2/3/24 2:15 p.m.
Like the title says - help spend my money!
I need a new GPU for my new computer build.
Current specs/requirements:
- i7-13700k
- Running triple monitors
- Mainly for iRacing
- Future upgrade will be VR Headset
- Prefer AMD but if price/specs are right will go Nvidia
- Priced between $300-500 USD
- Must fit in an O11 Air Mini
- Can buy vertical gpu bracket if needed - will not detract from budget
Hoppps said:
- Mainly for iRacing
- Future upgrade will be VR Headset
- Prefer AMD but if price/specs are right will go Nvidia
iRacing has comparatively poor performance with triples / VR on AMD GPUs. You'll want an nVidia.
In your price range is the 4060 Ti, $450 buys a 16GB version at Micro Center.
*edit* After some further research, the 7800XT is $500 at the top of your budget and might have enough horsepower to overcome the nV advantage in iRacing.
2/5/24 11:09 a.m.
Thanks for the reply! I was looking at those, and saw that I can get a 4070 12tb for around $520.
Do you have an opinion on how the 4060 ti 16gb would be compared to the 4070 12gb?
Hey Hopps. I might be able to help you out. Send me a PM.
2/6/24 12:21 p.m.
FWIW I ended up purchasing a 4070 OC for about $530. From what I saw it should perform very well with iRacing and Forza Horizion, and still be relevant by the time I can get VR.
I'm stoked because the last few times I've built a PC I had a really small budget, so this is the first time I could get decent parts. The GPU probably costs the same as my first core 2 duo build lol
Hoppps said:
FWIW I ended up purchasing a 4070 OC for about $530.
Sorry, I lost track of this thread. I think you made the right choice! I have a 4070 in one of my rigs and it does outstanding.
2/6/24 3:33 p.m.
In reply to red_stapler :
No worries I appreciate your help! I didn't know about iRacing favoring NVIDIA, and then that got me watching a million gamers nexus reviews and such. I'm excited about it!
If you can find a few more $$$ I would go look for a 3080 they should be selling for cheap these days. They had an MSRP of I think $700 and are almost the same performance as the 4070 but about $300 cheaper. The MSRP of the 4070 is close to $1,000
Here is one on Newegg for $500 https://www.newegg.com/p/1FT-000A-00434
Another one on amazon https://www.amazon.com/MSI-GeForce-320-Bit-Architecture-Graphics/dp/B0B4KK7BDW/ref=sr_1_5?crid=AGHBE10EZD6U&keywords=rtx+3080&qid=1707365076&sprefix=rtx+3080%2Caps%2C125&sr=8-5
This is probably the best bang for your $$$ at the moment in your price range.
Here is a test chart at 2K in Atomic Heart. You can see that the 3080 for the $$$ is a darn good card. If you are going to do VR it should be fine. MY son uses VR on a 3070ti with out any issue so the 3080 should be no problem.

dean1484 said:
The MSRP of the 4070 is close to $1,000
MSRP of a 4070 is $600 and OP bought one for $530.
red_stapler said:
dean1484 said:
The MSRP of the 4070 is close to $1,000
MSRP of a 4070 is $600 and OP bought one for $530.
That is good to know. When I looked at them a while back they were still pricey. I was just looking around and see them for $550 now.
So that now looks like the card to get in that price range for sure.
3/6/24 8:58 a.m.
Just an update - I've had my pc running for a couple weeks now. It's amazing! I hopped into iRacing and was able to turn the graphics all the way up - previously had been running lowest of low settings.
I'm at Road Atlanta going up the esses when suddenly I was blinded by the sun! And I thought holy crap, the sun is in this game?! It was such a cool moment to have little details like that pop up. Makes gaming way cooler!
In reply to Hoppps :
The 4070 is what I would have offered you and the price is similar too.