calteg wrote:
SnowMongoose wrote:
Finished my first playthrough, doubt I'll pick it back up until some of the DLC hits.
Speccing for stealth and sneak attacks then being forced to go rambo style at the end left a bad taste in my mouth.
The stealth attacks mean very little if your weapon isn't silenced, or if you have a clumsy companion.
Don't get me wrong, I'm doing 5x damage with the Deliverer, was one-shotting most things less badass than big legendaries and deathclaws...
but there's no ability to sneak through some of the end parts of the game, and if you can't be hidden or in caution mode you don't get that multiplier.
Other than that, the stealth/int build I did worked great.
Companion wise, it's Deacon or nothing.
In reply to singleslammer:
The junk vendor in Diamond City always has shipments of that for sale, and I haven't been doing much wiring so it has amassed with time.
In reply to SnowMongoose:
So your damage with 5x was what, 200ish? The Gauss rifle souped up does more base than a mini nuke launcher with the rifleman perk maxed out. If I ever find the legendary 2 shot one, it'll baseline at around 1000 damage before the sneak bonus.
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
I'm about 6.5 hours in. Level 6... and I die a lot. need to find some place to do some trading soon. I'm still playing this like FO3... collect EVERYTHING.
In the crafting bench, tag aluminum & fiberglass in your search. Those 2 will be the bane of your existence and are the most difficult things to procure in my experience. Tagging them will put a little magnifying glass next to the name of the item to remind you to grab it.
That's what that meant! Son of a ...... I did learn from y'all to pull the fusion core for the power armor.
singleslammer wrote:
In reply to WOW Really Paul?:
I have problems with ceramic as well. Any electricity related item seems to require it.
Toilets. Toilets and sinks e'r'where
12/7/15 12:58 p.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
singleslammer wrote:
In reply to WOW Really Paul?:
I have problems with ceramic as well. Any electricity related item seems to require it.
Toilets. Toilets and sinks e'r'where
Don't forget coffee mugs too.
In reply to Bobzilla:
Especially at new settlements you take over.
I think I have most if not all of them at this point.
12/7/15 1:51 p.m.
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
Tonight I'll finish up Covenant as my cap generating trading stronghold. I'll drop 15k caps on the vendor booths and should recoup that within a week.
That's cool, but...why? The only time I've ever spent caps was early on for ammo. I think I may have purchased a legendary weapon from a vendor once...
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
In reply to Bobzilla:
Especially at new settlements you take over.
I think I have most if not all of them at this point.
WAIT, YOU CAN "TAKE OVER" a settlment? I just found one and used them and their defense turrets to take out 4 super mutants. then collected the swag from the dead muties.
In reply to WOW Really Paul?:
I'd maxed out sneak, sandman, and the pistol perks, was doing north of 500 damage a shot.
Plus I'm running on the assumption that the pistol uses less action points per shot.
In any case, was one-shotting most baddies.
You know what we need? (and by "we" I mean ME) We need a list of all the goodies spots to get the good stuff quick! I'm tired of dying. A lot.
calteg wrote:
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
Tonight I'll finish up Covenant as my cap generating trading stronghold. I'll drop 15k caps on the vendor booths and should recoup that within a week.
That's cool, but...why? The only time I've ever spent caps was early on for ammo. I think I may have purchased a legendary weapon from a vendor once...
Nah, I'm talking about the stores that you build and staff with your people. There are 5 types IIRC, they're also in 3 different tiers. 500 caps, 1000 caps, and 3000 caps to build them. You can buy & sell E36 M3 to them and you get caps in your workbench from them. 
I've also discovered how the invest function works, after you do it with each outside vendor, they'll usually have an additional 500 caps to buy your E36 M3 in the future visits.
In reply to SnowMongoose:
Ahh, I didn't know sandman garnered a bonus towards that, good call. I've been having too much fun dropping everything with the gauss. I use it enough so that I retired my 2 shot 50 cal to Cait. LoL
In reply to Bobzilla:
Go east out of Sanctuary to the Robotics Recycling dump, proceed overland to the east southeast from there and you'll find another power armor by a crashed vertibird. Power armors are scattered around a bit, but they are worth using so long as you can find fusion cores for them early on. Last count I had over 300 of the damn things, enough so that I was using a Gatling laser for a while.
Where do I find the fusion cores? I'm carrying my only one I have and it's at 40% left.
Can they be recharged?
In reply to Bobzilla:
I got it to work once, and couldn't get it to again. It's evidently some type of glitch that allowed it to be.
They can be purchased and you generally find them places(usually random)
It takes a while to build up an inventory of fusion cores, and I check the vendors all of the time. Just remember to pop them out at 1% or lower and sell them to a vendor for a few caps before they disappear.
Also, if you're dying, don't be afraid to run away. If you can, drop some land mines in a pinch point on your way through.
12/7/15 5:07 p.m.
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
calteg wrote:
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
Tonight I'll finish up Covenant as my cap generating trading stronghold. I'll drop 15k caps on the vendor booths and should recoup that within a week.
That's cool, but...why? The only time I've ever spent caps was early on for ammo. I think I may have purchased a legendary weapon from a vendor once...
Ahh, I didn't know sandman garnered a bonus towards that, good call. I've been having too much fun dropping everything with the gauss. I use it enough so that I retired my 2 shot 50 cal to Cait. LoL
Sandman perk only applies to suppressed weapons. Since your dmg drops significantly when you suppress it, the perk basically brings your dmg back up to pre-suppressed levels.
Any PC folks know how to record gameplay so I can upload it to the youtubes?
In reply to Brett_Murphy:
Save 3 of the spent 1-10% ones for when you visit vault 81. Also, once you find Oberland Station, you'll want to head southwest towards vault 81, you'll find fires and a crashed alien spaceship....follow the green blood into a cave and kill the alien. You'll get the alien blaster for your troubles. It's fairly powerful for early in the game. ;)
Looks like I will have to do some side questing for a bit in order to drain a few down.
In reply to Bobzilla: Up your toughness perk, whichever gun type perk you use more, and make sure you're using the arm and leg armor raiders have, too. Don't forget the stimpack perk, too.
My PS4 crashed;I'm not looking forward to replaying maybe 25 or so hours if the game is deleted.
In reply to Mr_Clutch42:
Better bet would be to kill some gunners to get the combat armor pieces. Raider armor sucks horribly.
In reply to calteg:
Suppressors haven't been taking damage away from most of my stuff, only effective range and slight hits on accuracy. The only non-suppressed weapon I use is a souped up combat shotgun.
Once you make it up and over to the Insane Asylum, you can start getting combat armor fairly easily. I've not actually entered the place yet, I've just been close enough to get the map update and take out the guards. I return every so often to take out the guards again, strip them of all of their goodies and then distribute the armor and weapons through settlements.
Besides the power armor, combat armor is by far and away the best stuff I've found yet, and with a bit of modification, you can even get radiation resist on it.
All this talk is making me wish I could play the game.
12/8/15 11:54 a.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
Where do I find the fusion cores? I'm carrying my only one I have and it's at 40% left.
Can they be recharged?
The fusion core is ammo for the Gatling Laser, so you'll find them more and more with the Scrounger Perk leveled up.
RossD wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
Where do I find the fusion cores? I'm carrying my only one I have and it's at 40% left.
Can they be recharged?
The fusion core is ammo for the Gatling Laser, so you'll find them more and more with the Scrounger Perk leveled up.
I noticed the Gatling laser start showing up around the level 25 mark, along with the gauss rifle.
One good tidbit of info, hoard all the 2mm electromagnetic ammunition you can find. It makes it easier in the long run to have a stockpile.
12/8/15 12:26 p.m.
Hrrmm, so I have a legendary two shot shotgun that is doing ~250 dmg per shot. So do I convert to the full auto receiver, then take the perk to increase automatic weapons damage? Seems like it would be a close up bullet hose at that point