Hey guys I'm thinking about getting rid of the truck in favor of something a bit more utilitarian and preferably with better mileage. Currently I have a '95 Ram standard cab short box 4x4 with 360 Mag. It has a canopy on top as well (same level as the roof line).
Anyway I am a photographer and sometimes I find that I need a higher platform to shoot from than I have available naturally. I got thinking about some of the rigs you see on safaris and the like where they are sitting or standing on top of the rack on a land rover or something of that sort. We live basically in the country and I do quite a few shots of nature and wild life well off the beaten path normally so I need something that is as at home in the dirt as it would be on the roads (3 hours drive to the nearest place most would even consider calling civilization).
What would you guys suggest? Is there a way to set something up with the truck or is there a particular rig you guys would suggest for such activities?
8/13/10 10:22 p.m.
There's the roof tent platforms like you mention for the LR defender 90/110 - might be something like that for a hilux/tacoma/4-runner. I have an old ford bronco with a full cage. With a soft top or no top, the cage is a nice, tall platform - big tires/lift... Not so good on mileage, but a yota would be. On the extreme ZAV front, a pinzgauer or unimog radio truck makes for a go anywhere camp truck - add ladders to the roof for a very tall platform.

Not sure exactly what kind of car this is, but it will help to improve your tonal range;

What about a ladder rack for the existing??
That truely is awesome.
I have thought about a ladder rack for the existing truck I just wasn't sure 1 if it would hold and 2 how would be the best way to reinforce it to hold the weight and be solid 3 if it would fit over the canopy.
A nature photog, retired on the east end of Long Island, had a Unimog all set up for what you want on e-bay about a month ago. I don't know if it sold..but he was also selling his view cameras, so you might find him through those listings.
Unimog was pristine with accesories for exactly what you do.
I have been toying with using a bass boat seat, it is comfortable, you can be belted in and it swivels, now how to attach the camera/gun mount is not yet finalized
8/14/10 10:23 p.m.
keep truck, get ladder rack that mounts around the cap, put planks or something on top with a detachable or folding handrail and ladder, no expense for new vehicle
Not to threadjack or anything, but... what kind of car IS that? The fenders say late forties GM (at least they do to me) but did GM do woody wagons?
Hocrest wrote:
Not sure exactly what kind of car this is, but it will help to improve your tonal range;
What about a ladder rack for the existing??
This appears to be a late forties Amish vehicle adapted for Zomby response in the American far West.(Or West Virginia)
8/15/10 11:29 a.m.
Tommy Suddard wrote:
^ Awesome.
You could replicate this very easily. Take the Edsel,some bungee cords and strap a picnic table on the roof.
I would advise, however, that the pics that you get be of some value (hurricanes/floods...or maybe politicians caught with their pants down)...as you are only going to get one chance.
Dillon has a nice sunroof accessory for SUV's.
JFX001 wrote:
Tommy Suddard wrote:
^ Awesome.
You could replicate this very easily. Take the Edsel,some bungee cords and strap a picnic table on the roof.
I would advise, however, that the pics that you get be of some value (hurricanes/floods...or maybe politicians caught with their pants down)...as you are only going to get one chance.
I'm considering just throwing some plywood on the rack of the e30.
Keep truck, add appropriate gear.
I have seen trucks in Texas rigged for hunting with a platform on top and bass boat chairs with seat belts. They were mostly near the Rio Grande. I often wondered what they were chasing after dark.
8/16/10 10:24 a.m.

Length 401 in
Height (all) Operational 112 in, Transport 102 in
Width (all) 96 in
Wheelbase 210 in
Ground clearance (all) 24 in
Vehicle curb weight 38,800 lbs; w/o winch - 37,900 lbs
Max speed (all) 57 mph ( From personal experience this is not true, they will go faster
Cruising range (all) 300 mi
Maximum grade (all) 60% with payload of 22,000 lbs
Engine (all) 450 hp @ 2100 rpm Detroit Diesel Allison Model 8V92TA. 8 cylinder, 2-stroke, V-type Diesel. An electronic controller for the engine went into production in April 2002.
Transmission (all) 4-speed automatic & 2-speed Oshkosh transfer case w/ air-operated front tandem axle disconnect. A new electronic transmission went into production in April 2002
After yesterdays adventures the truck really showed me it has quite a bit to offer. We spent about 4 hours crawling up and around the mountains around here and the only time I ever had any problems it was just from the simple fact my tires are crap and couldn't get enough grip crawling up a very steep and loose bit of trail.
I think I will start just looking for a rack to go above my canopy and go from there. The trick will just be finding one that someone has pulled off and will actually fit over the canopy.