that matter... and I remembered how woke up I got after a bottle of it... so I wandered to the soda machine and purchased one.
MAN- this stuff is BAD. I had some throwback MD not long ago, and it was pretty delicious, but this synthetic sugar garbage is AWFUL.
/end rant.
You speak heresy. 'Tis the nectar of gods!

NOSLEEPTILL...Nuhnuh..nuh nunuuuuuh ... BROOKLYN!!!
...engine runnin hotter than a boy named Kettle...

nevermind...carry on
8/2/10 12:51 p.m.
Tom Heath wrote:
You speak heresy. 'Tis the nectar of gods!
That's throwback dew. It's not the same. Throwback is delicious.
They're all delicious. 
Throwback art is just cooler.
You would have loved the "Code Red Mountain Dew..."Ever read the wonder it removes your teeths' enamel.
I have very early bottle stored somewhere....looks like this

Ian F
8/2/10 1:20 p.m.
Tom Heath wrote:
You speak heresy. 'Tis the nectar of gods!
'Tis nectar of Moose. Moose Dew. 
Not that I don't graba bottle once in awhile... 
I must have OD'd on Dew when I was in High School. Use to drink cases of the stuff for all night parties or when I was gaming. Pretty much stopped drinking it when I joined the Army. Now one drink is a enough to make me feel very sick.
Throwback is UHMAZING.
Normal stuff... i drink it just 'cuz, but it's pretty gross after i experienced Throwback.
The best description I have heard of Mountain Dew is (I believe it is an Adam Corolla saying):
"Nectar of the tards"
I drink Mountain Dew like water, Coca Cola gives me the rush .
sorry.. can't stand the stuff
MTN DEW is the stuff. Throwback is way more better!
8/2/10 2:47 p.m.
I saw the throwback stuff a few months back (I think), but not being a pop drinker never got any. Are they still selling it? Might be worth it to try, just to taste the difference.
I used to like Mountain Dew a lot when I started travelling to the US (12-13 years back) but for some reason the memory tasted better than the current stuff. Does anybody know when they started using HFCS instead of sugar?
mndsm wrote:
Thought of purchasing my usual can of Monstar/Rockstar/battery acid, but was lazy enough to not want to go down a flight of stairs in my building to do it. I had quit ... caffeine all together for that matter...
Huh? You quit caffeine for Monster/Rockstar drinks?
sugar fried honey butts
pour some shook-up ramen
theres a bathroom on the right
intentional stuff is fun
8/2/10 3:05 p.m.
Oh God, I didn't even notice that! When did our society become SO frickin' lazy that we can't even spell Mountain anymore?
8/2/10 3:06 p.m.
davidjs wrote:
mndsm wrote:
Thought of purchasing my usual can of Monstar/Rockstar/battery acid, but was lazy enough to not want to go down a flight of stairs in my building to do it. I had quit ... caffeine all together for that matter...
Huh? You quit caffeine for Monster/Rockstar drinks?
Yeah, I read that and was like WTF? I started working two jobs, and not being able to sleep, so I got onto monster/rockstar to keep me awake.
8/2/10 3:07 p.m.
BoxheadTim wrote:
I used to like Mountain Dew a lot when I started travelling to the US (12-13 years back) but for some reason the memory tasted better than the current stuff. Does anybody know when they started using HFCS instead of sugar?
As soon as they found out it was cheaper.
From the department of mis heard lyrics:
"When you come to me in a submarine"
How deep is you love by the Bee Gee's
8/2/10 3:28 p.m.
mtn wrote:
I saw the throwback stuff a few months back (I think), but not being a pop drinker never got any. Are they still selling it? Might be worth it to try, just to taste the difference.
I haven't been able to locate any. I usually ferret a few cases away when I do find it for rainy days and whatnot. I do that with peach Nehi too, since I can't find it ANYWHERE north of the mason/dixon. Any time someones' in the south and they can get some, I have a few cases delivered to me.
I've been off of caffeine for about 4 years now. If I have a single bottle of coke or cup of coffee, I get really wired.
racinginc215 wrote:
4cylndrfury wrote:
NOSLEEPTILL...Nuhnuh..nuh nunuuuuuh ... BROOKLYN!!!
...engine runnin hotter than a boy named Kettle...
nevermind...carry on
This post is so going to the mis heard lyrics website. but I could see how you could mistake a boy named kettle for a boiling kettle.
For a LONG time I thought it was boy named kettle, it's funny because he as stoopid as me!
I am still waiting for an official Mountain Dew/Doritos pairing guide. I want to eat my Fiery Hot Ranch Taco Doritos, but I simply don't know what to drink with it! Help me PepsiCo!