Been reading a bunch about the benefits of wearing hearing protection while riding and i figured its something ill start using while riding.
So, my question to you guys is what to use and how well does it work?
Will the cheapo ones work well? what db rating am i shooting for?
There are lots of ear plugs out there.
These are the only ones that work for me. I wear them when I ride on the highways, and in a heavy industrial environment.

4/7/11 1:55 a.m.
I use the foamies like above or headphones. The rubber ones work well for some folks, but I find it makes clearing my ears a challenge.
It's not the db rating I would look into. It's cancelling the droning noises. Wind noise for example. When I don't have them, it makes me feel like I have been at a concert. Try a couple of different ones and see what works best at cancelling the noise that cause you the most discomfort.
How you wear them is equally important. Try different depths and fittments as well.
Something to be aware of though, many areas regard the wearing of them to be illegal. Cops do on occassion decide to enforce this. Been caught up this way before myself.
Well alot has to do with the brand of helmet you deside to wear....
When i was single and had $$ I wore AGV helmets and could not understand why anyone would need ear plugs..All i could hear was engine sounds, no wind no wissles etc.
Now for lack of funds and ease of sheild replacments i wear an HJC (takes same sheilds as my wifes) dam thing is one hell of a noisy POS.
Everyone i talk to say get an Aria but they do not fit my noggin right.
So i use the tapered foam with the lowest DB rating so i don't block out to much.
I still have my AGV carbon fiber / fiber glass mix helmet wow it still feels so nice but mail ordering sheild is a pain and now it to old too (paint don't match the bike).
I use the foamies like above, not so much for bike or traffic noise, but my Bieffe helmet is very noisy.
Grtechguy wrote:
+ Pandora on the BB. cancels wind noise, gives me music, and I can still hear traffic
Sometimes I listen to motorsport podcasts on my way to work on the bike. Love it!
I use the cheap yellow ones pictured above and they work well for me. The level of noise will also depend on what helmet you wear, of course - open face helmets are pretty much always going to be noisy, and there's even quite a bit of difference in full face helmets.
I've been using these ear plugs for years:

They're Howard Leight Max Lites, work pretty well on bikes and are more comfortable (to me) than the yellow foams ones.
I like to protect what's left of my hearing so I wouldn't really consider riding without them, plus my DOT-legal helmet is pretty noisy. My non-DOT helmet (Schuberth S1) is very quiet so they're not strictly necessary under that helmet. Guess it's my choice what I get ticket for - non-DOT helmet or ear plugs.
foxtrapper wrote:
Something to be aware of though, many areas regard the wearing of them to be illegal. Cops do on occassion decide to enforce this. Been caught up this way before myself.
I did not know that.
I was pulled over (spot check) on the DS once, during a long ride. I told the cop I couldn't hear him, because I was wearing ear plugs. He sent me on my way.
Won't ride without hearing protection, I value my hearing.
I grab whatever foamies they have at work.
BoxheadTim wrote:
I've been using these ear plugs for years:
They're Howard Leight Max Lites, work pretty well on bikes and are more comfortable (to me) than the yellow foams ones.
We have these at work too and i like em for the work enviroment. But sometimes hard to put in my ear. I think its just me haha.
NPR- 30 (decibels)
SNR- 30
Class- A(L)
SLC 80 2.4
Those are the ratings i pulled off the box.
Yeah, they seal well when you insert them right and don't work at all if you don't. Annoys me somewhat as I tend to have to reinsert a couple of times before getting it right occasionally.
I wear form-fitted ear plugs in my Locost - I measured the sound pressure level: doing the speed limit on the highway is 119dB of wind noise.
My helmet must be better than I thought. I notice very little air noise. Having a full fairing and tall windshield helps too, I guess. How can I hear the radio if I got earplugs?
minimac wrote:
My helmet must be better than I thought. I notice very little air noise. Having a full fairing and tall windshield helps too, I guess. How can I hear the radio if I got earplugs?
You'd be surprised what you can hear with ear plugs in. My first few internships required wearing them on the floor, and you can stand next to an 80+ decibel noise making machine and have a fairly civil conversation.
CarKid1989 wrote:
We have these at work too and i like em for the work enviroment. But sometimes hard to put in my ear. I think its just me haha.
I started out with a few pair of the Howard Leight "Max" ear plugs but given they were the highest rated they were difficult to put in. I moved down to the Laser Lite and they are easier to put in and let just a bit more noise sneak past. Haven't tried the Max Lites yet. Amazon usually has a box of 200 count for around $20.

I generally wear my plugs / earphones made by Big Ear
They were pricey, but I've been using them for a few years now, and they are fantastic. I put them in for longer rides, and I use them when I fly. (crying babies don't bother me!) The earphones have very good sound too.
asterisk wrote:
CarKid1989 wrote:
We have these at work too and i like em for the work enviroment. But sometimes hard to put in my ear. I think its just me haha.
I started out with a few pair of the Howard Leight "Max" ear plugs but given they were the highest rated they were difficult to put in. I moved down to the Laser Lite and they are easier to put in and let just a bit more noise sneak past. Haven't tried the Max Lites yet. Amazon usually has a box of 200 count for around $20.
I've occasionally used the Laser Lites as well - I don't think you'll notice any difference in noise suppression with the Max Lites.
Rode today half with ear plugs and half without them. There is a HUGE difference and honestly i preferred to ride with them. Could still hear everything and it was less "white" noise to filter out. As i sit and type i feel great, not tired and my ears do not ring so i think i was converted.
Earplugs FTW
4/12/11 8:54 a.m.
Glad to hear.
When you are 40 you'll be glad.
It's a bit scary watching you hearing deteriorate from year to year. Hearing protection just wasn't done when I was a kid and it's a habit I have had to learn. Espcially when I start firing up power/pneumatic tools
New Reader
4/12/11 3:18 p.m.
I am only 28 and I have been noticing more and more tinnitus for the last few years. It is actually affecting my life now in that I cannot hear a conversation with more than very mild background noise.
I have both a Miata and a moto, so I get hit with a double whammy, but for the last couple of years I have taken to wearing plugs whenever I am going to be on the highway for more than 10 minutes in both. It won't reverse the damage, but it will help keep it from getting worse and I feel less exhausted after a long day of driving/riding when I have them in.
As for specific brand/type: I just wear whatever I snag for free/cheap that is offered here at work (industrial site), and usually it is the Howard Leight MAX plugs (NRR 33, SNR 37). In fact I usually carry spares to let friends try them as well (never re-use between people though).
4/12/11 10:28 p.m.
I ride with either earplugs or headphones and my ipod on long highway trips. The earplugs I use are Hearos and they work great.

I've got the same brand from the drug store.
the plastic case is nice to have i keep it in my left breast pocket in my Cortec jacket so i've allways got a pair.
Those are 33db i think mine are 29 or 30db.
Try diffrent ones untill you find a ballance you can live with.