I was in a grocery store here in Memphis today and saw stacks of the throwback variety....I had never heard of it/had any to drink (that I know of).
Mountain Dew is made in several varieties, some good/okay? others not worth a repeat drink. I drink it when the coffeemaker at work is unplugged, and because it's the next to the last soda left in our drinks machine.
If you want to drink soda WITHOUT HFCS, you pretty much have to live near a city big enough to have Kosher sections in their grocery stores. For a few months, once or twice a year, the bigger grocery stores here sell sodas that are made with all-natural ingredients....or so I've been told. I've rarely seen it, never drunk any.
integraguy wrote:
I was in a grocery store here in Memphis today and saw stacks of the throwback variety....I had never heard of it/had any to drink (that I know of).
Mountain Dew is made in several varieties, some good/okay? others not worth a repeat drink. I drink it when the coffeemaker at work is unplugged, and because it's the next to the last soda left in our drinks machine.
If you want to drink soda WITHOUT HFCS, you pretty much have to live near a city big enough to have Kosher sections in their grocery stores. For a few months, once or twice a year, the bigger grocery stores here sell sodas that are made with all-natural ingredients....or so I've been told. I've rarely seen it, never drunk any.
You can also find it in Latino grocers, most of the stuff made in Mexico is still made with sugar. I drank a Fanta grape at one that tasted just like they did when I was a kid. Y'know, I think the whole move by the industry to HFCS is what got me off sodas in the first place..
integraguy wrote:
If you want to drink soda WITHOUT HFCS, you pretty much have to live near a city big enough to have Kosher sections in their grocery stores. For a few months, once or twice a year, the bigger grocery stores here sell sodas that are made with all-natural ingredients....or so I've been told. I've rarely seen it, never drunk any.
usually it is march/april. Corn syrup is not kosher for passover (among jews of european descent). So the coke/pepsi make a special run that is made with sugar. the bottles this year had yellow caps along with the kosher marking on the top. When it is to be found you will pay a premium for it. It is excluded from regular coke specials.
4cylndrfury wrote:
sugar fried honey butts
pour some shook-up ramen
theres a bathroom on the right
intentional stuff is fun
Slow motion walter, the fire engine guy.
Big ole Jed had a light on.
Don't let your son go down on me.
Hold me closer Tony Danza
For those who were in doubt:
From the Museum of Science and Industry:

Never liked Mountain Dew, even before the girl I was trying to get busy with in 1978 made me share her Mountain Dew and Lemon Gin. Now there is a drink for a non-drinker.
Works, though.
I too saw stacks of Throwback this past weekend. According to Wiki it says it was released again on July 31st 2010.
As far as sodas without HFCS, I look in the organic/natural foods isle. Blue Sky has quite a few varieties and only uses sugar. Jones Soda Company only uses sugar too I believe.
Wait wait wait.
Throwback is back? I thought it was gone forever! That stuff is awesome. You guys are making me want some again.
I bought a 12 pack of it last week. I plan on stocking up this weekend again.
Grtechguy wrote:
I have very early bottle stored somewhere....looks like this
My Gawd. I remember those bottles from when I was a little kid. Dayum, I are gettin' old. 
On topic: I cannot drink any soft drinks now, they are just too sweet. I swear I don't see how people do that all the time.
8/2/10 8:55 p.m.
Jensenman wrote:
On topic: I cannot drink any soft drinks now, they are just too sweet. I swear I don't see how people do that all the time.
I agree. The combination of sweet+carbonation is a no-no for me. I can drink beer, or juice, but not pop. I'll drink a Dr. Pepper maybe once a month, and that is it.
8/2/10 9:33 p.m.
No soft drinks for me either, I find them really repulsive. I really like plain soda water though, or lime Perrier.
Lesley wrote:
No soft drinks for me either, I find them really repulsive. I really like plain soda water though, or lime Perrier.
I alternate between seltzer and club soda. Sadly, I'm totally out right now.
A few months ago I had a pepsi throw back... and I prefere the HFCS stuff... Either way, I live on home brew sun tea, unsweetened.
Back when I was 5-8 I LOVED M-D. Till one hot day it was all I drank, I was running around alot and got sick. Have not liked it since, tho I have been able to tolerate it recently.
8/2/10 10:19 p.m.
Tried some really great sparkling jasmine tea when I was in LA for the auto show. Dunno if you can get it up here, but it was very good, not too sweet.
8/2/10 11:13 p.m.
If they have it anymore, I got into Vault Zero. Same punch as caffine soda but low calories etc and you could buy a 12 pack for cost of 2 Red Bulls. But now I can only find regualr Vault, which is too sweet
Mental wrote:
If they have it anymore, I got into Vault Zero. Same punch as caffine soda but low calories etc and you could buy a 12 pack for cost of 2 Red Bulls. But now I can only find regualr Vault, which is too sweet
As snacko, one of the few perks of my job is that I can stock the bar with what I want. Out went the E36 M3ty tastes-like-dimes Diet Mountain Dew, in went Vault Zero.
I drink way too much soda, like 4-5 bottles a week. Oh well.
I'm still leaving for work early this morning so I can grab me some throwback on the way. Getting some Pepsi throwback too if they have it.
I have two 20oz bottles of Dew Throwback sitting on my desk right this instant. I am pleased.
By the way... anyone remember Surge?
I have a single can of caffeine free pepsi a day.. usually with dinner. That is a far cry from my college days when I drank soda like it was going out of style.
8/3/10 8:16 a.m.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
By the way... anyone remember Surge?
Oh I do. That stuff was BAD. But because it was new and different, we mowed through several 12 packs during all night Street Fighter/Tekken sessions. It's funny you mention it, because I had a Vault not too long ago (I do believe it was free) and for some reason it tasted EXACTLY how I remember Surge tasting. Less surprising to find out it was a Coke product.
Now if they bring back OK Soda.....
8/3/10 8:21 a.m.
Can you really taste the difference with the Throwback stuff?
Now Vault I can down with a vengence. Only thing is I don't buy soda at the store, and few places have it on fountain.