SilverFleet wrote:
After talking it over with the wife, I'm going to take the cash. It doesn't make a ton of sense to get another project, as the whole reason I'm getting rid of my CSX is to only have one project car. While I do like the LSC, I like my Trans Am a lot better. If this were a Mustang or even a Fox Cougar or Thunderbird, it would be a much harder decision.
And no to the AMC and the other cars too. AMC needs rust repair and brake lines, and it would also need a Jeep 4.0 EFI swap to really be what I would want. I have no time right now for that unfortunately, although I really do like these.
I'm with Jim - way more interested in what all is wrong with the free Saab? 
I think you made the right call. In fact, in my experience, trading for anything else is usually a losing proposition.
Saab is already spoken for, so that's off the table.
If anyone is interested in buying that LSC, I can pass along the info. 
4/15/16 3:16 p.m.
Good call on taking the cash. JThw8 nailed it, a Mark VII that is anything short of perfect is very hard to sell for more than a few hundred dollars.
Even though a Fox 1 5/16" fsb, some Mustang seats and a Mustang steering wheel would really improve the driving feel of that old Mark. Dare I say, it could even be fun.
There's a chance a fanatic on might buy the Mark, but it's infuriatingly slim.
4/15/16 3:19 p.m.
On second thought, I did just stumble onto a Ford 5.0 twin turbo kit (and posted it in the 2016 classifieds) and the challenge is fast approaching. Take the plunge!!! 
In reply to The_Jed:
The Mark VII is definitely an acquired taste. I do like them, but not enough to derail my Trans Am project yet again. If it were a Fox Mustang, Cougar or Thunderbird, or another F-Body, I'd make that trade all day.
In reply to The_Jed:
Not gonna be at the Challenge this year. A fellow team member is getting married that weekend.