Looking to buy a used intercooler with a Challenge friendly price tag on it. Ideally as large as possible in the ~26-27" wide range. Don't care about cosmetics as long as it holds pressure.
I'm in Orlando FL and would travel for the right deal.
I also have all kinds of tradable stuff so don't hesitate to ask. Also might be willing to trade fabrication/welding/machine work.
In reply to cruisermatt :
I got a school bus intercooler out of a yard up here for like $30 a few years back. Unfortunately I need it but do your local yards have a large vehicle section?
In reply to Stampie (FS) :
That actually reminds me that I also have a school bus intercooler! I think it is is slated for a difference project though and would hate to cut it in half for this application. No large vehicle junkyards around here that I know of other then the yard we're building the car in