Mr_Clutch42 wrote:
In reply to WOW Really Paul?: I'm actually getting to some areas of the Commonwealth where raiders are quite strong. I haven't gotten far enough to get enough mininukes. I have a few missiles to go with my missile launcher, but I'm not finding many of those, either. A crowd of synths are definitely strong enough to warrant a mininuke.
So, I might have built the single most destructive weapon in the game tonight.......I took the "Big Boy" 2-shot fat man and turned it into an experimental MIRV. It fires 12 mini nukes at a time. 
Im finally at level 14, trying to clear the Castle. what the hell kills that damn Queen Mirelurk?
12/15/15 10:10 a.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
Im finally at level 14, trying to clear the Castle. what the hell kills that damn Queen Mirelurk?
I think I took a bunch of chems (probably PychoJet, Jet, and Buffout... whatever I had since the combo versions stack on top of each other) and used my pimped out Combat Shotgun. After all of the chems the damage on the shotgun was around 140, IIRC.
Yeah, encountered my first Queen long before the Castle so I had kind of figured out my strategy. Run up high on the back side of the wall so she is less likely to hit you with the spit, keep your favorite short range weapon handy for hatchlings, and snipe her ass for 5 minutes. It is a pain but the is once nasty bitch.
Side note, I found a Mirelurk King (not near water oddly) and was a little disappointed by his HP. He threw crazy damage but not any worse than a regular hunter. Few hits with the shotgun and he was out.
Side note 2, I almost never run chems. I was addicted to Buffout once (I think) but had a few Addictols so it cleared up fast. I only used that cause I was maxed out on crap plus some but didn't want to drop anything.
When I ran into the first Queen I ran out of ammo so I had to die and come back later with a lot more ammo.
RossD wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
Im finally at level 14, trying to clear the Castle. what the hell kills that damn Queen Mirelurk?
I think I took a bunch of chems (probably PychoJet, Jet, and Buffout... whatever I had since the combo versions stack on top of each other) and used my pimped out Combat Shotgun. After all of the chems the damage on the shotgun was around 140, IIRC.
VATS, that's what kills the queen easily.
Big Boy Experimental MIRV vs Castle Occupants
Let me know if any of you can view this, I haven't been able to get it from Xbox so I can rehost it.
12/15/15 11:47 a.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
Im finally at level 14, trying to clear the Castle. what the hell kills that damn Queen Mirelurk?
VATs to one leg, hopefully crippling it. Shoot until she gets close, then run backwards throwing mines. Oh and lots of stimpacks for when she spits at you. I had to reload that fight 5 or 6 times before I finally won.
12/15/15 11:51 a.m.
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
RossD wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
Im finally at level 14, trying to clear the Castle. what the hell kills that damn Queen Mirelurk?
I think I took a bunch of chems (probably PychoJet, Jet, and Buffout... whatever I had since the combo versions stack on top of each other) and used my pimped out Combat Shotgun. After all of the chems the damage on the shotgun was around 140, IIRC.
VATS, that's what kills the queen easily.
It kills everything easily eventually.
I think I'm at level 46 or 47. The Railroad, Minutemen, and Brotherhood are all fine with me right now and I like it that way.
In reply to Bobzilla:
In my current playthrough, I had Dogmeat carry a Fat Man and a missile launcher just in case I needed some more firepower in a fight.
By the time I fought at the castle, I think I had nearly 30 missles to play with. Killing the queen was as easy as shooting in VATS and scooting to a new firing perch.
In reply to Powar:
After Institutionalized, if you wish to maintain the status quo, finish the main story with the Minutemen.
In reply to WOW Really Paul?: Damn. 
After dying horribly in the Queen fight, I mined the path she was coming up with 4 mines and managed to cripple her legs. After that, it was VATS.
I've avoided using any chems for the most part.

In reply to Bobzilla: There is a Missile Launcher in the Castle that you can pick up. You will likely still need to use frag mines when she chases you, and a few frag grenades, probably some Molotov cocktails, too. The bottlecap mine is the best weapon you (might) have, though.
In reply to Brett_Murphy:
LoL, just become a drug dealer......sell all the drugs.
Good call on the frag mines for hte queen thingy. THat plus missles and drugs did the trick.
Now how the f do you power up the transmitter? I built a generator connected it to the transmitter and nada.
12/16/15 9:47 a.m.
Did you get enough power to it? IIRC it needs 5 units of power. Other wise there might have been a switch... or you have to activate it.
Yeahm built the 5 unit generator, hookd up directly first. No go. Hooked up to the switched pole on the wall, no go.
12/16/15 10:01 a.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
Good call on the frag mines for hte queen thingy. THat plus missles and drugs did the trick.
Now how the f do you power up the transmitter? I built a generator connected it to the transmitter and nada.
I think you need to provide power to both the console AND the transmitter, then connect them all together. It took me a while to figure it out.
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
LoL, just become a drug dealer......sell all the drugs.
I do! They are a great source of income.
Has anybody else noticed Cait scrounging for drugs yet? She says something like, "There's the good stuff!" when she finds them.
12/16/15 12:33 p.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
Yeahm built the 5 unit generator, hookd up directly first. No go. Hooked up to the switched pole on the wall, no go.
There's a spot on the equipment under the roof near the 'ham radio' with the chair in front of it. In workshop mode, start by adding wires at the beacon tower and you'll see it coming off of it.
That switch by the wall just does the lights in the corridors of the Castle and the water pump out in the ocean. The beacon is electrically isolated. I put a bunch of generators on top of the roof above the workshop table. I ran wooden floor from the top of the castle to the other side, running next to the beacon. I used that to run connectors from the generators to the beacon's equipment.
Brett_Murphy wrote:
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
LoL, just become a drug dealer......sell all the drugs.
I do! They are a great source of income.
Has anybody else noticed Cait scrounging for drugs yet? She says something like, "There's the good stuff!" when she finds them.
Nah, I think she does that any time it's worth more than 10 caps. I've been using Piper lately.......but that's probably due to figuring out how to make companions run around in their undies. 
In reply to WOW Really Paul?: I was just able to do it today, it took a while. 
In reply to Mr_Clutch42:
As simple as equipping a piece of armor and then taking everything
We need more female followers so I can set up a scantily clad women's colony on Spectacle Island.....
I was talking about romancing Piper, you get a perk for getting a companion to the highest level of affection. You also get a lover's embrace XP bonus after you sleep with them. I need to get Nick Valentine up there next.