Hey guys,
In my attempt to clean up the garage,and house I have found my wife's motorcycle helmet from when I had a bike many years ago. It was a brand new Arai black helmet,and I think she maybe wore a dozen times tops. It is still in the clothe bag it came with,and is in great shape. The only thing is the build date on it is 10/96,and I am sure it is way past what people would consider safe. But why is it they "go bad" when it has been in a garage in a bag for many years,and not worn regularly? Should I just chuck it as it isn't safe anymore? That seems silly,and a waste of resources. I didn't even lok at the helmet I used to wear as I am sure it is even older,and is a bit scratched up,and such. Help me out I don't understand helmet dates.
Helmets don't go bad.
It should be perfectly safe to use.
Much like a harness, it only matters if a Safety Tech looks at the date. I'd rock it.
6/11/10 11:31 a.m.
Helmets are dated because the component materials undergo changes over time. Soft foams can dry rot and crumble, styrofoams can become harder or brittle, adhesives outgas and lose their ability to hold everything together. You end up with a helmet that looks the same but can be very different from what you started with.
But it's only your head...
Styrofoam.....bad for the environment because it doesn't break down....what do you think is in your helmet?
If helmets didn't go bad, then why bother dating them?
They sure do go bad, ozone will cause the foam to breakdown, as will solvents in your garage (never put your helmet on your tank over the gas filler). Just because you can still see it, dosn't mean that it is still going to work as intended.
My head - no thanks. Yours? You make the call.
I'm pretty sure it was the Snell foundation that tested the effects of age on helmets, and found that they do not deteriorate over time.
I'll try to find the article.
I don't plan on using it or having my wife use it,but I was concerned if I tried to sell it that it will be worthless. Is a helmet like I described worth anything?
6/12/10 7:15 p.m.
Helmets go bad. The foam deteriorates over time with exposure to the atmosphere. It should not be worn for safety.
At this point it's probably not worth much. Hang onto it for 20 years and it'll be an oddball collector's item.
It's not even exposure to the atmosphere - the catalyst used to turn the foam material from a liquid into a solid foam continues to work in the foam after it's set, just at a slower pace. This makes the foam get harder and less able to absorb impacts.
6/14/10 11:06 a.m.
^^ Dude has a beaker in his avatar, so I'll defer to him on the chemistry.
All I know is: helmets have a 5 year lifespan for my head. Your priorities may vary.
6/14/10 2:09 p.m.
I'd pimp it as a Auto X only bucket. But no way I'd wear one on the bike.
New Reader
6/14/10 4:19 p.m.
I find that the no-helmet crowd readily takes any helmet off my hands. They need to wear them when travelling in helmet laws states (which is stating the obvious), but they don't like to invest very much money in quality headgear. Anything with a DOT sticker works for them.
I upgrade about every five years, or one use, whichever comes first. Thankfully time tends to come before the one use most cases.
Helmets go bad. Sorry. That said, sell it cheap, someone will want it because "the commies in power tell me that I have to wear a helmet, but they can't tell me how much I have to spend." Darwinism FTW.
Nylon chin straps deteriorate, foam breaks down and hardens, fibreglass delaminates and weakens, etc.
All of which are probably a non-issue with this helmet because of how it has been stored.
The catch? If you're wrong you will only find out at the worse possible moment.
Myself, I would use the helmet. Plenty would disagree with me, and I wouldn't argue with them over it.