$1200 is a pretty big jump from $3000. 40% increase in price. There's gonna be a floor at which labor/tooling/transport, etc is going to make smaller bike less cost effective than slightly larger bikes. I'd say the Grom hasn't hit it yet, but its getting close.
Stopped by my local dealer to inquire about Grom. Not until sept here. I nearly rode out on a 2 mile 2012 ninja 250 for 3600 though..
In reply to nocones:
Sounds like they are dealing on them now that the Ninja 300 is out.
I like the Grom, but I like this better:

Honda Cross Cub
Too bad it likely isn't destined for our shores.
6/24/13 8:49 p.m.
I nearly put a deposit on a Grom the day it was announced. I decided to hold off and see it in person before I buy one. I'm all about small displacement scooters and bikes - I absolutely loved the Zuma 125 I used to have. This is less practical than a Zuma, but will get better fuel economy and should be more fun to ride. My commute is only a few miles round trip that hits 40mph at most. This is perfect for me.