Javelin wrote:
I hit a figurative walll in this game. I'm at driver level 27 or so and on race 11 of 14 in the semi-pro (?) world tour. It's now nothing but B, A, and S races and I just can't do it. I race a clean line, get to the front, and then the damn computer drivers punt me off!!! I did a B500 race at Road Atlanta (in the T/A Javelin of course) and led the last 2 of 4 laps, with an Audi TT following. The last corner of the last lap he punted me from behind, stuffing me in the sand, as the whole field went by. I didn't touch a single AI car the whole race!
Hrrrmph! I put in Mass Effect 2 instead.
if you havent figured it out, when you are on the screen where you choose your next race, believe you can hit Y to change your car. this will usually bring up different races so if you like a slower class choose a slower car.
Sometimes, you have to change cars a few times to cycle through available races. Its weird, sometimes you can choose an F class car for example, and there will be an F class race available. Choose another F class car and there will be no F class race available. So dont necessarily choose your favorite built car every time, change cars a few times to see what races are available.
Once you get a race to show up that you want to enter, select the race to go to the next screen, and it will again offer you the option to change your car once you have chosen to enter the race. Then if necessary you can change to your favorite eligible car.
I know the feeling. I can handle some A class but its a fight to get up to the lead through traffic. B class is by far my favorite, I am at level 37 and so far have only had 1 R-class race (I just HAD to try the Aussie V8 Supercar in one of the passing challenges), maybe 1 or 2 S-class races. I can almost always choose something A class and below.
I also second turning rewind back on. Sometimes the AI (or should I just say "I") really do some dumb E36 M3 and I like to have another go at a corner.
in addition to failboat's response
You can go to the event list and race from there as well. You will not be racing the season, but you will still level up and work towards completing every race on the list. If you have Live Gold, play some rivals. Me and Reverend Dexter are driving each other nuts on there. Its fun and once again, you level up.
Is it just me or are the Aussie V8 supercars crazy-tailhappy?
Oh, and Sperlo, you don't drive me nuts... you drive me to be a better player, hahaha. I mean, hell, in a couple of those events we're in the top 1% of all Forza players {beats chest}. Though, getting Goku levels (over nine-thoousaaaaaaaaand!!!) on the RX7 event... I think I did 100 laps, swearing through most of them. 
Have you looked at the top-10 scores for some of those events we've been going back and forth on? 50k in the Sliding Pony? 90k on Fujimi Kaido?!?
Holy jeebus.
racerfink wrote:
You can buy a 250 hard drive seperately and install that in a slim. That's how I did it. The only slims I could find all came with Kinects, so I bought a 4gb and a 250gb HD and saved .99 cents.
ya... for a while you could buy 250gig hdd for the slim for under $40 (3rd party)... not sure if it's the HDD price jumps (tsunami in thailand destroyed the plant where they made the motors for all the major manufacturers of HDD) the or holidays (or both)... either way price is closer to $100 now
In reply to ReverendDexter:
Yea, I refuse to be as cheap as some people. Going back half the track to gain higher entrance speeds. I've watched the replays. Lots of cussing and some controller throwing involved. All in good fun.
Holy Jebus indeed. Holy Jebus.
mw3 has pried me from this game a bit. thank god BF3 and Madden 12 were gone for the Xbox when I got to Best Buy. Can't be $30 for those games.
donalson wrote:
racerfink wrote:
You can buy a 250 hard drive seperately and install that in a slim. That's how I did it. The only slims I could find all came with Kinects, so I bought a 4gb and a 250gb HD and saved .99 cents.
ya... for a while you could buy 250gig hdd for the slim for under $40 (3rd party)... not sure if it's the HDD price jumps (tsunami in thailand destroyed the plant where they made the motors for all the major manufacturers of HDD) the or holidays (or both)... either way price is closer to $100 now
320 GB drives are out now. $129 at Gamestop and Amazon. I got my XBox over the weekend. Forza 4 next week after I pick up a 320 drive. :) my gamertag is RoadRaceDart if anybody wants to add me 
Absolutely FANTASTIC Dec car pack coming out on the 6th.
That is a GOOD car pack!!
Awesome. I have been checking every day for information on the next pack.
I wish forza had some dirt courses. SVT Raptor just makes me wish more.
I was just wondering why the raptor wasn't in the game already. The Escort looks pretty sweet, too.
11/30/11 9:03 a.m.
Oooh, that is a good pack!
So, with the Fiero, how many body kits will they have available? 
Can I be added to the car club?
I'm "ChainedKibbles5" and have a really neat A-class Tesla to donate, and a few other interesting cars.
ReverendDexter wrote:
So, with the Fiero, how many body kits will they have available?
About ten different exotics if they stay true to themselves is what I was thinking..... DRIFT RAPTOR?!?! Sorry, ADHD.
Just as long as there's a DGP Fiero kit. That's all I care about.
chaparral wrote:
Can I be added to the car club?
I'm "ChainedKibbles5" and have a really neat A-class Tesla to donate, and a few other interesting cars.
You have to request to be added to the club in game. "tgrm" is the name of the club.
IGN December car pack teaser video
Chaparral - looks like you were added as of last night. I'd recommend checking over the club garage before adding to it, there's a LOT in there. Just as an FYI, my white Foxbody, yellow FD, and copper hachi are all set up for drift, as is anything that Sperlo's added that has "DRIFT" on the front right fender.
I'm curious if the monthly events rolled over already. 
ReverendDexter wrote:
Chaparral - looks like you were added as of last night. I'd recommend checking over the club garage before adding to it, there's a LOT in there. Just as an FYI, my white Foxbody, yellow FD, and copper hachi are all set up for drift, as is anything that Sperlo's added that has "DRIFT" on the front right fender.
I'm curious if the monthly events rolled over already.
2:30 pm central we will know.
I'm going to go ahead and share that drift decal for the artistically slow.
Each person drifts very differently, but if you're a starter, try out our drift setups. We have done relatively well and brought the club up in rank quite a bit. Happy to have more competition.
Dexter, you have a friend request waiting.
Cool, I'll respond when I get off work 
And is it just me or is the S-chassis just terrible at drift? It's gotta be my setup, because I couldn't get either an S15 or an S13 to ever feel right.
In reply to ReverendDexter:
My S13 is constantly being tuned, but it is a good drifter. More rear negative camber seems to help keep them stable and MORE HORSEPOWER is helpful. Mine is S class.
Ah, okay... I've been holding off on the power because of running into events with either class or horsepower caps. The only power mods on my S13 are an SR20 swap and race cams.
I will say, beating on the S13 made it a flat joy to jump in the hachi. That thing drifts like a dream, relatively speaking.
You can always downgrade. Wait to get 100% discount on parts before you go at it. Without power limitations, I feel a tandem drift event coming on.