Twelve days to wait.
Higher graphics, 1st person (push button) option. Up to 30 player mode
... I'm at full mast.
The 1st person is sure to make for some interesting racing. The dashboards look pretty nice from what I've seen. No idea how interactive that will turn out.
Meh. Even though i have a one, i doubt I'll pick it up unless it gets cheaper. Unless of course everyone here jumps on board.
I will right away. I miss playing GTA. It has always been my favorite series and apparently with multiplayer, you can just pick up where you left off.
I'm locked and loaded. I work nights though, probably only get to play with you Xbone guys on the weekends.
I can't wait to arm myself with the railgun and drive this around in MP. (hopefully)

11/7/14 7:28 a.m.
I'm planning on picking it up for PC in January. I can't quite rationalize the purchase of a console when I only want a couple games. And this is one of them.
Yeah, but will it have heists?
No news is probably bad news on the heists.
You sons of bitches and your Xbones. 
I'm getting an Xbone right now thinking about it.
if you have a next gen console I cant see how you wouldnt get this game. its probably going to end up being one of the best games out for them so far.
Xbroners, has anyone invested in an external HD yet? I've got a guy at work looking to unload a new 1TB Call of Duty XB1, but can't decide if its worth the upgrade to a new XB1 or to just buy a HD for my Day One edition.
It all depends on how many games and how much storage they require. I think my Xbone has used ~25% of the HD for 2 games (BF4 and Forza5). I haven't looked into it, but I'd have to say that another HD down the road (when you start running out of space) would be cheaper than another system.
I'll get a HD for mine when I need it. My friend is pretty happy with his. Right now I'm using approx 50%.
My wife grabbed GTA for me and I'm firing it up now. It's going to take a little time to install.
Secured my copy, I really like first person mode for combat but kinda suck at driving using it.
One neat thing I noticed, the handbrake button has been changed to the right bumper and the A button is now used to duck while behind the wheel of a car.
Yep. That threw me off. I have recovered my online character from the 360 and I've been having a blast.
Anyone else amazed by how much they improved an already fantastic game? That said, i would have had a hard time justifying picking it up again had it not come packaged with my PS4.
Contradicting my previous post, I'll probably be picking this up if I don't get it for xmas. That being said, I'm still not transferring the online stuff until the majority (or at least a few) join the Xone club.
12/9/14 11:48 a.m.
In reply to 1kris06:
Any word on the first update for the next gen? Its when we are all supposed to get Heists.....
No idea, don't have a xone version yet.
Rockstar has apparently confirmed the update will also have holiday goodies included, so a good guess would be within the month.
12/11/14 11:51 a.m.
In reply to N Sperlo:
In Rockstar's terms, that means 3 years after GTA6 comes out.....