I have 3 days invested. Level 37 I think now. Turned the castle into a heavily defended stronghold by repairing the walls. Supply routes between settlements, still need to find the institute and by George the minutemen missions get repetitive (clear raiders / ghouls from point b, repeat) but the upside is they have you revisit old locations restocked with supplies
12/1/15 3:47 p.m.
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
calteg wrote:
Fun fact: Shotguns count as rifles when you're picking perks.
So do energy rifles and the Gauss rifle.....I've gotten a Gauss into Fat Man damage territory(450 range)
are the energy rifles worth it? So far my perks have been ballistic related. I haven't messed with laser\plasma weapons at all. My .45 combat rifle does 110 damage, and that seems to suffice for everything except deathclaws.
@DjGreggieP : The minutemen missions are infinite. They're great at lower levels for some quick XP, as the enemies are typically raiders\ghouls and can be dispatched quickly.
I killed a legendary alpha deathclaw while wearing only a hazmat suit and got...a pipe wrench. Thanks Bethesda.
In reply to calteg:
The plasma & laser weapons are different, but not that unusual. The Gauss is a beast that aside from the charged shot, is the same as the ballistic weapons.
Just a few more days...... 

Behold, my House of Power
12/2/15 7:20 a.m.
Re:Above. I don't care who you are, that's pretty awesome right there.
Am I the only one that keeps thinking building power armor looks very doable? Maybe not fully functional, but I can't get it out of my head to try and build something.
12/2/15 7:27 a.m.
In reply to ncjay:
Without some kind of advanced power supply, I think you might be dragging a Briggs and Stratton with a hydraulic pump on a tether behind you as you're punching tweakers.
Well, the game claims the t-45 was first developed prior to 2077, so there's still 50+ years to get there. It also said the t45 was first deployed against Chinese tanks, that's right, tanks. T-51 was the secret weapon that beat the chicoms at Anchorage.
12/2/15 12:13 p.m.
@ncjay: someone beat you to it, sorta:
12/2/15 12:33 p.m.
I figure if I've thought about, someone else with more talent and money has too! Thinking the military applications would be too incredible to ignore, especially by the U.S. government. The technology seems to be there, just making it practical would be the challenge. http://verysmartdesign.com/a-stronger-you/
In reply to ncjay:
I'm nowhere close to finished with that house of power either.....lol
12/2/15 2:33 p.m.
Right now, I only have 5 suits of Power Armor, and I keep forgetting where I left one. I'll lose track of an arm or leg somewhere, but I'm starting to keep better track of my equipment and keep it repaired. Recently got the jetpack upgrade, so I'm still figuring out how to get the most out of that. Spent a little time seeing what other people are building. There are some pretty impressive settlements out there.
In reply to ncjay:
I have 20+ at sanctuary, and a few others scattered around various settlements.
On an amusing note, I now possess Covenent as a settlement. LoL
12/4/15 4:43 p.m.
Found this today. Looks like someone else had the same idea. http://www.gamesradar.com/best-fallout-4-settlements/
12/4/15 4:52 p.m.
I'm quite pleased with myself. I maxed out the Lone Wandered perk. I've been traveling with a companion, loading them down and when they can't carry anymore, sending them back to Sanctuary. As soon as you dismiss them, you gain +100 carry weight. Even with low strength, you can pack out 500+ lbs of gear AND gain solid damage resistance.
I just got into supply lines between settlements, makes building things up at Tenpines and the like sooo much easier. Also rebuilt the walls at the Castle, that may become my main stronghold just due to how easily to defend it will be.
Just made everything in the glowing sea my bitch.......lol
Now I have 3 legendary Gauss rifles, unfortunately the 2 shot one still eludes me..... That baby can pump out almost 1000 damage when fully modified and the rifleman & bloody mess perks maxed out. 
I highly recommend exploring Vault 75, it's in the basement of a school over by Greentop Nursery.
12/7/15 10:37 a.m.
Sounds like something I'll do tonight.
Finished my first playthrough, doubt I'll pick it back up until some of the DLC hits.
Speccing for stealth and sneak attacks then being forced to go rambo style at the end left a bad taste in my mouth.
I'm about 6.5 hours in. Level 6... and I die a lot. need to find some place to do some trading soon. I'm still playing this like FO3... collect EVERYTHING.
SnowMongoose wrote:
Finished my first playthrough, doubt I'll pick it back up until some of the DLC hits.
Speccing for stealth and sneak attacks then being forced to go rambo style at the end left a bad taste in my mouth.
Honestly, high sneak builds don't work well on this game, do enough perception to get rifleman maxed out, enough intelligence to unlock the weapons & science mods, enough luck to max out the bloody mess & mysterious stranger perks, enough Agility to unlock the automatic weapons perk, and throw the everything else towards charisma.
You'll be able to one shot deathclaws with a Gauss Rifle, and totally screw up everything else with either a semi combat shotgun or automatic weapons. I'm sitting at level 52 currently, and haven't progressed the main storyline after killing Kellogg to get the Prydwen to arrive. I've been playing the game straight lately now that I have most settlements producing copious amounts of mutifruit to harvest, 2 rounds through them harvesting will allow me to clean out Proctor Teagan, Cricket, and all the traders in Good Neighbor, Diamond City, Atom Cats, & Bunker Hill with one trip. 
Tonight I'll finish up Covenant as my cap generating trading stronghold. I'll drop 15k caps on the vendor booths and should recoup that within a week.
Bobzilla wrote:
I'm about 6.5 hours in. Level 6... and I die a lot. need to find some place to do some trading soon. I'm still playing this like FO3... collect EVERYTHING.
In the crafting bench, tag aluminum & fiberglass in your search. Those 2 will be the bane of your existence and are the most difficult things to procure in my experience. Tagging them will put a little magnifying glass next to the name of the item to remind you to grab it.
12/7/15 12:19 p.m.
SnowMongoose wrote:
Finished my first playthrough, doubt I'll pick it back up until some of the DLC hits.
Speccing for stealth and sneak attacks then being forced to go rambo style at the end left a bad taste in my mouth.
The stealth attacks mean very little if your weapon isn't silenced, or if you have a clumsy companion.
In reply to WOW Really Paul?:
I have problems with ceramic as well. Any electricity related item seems to require it.