I had pulled this from another thread to generalize the topic. If you want your name added or pulled, let me know. This will make it easier to add or remove any clubs if we want as well. (i.e. rockstar, bungie, etc.)
GRM Handle: Xbox Handle
N Sperlo: N Sperlo
Powar: miatarpowar
SyntheticBlinkerFluid: SBF95
clutchsmoke: Deiuxe
failboat: ratRØ
Xceler8x : Xceler8x
jde: RacerJDE
barrowcadbury: barrowcadbury
3brokenhondas: mrbing85513
psteav: psteav
Conquest351: Conquest351
mndsm: mndsm
Catatafish: Playerdove
yamaha: mtx95sho
Nocones: Nocones
JohnnyT: JohnnyT13
1Kris06: gg1Kris06gg
Richard Nixon: Richard Nixon I
chrispy: ChrispyNick
singleslammer: singleslammer
RoadRaceDart: RoadRaceDart
Racer1ab: drivesideways46
SilverFleet: Silver Fleet
solfly: Solfly73
PseudoSport81: PseudoSport81
Bearded.bird: T1m3lyAssassin
ptmeyer84: ptmeyer84
Flyin Mikey J: Flyin Mikey J
LainfordExpress: LainfordExpress
Jaynen: Jayne
Jerry: rallyxguy
Tom Suddard: GRM TomS
Ckosacranoid: Ckosacranoid
RevRico: RevRico420
Ricky Spanish: deadlychild
TheRX7Project: StayFocused420
Post your Xbox handle and I'll add it to the list above.
Richard Nixon I
I just bought an Xbox One.
I think mine is singleslammer and I am on 360 but currently don't have gold or turn my xbox on regularly.
10/2/14 7:39 p.m.
You're all terrible and I hate you.
Silver Fleet on there, I believe. I just ran out of my Live subscription, but will be renewing soon.
1/13/15 11:06 a.m.
Grizz wrote:
You're all terrible and I hate you.
We invented another new game last night- I call it five star train ride. It started shortly after I expertly vaulted my dubsta 4x4 into a flat car. Yamaha joined me, and we shot at stuff. Its a lot of fun, and nearly impossible to die, unless.you're stupid and crawl on top.of.a box car and get clipped.by a rail.road crossing.
PseudoSport81 = PseudoSport81
I'm not that creative.
XB1 & 360(rarely on 360)
Flyin Mikey J (360/Forza Motorsport 4)
ptmeyer84 (360/Forza4 future XBOX1
Flyin Mikey J wrote:
Flyin Mikey J (360/Forza Motorsport 4)
I posted, but didn't make the list? 
Somehow missed you. My bad!
Not on there: mine is Lainford Express
LainfordExpress wrote:
Not on there: mine is Lainford Express
Looks like it's one word.
11/9/15 9:50 p.m.
Thanks for the link, noob reporting for duty. rallyxguy.