All the things they want to change about the show are the reasons I love it. If you actually look into it all they ever do is powerslide new cars, chase each other around the world, break things and have Clarkson light fires. (all great things) Its the people and commentary, along with amazing photography that make the show.
Damnit, now I want to go watch it, but won't be able to until Monday.
Has anyone else ever noticed how the largest chested women always seem to be in the front row of the audience? Seems like a conspiracy.
Why do the governments see fit to ruin anything that is working well without them? They are like a schoolyard bully, gotta make sure everyone in miserable whenever they are about.
I haven't seen the Aussie TG, I am not proud.......
speaking of top gear, I watched an old episode that came on last night, where they had to build a Caterham while the Stig raced up from England. God, thats a classic one!!
Female NFL commentators, now Top Gear? Jesus. Pretty soon, we'll have to start berkeleying each other just to have something that's "ours." I call dibs on Wally.
Poopshovel, man I knew that name was prophetic 
5/1/09 9:10 a.m.
I just watched a bit of the Australian version for the first time. Its the same content more or less than the UK version. But mad did it suck.
5/1/09 9:33 a.m.
If they can recruit Vicky Butler-Henderson back from Fifth Gear, then they can have a female presenter. Otherwise, it works! Don't fix it!
5/1/09 9:59 a.m.
poopshovel wrote:
Female NFL commentators, now Top Gear? Jesus. Pretty soon, we'll have to start berkeleying each other just to have something that's "ours." I call dibs on Wally.
I knew one day growing my own boobs would pay off.
mtn wrote:
I just watched a bit of the Australian version for the first time. Its the same content more or less than the UK version. But mad did it suck.
Didn't it though!
It is quite interesting to watch. The content seems to be there, the presentation is almost exactly the same, even the camera work is similar, but the hosts (especially the main one) just BLOW. Really makes you see why the English one is so good... the hosts. (like we didn't already know that)
5/1/09 1:09 p.m.
What's Michele Mouton doing these days?
5/2/09 5:19 p.m.
Chris_V wrote:
Jay wrote:
If they can recruit Vicky Butler-Henderson back from Fifth Gear, then they can have a female presenter. Otherwise, it works! Don't fix it!
- J
Even then, the show is Clarkson, May and Hammond (and Stig)(who might be female--doesn't he have both sets of sex organs?)--not because they're male, but because they're the identity of the show.
PC gone horribly wrong. If there's an e-mail campaign, I'll join in the bombardment.
Jay_W wrote:
What's Michele Mouton doing these days?
Last time I saw her, she was trying to sell me a TT Quattro.
I can't stand this over-political-correctness. If your target audience is men, make the show man-like. No one writes to Tampax and asks them why they don't feature more men in their commercials, or writes to Oprah and complains that she doesn't have a male co-host.
it shouldn't be about gender. The audience determines the show, not the other way around.
BUT... if they wanted to put Danica Patrick on the show, I'd probably watch it more often.